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High resolution CBV assessment with PEAK-EPI and PS-SPIRiT-EPI
Rebecca Ramb1, Anthony G. Christodoulou2,3, Irina Mader4, Maxim Zaitsev1, Zhi-Pei Liang2, and Jürgen Hennig1

1University Medical Center Freiburg, Dept. of Radiology - Medical Physics, Freiburg, Germany, 2Beckman Institute, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 3Heart Institute and Biomedical Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 4University Medical Center Freiburg, Dept. of Neuroradiology - Freiburg Brain Imaging, Freiburg, Germany


This work is to provide perfusion parameters such as cerebral blood volume at high spatial resolution, for detailed delineation of tumor borders and to guide stereotactic surgery biopsies in locating the most aggressive tumorous tissue. This is achieved with an k-t-undersampled EPI acquisition and PEAK-GRAPPA reconstruction. Additionally, an advanced iterative reconstruction method is developed incorporating partial separability constraint into parallel imaging with SPIRiT kernels (PS-SPIRiT). Two half-dose first-pass perfusion acquisitions in tumor patients allow direct comparison of the standard clinical protocol with the proposed acquisition and reconstruction schemes.


For histological estimation of brain tumors, it is essential to identify the most aggressive tumor areas for sampling1. Whereas high resolution anatomical MR images are available, assessment of functional indicators like cerebral blood volume (CBV) is usually restricted to low spatial resolutions due to a trade-off between temporal resolution and quantification fidelity. This work aims at performing cerebral perfusion acquisitions with high spatial resolution without sacrificing temporal resolution. This is achieved using PEAK-EPI2,3 and by employing a new reconstruction technique: PS-SPIRiT.


Dynamic-susceptibility-weighted imaging of cerebral perfusion, incorporating peripherarily injected gadoteridol tracer, is performed based on k-t-undersampled EPI acquisitions with inplace Nyquist-sampled ACS data and PEAK-GRAPPA4 reconstruction. Further, a new reconstruction method that integrates temporal basis functions (derived based on the partial separability5,6 of (k,t)-space data) with parallel imaging (employing SPIRiT7,8) is evaluated.

Two repeated half-dose first-pass bolus perfusion acquisitions were performed (acquisition parameters in Fig. 1) in six patients (only two shown) with different diagnostic backgrounds on a 3T clinical scanner (Tim TRIO, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany): 1. a standard clinical EPI protocol and 2. PEAK-EPI at reduction factor R=5 with our in-house developed (PEAK-)EPI sequence2,3. With PEAK-EPI, a nominal spatial resolution of 1.4 mm was achieved, as opposed to a nominal resolution of 1.8 mm in the standard measurement.

The further proposed PS-SPIRiT reconstruction was achieved based on solving the following inverse problem for the unknown image weights UCNxNy×L and given the sampled data dCNx(Ny/R)NtNc:


where \hat{V}\in\mathbb{C}^{L\times{N_t}} and \mathbf{\hat{G}} refer to the a priori determined temporal basis functions and SPIRiT-reconstruction operator, both estimated from the Nyquist-sampled ACS data at full temporal resolution. The operators \mathbf{F} and \mathbf{\Omega} denote the coil-wise Fourier transform and undersampling mask, respectively. The subspace dimension was restricted to L=8 and R(U) was chosen to promote spatial-spectral sparsity,~e.g.9.

The standard EPI was additionally reconstructed offline with POCS10 to account for Partial-Fourier-sampling. CBV maps were derived off-line and re-scaled to \left[0,1\right] for depiction with a common threshold in case of PEAK-, PS-SPIRiT- and POCS-EPI. The first two were further compared in terms of tSNR, average temporal evolution and correlation of relative CBV values.


Figure~2 and~3 demonstrate the improved spatial resolution for PEAK-EPI acquisitions with PEAK-GRAPPA and PS-SPIRiT reconstruction. Fine capillary structures - whose composition yield a marker of tumor growth - and prominent veins draining into the left ventricle are much better distinguishable in the proposed acquisition as compared to the standard protocol (Fig.~2). Due to the better spatial resolution in the PEAK-EPI acquisition, the small lesion in the cingulate cortex as shown in Fig.~3 is easier to distinguish from the vessels of the anterior interhemispheric fissure than in standard EPI. The high resolution CBV maps further exhibit finer gradations of CBV within the tumorous area. As further demonstrated in Fig.~3, the PEAK-EPI measurement is less affected by susceptibility artifacts due to the reduced readout length (white oval). Comparison between PEAK- and PS-SPIRiT-EPI indicate a slightly better tSNR for the latter (Fig.~4) and correlated CBV values with higher -~yet relative~- values for PS-SPIRiT-EPI (Fig.~5). However, only one case is regarded in the comparison.


