Zhitao Li1, Benjamin Paul Berman2, Jean-Philippe Galons3, Ali Bilgin4,5, Maria I. Altbach3, and Diego R. Martin3
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 2Program in Applied Mathematics, the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 3Department of Medical Imaging, the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 4Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 5Biomedical Engineering, the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States
A golden angle radial steady-state free-precession technique and a principle component based iterative algorithm are developed for the reconstruction of high resolution T1 maps from highly undersampled data. The total acquisition time is < 3 seconds per slice.Introduction
Quantitative measurement of relaxation parameters is
becoming part of routine clinical scans. To comply with clinical constraints, fast high-resolution T1 mapping techniques are needed. To
address this need, techniques such as DESPOT1/T2 [1] and MR
Fingerprinting [2] were proposed. Techniques that
take advantage of parallel imaging and sparsity have also been
proposed. In [3], a Compressed Sensing (CS) based dictionary method
for T1 and T2 mapping was introduced. [4] proposed a novel CS
based regularization strategy by exploiting signal
smoothness along the parametric dimension. Huang et al. proposed
model-based methods [5][6] to obtain high-resolution T2 maps from
highly undersampled radial fast spin-echo data. In this work, we
propose a rapid T1 mapping framework inspired by [5]. The method is based on golden angle radial Inversion-Recovery (IR)
steady-state free-precession
data acquisition followed by a model-based CS reconstruction that
enforces temporal sparsity using a linearized principal components
(PCs) model of T1 recovery curves. The proposed method can acquire
high resolution T1 maps in less than 3 seconds per slice.
Data are continuously acquired with a SSFP pulse
sequence following a 180 degree inversion pulse
(Figure 1). The data are divided into groups with N
lines/group and the inversion time (TI) of each group is approximated
with the average TI of the lines in the group. Since all
data are acquired within the recovery time of one inversion pulse,
the total imaging time per slice is very short (e.g. <3s). We use a PC-based iterative
reconstruction to solve the following problem:
ˆM=argminMTIs∑j=1||Fj(S(MBj))−Kj||22+λ1TV(M) (1)
Eq. 1, Fj
represents the NUFFT operator for the jth TI period, S denotes the
coil sensitivity maps, M represents the PC coefficient maps, Bj
is the precomputed truncated PC basis for T1 recovery, Kj
is the k-space data at each TI, TV is the total variation operator on
the PC images, λ1
is the regularization parameter. Once the PC coefficients
reconstructed, the TI images can be recovered by using Ij=ˆMBj,
which can then be used to generate T1 maps using the method described
in [7].
radial IR-SSFP pulse sequence was implemented on
a Siemens 3T Skyra scanner. A phantom consisting of 4 tubes of
agar with different concentrations of NiCl2
was prepared (Table
1). Phantom data were acquired using a 32-element head-and-neck coil
with FOV=28cm, matrix size=256x256, TE=1.81ms, TR=3.61ms, TI to the
first excitation=54.5ms. An additional experiment to obtain
fully-sampled reference data was also carried out. The fully sampled
scan consisted of 402 IR-SSFP acquisition units with 256 TRs per
unit. The time between IR-SSFP units was 6s. The experiment yielded
256 individual TI images and each TI image was reconstructed from 402
radial views with 256 points per view.
and fully sampled in vivo brain data from a normal volunteer were
acquired using the same imaging parameters as the phantom.
Undersampled abdominal data were acquired using a 32-element body
coil with FOV=35cm, matrix size=256x256, TE=1.85ms, TR=3.70ms. As a
comparison, an abdominal T1 map was acquired using MOLLI[8] with
matrix size of 256x256. We also acquired a higher resolution brain
and liver data set with a matrix size of 320x320. This higher
resolution setting slightly increased TE and TR, that increased scan
time to 2.4s and 2.9s for the abdominal and brain scan respectively.
In all our experiments the lines per TI image N was chosen to be 16.
Results and Discussion
1 compares the T1 values obtained from highly undersampled data (16
lines/TI) to fully sampled data (402
lines/TI). Note that the T1s obtained from
highly undersampled data match the T1 values from the fully sampled
acquisition. A similar observation can also be made on the brain
data (Figure 2). Even at this high rate
of acceleration, the spatial details in the brain are well preserved.
3 shows a T1 map from the proposed method, together with a T1 map
from MOLLI [8]. An ROI analysis was performed on to
compare average T1 values in the liver. The average T1 values in the
ROIs were 860ms and 859ms, for the proposed method and MOLLI,
4 shows high-resolution T1 maps for brain and abdominal scans. The
brain data has an in-plane resolution=0.78mm and was acquired in
2.9s. The abdominal data has in-plane resolution of 1.0mm and was
acquired in 2.4s.
We have proposed a fast T1
mapping method using highly accelerated radial steady-state
free-precession sequence and a linearized model-based CS
reconstruction. With our proposed method, a high resolution T1 map
can be obtained from data acquired in less than 3 seconds.
No acknowledgement found.References
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