The achieved echo train length reduction and faster k-space traversal mitigates distortion and susceptibility artifacts, while facilitating an increase of spatial resolution without sacrificing temporal resolution. In the Cartesian acquisition scenarios used in our method, this was achieved in both, PEAK-EPI with PEAK-GRAPPA reconstruction as well as with the new PS-SPIRiT reconstruction. High resolution information is substantial in angiogenesis assessment. When comparing relative CBV values emulating equivalent windowing, the additional information provided by the high resolution CBV maps is clearly visible.

The flexible PS approach allows for various undersampling patterns, which were not assessed here. Next steps therefore comprise further analysis of the optimal parameters for PS-SPIRiT and to explore more complex undersampling scenarios, potentially enabling higher reduction factors. Currently, a static SPIRiT-kernel was employed which will be extended to dynamic SPIRiT-kernels in further experiments.

The presented scenarios can be readily applied in multi-echo acquisitions, e.g.11, where either the higher reduction factor can be used to increase the echo train length or SNR can be improved with the same reduction due to PEAK-GRAPPA12. Our methods can be readily combined with multiband-EPI13,14,15 to further increase temporal resolution of the measurement.


The high resolution CBV maps obtained with PEAK-EPI acquisition and the two presented reconstructions facilitate detailed delineation of tumor borders and provide a more precise location of the most aggressive areas in tumorous tissue. Therefore, PEAK-EPI provides high resolution functional information ready to assist more precise grading of tumors in stereotactic surgery biopsies.


We thank Ralf Deichmann for sharing his FLASH-EPI sequence which served as a basis for the sequence development and the German Research Foundation (DFG), grant JU2876/4-1.


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Table of parameters for each half-dose first-pass perfusion acquisition: 1. standard clinical EPI protocol, 2. PEAK-EPI with inplace ACS and reduction factor R=5. For the latter, a higher spatial resolution was achieved, as well as a higher number of slices with a reduced readout length per excitation.

Images during bolus passage and CBV maps for the standard protocol (a,f) vendor's platform and (b,g) with POCS reconstruction, as well as for the PEAK-EPI acquisition and (c,h) PEAK-GRAPPA or (d,i) PS-SPIRiT reconstruction are depicted. Also shown are (e) a T1-weighted and (j) a FLAIR reference. In the left temporal glioma, prominent veins draining into the left ventricle (white arrows and oval) and a small artery in a sulcus on the right (red arrows) are better to distinguish in (c,d,h,i).

Reconstructed images during bolus passage and CBV maps for a patient with a multifocal glioblastoma multiforme (solid and dotted arrows) are shown for (a,e) the standard EPI measurement with vendor's reconstruction and for the PEAK-EPI acquisition with (b,f) PEAK-GRAPPA and (c,g) PS-SPIRiT. Additional reference images, i.e. (d) T1-weighted and (h) FLAIR image, are provided. The CBV of the tumor part in the left anterior cingulum (solid arrow) is better to delineate in (f) and (g).

tSNR values estimated over the last 20 time frames for each pixel for the respective slice shown in Figure 3. Depicted are the results for (a) PEAK-EPI with PEAK-GRAPPA reconstruction and (b) the same PEAK-EPI acquisition, but with the proposed PS-SPIRiT reconstruction (PS-SPIRiT-EPI).

Comparisons between PEAK-GRAPPA and PS-SPIRiT derived for the same data set and for the respective slice shown in Figure 3. The region-of-interest (ROI) was derived as indicated in the depicted T1w-reference acquisition. Analyses then comprise (a) average temporal evolution of signal magnitudes illustrating bolus arrival and flush through and (b) correlation between CBV values within the ROI for both methods. High correlation between both reconstructions at relative CBV values is found.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)