White matter injury is considered as a major
contributory factor of treatment-induced neurotoxicity prevalent among
childhood cancer survivors. DTI study with TBSS analysis shows significantly lower FA, λ//
and higher λ⊥ in survivors compared to controls. DTI indices show unmatched
white matter regions with significant difference. In comparison
of FA, λ//
may be more sensitive to detect white matter injury. Combining analysis of DTI indices provide
additional information to explore white matter injury induced by radiotherapy
or chemotherapy. PURPOSE
White matter (WM) injury is considered as a major contributory
factor of treatment-induced neurotoxicity prevalent among childhood cancer
survivors who have undergone whole brain irradiation or
chemotherapy (1). The identification of imaging
markers of WM neurotoxicity
associated to the brain tumor and its treatment is necessary to modify
treatment strategies that may prevent or minimize brain injury. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can be used to
characterize microstructural changes in WM and the underlying pathology ; for example, decreased
// reflects axonal degeneration (2) whereas increased radial diffusivity (λ
⊥) was related to myelin damage. In this study, we aim
to investigate the DTI measurement of white matter injury of childhood cancer survivors using
Tract-based spatial
statistics (TBSS) (3,4) analysis.
Participants: Twenty-seven adult survivors of childhood brain
tumors and twenty-six demographically matched healthy controls (mean age: 22.7
± 4.5 vs. 22.9 ± 4.3, p>0.05) were enrolled in the study. Among the survivor group, the average age
of diagnosis was 9.0±5.1 years old, and the average time between diagnosis and
testing was 13.7±5.4 years. Survivors had tumors located in posterior fossa (n=21),
temporal lobe (n=2), occipital lobe (n=1), hypothalamus (n=1) or third
ventricle (n=2). Fourteen survivors were received radiotherapy (RT) with median
radiation dose of 5400 cGY (range: 5040–5940 cGy). The control group (n = 27)
consisted of age- and gender-matched neurotypical-control participants. The
study was approved by the Institutional Review Board.
MRI Data Acquisition: Anatomical MRI and DTI were performed
on all participants using a 3T MRI scanner (Siemens Tim/Trio) and a 12-channel
head coil. T1 weighted images (T1WI) were performed with TR/TE = 2250/3.98
ms, degree of flip angle = 9, inversion time = 850 ms, slice thickness = 1 mm,
FOV =256 mm
2 and matrix of 256× 256.
DTI were acquired by using single-shot spin EPI sequence with 30 gradient
directions. The images were acquired with TR/TE = 7700/90 ms, flip angle =
90°, slice thickness=2mm, FOV=256mm
2, b-values =0 or 1,000 s/mm
Data Processing and Analysis: DTI were processed and analyzed using the
FMRIB Software (FSL, 5.0.1, Oxford University, UK). TBSS was used to find
differences in FA, axial diffusivity (λ
//) and radial diffusivity (λ
⊥) between survivors and controls throughout the white
matter. A statistical threshold-free cluster enhancement (TFCE) analysis was
implemented from randomize with a cluster P < 0.05 (with Family
Wise Error Correction). The white matter tracts were smoothed with a 3 mm
Gaussian kernel, while maintaining the maximum statistic values and limiting
the extent of the spread to voxels in the white matter (defined as FA >
0.2). Then, specific ROIs were created using the mask of the clustered voxels
to perform quantitative analyses of FA values for individual participants.
Significant regions were defined by a cluster of voxels (n > 100).
TBSS analysis indicates significant changes of FA, λ
and λ
⊥ in survivors compared to controls
in some major brain structures. Specifically,
FA and λ
// were significantly lower in white matter tracts of
survivor group (orange and red area) (Figure 1). In contrast, significantly
higher λ
⊥ was found in survivor’s white
matter tracts (blue area) (Figure 1). (2) ROI analysis showed lower FA in
survivors was found in the anterior corpus callosum, bilateral frontal medial,
frontal pole, and middle temporal regions, also the left superior frontal,
right inferior frontal and right frontal orbital regions. However, a broad
range of white matter tracts injury was revealed by λ
// including
external and internal capsule (1.16±0.20 vs.1.40±0.17 μm
p<0.05) cortical spinal tract (1.39 ± 0.13 vs. 1.43 ± 0.25 μm
p<0.05). In regarding of λ⊥, only frontal pole and whole corpus
callosum show significantly higher values (0.779 ± 0.068 vs 0.877± 0.054 μm
p<0.01) (Figure 2).
Discussion and conclusion
While previous studies
have shown that WM damage occurs in brain tumor patients treated with radiation
and chemotherapy and reduction of FA can be used to measure the WM changes in
this population, the current study demonstrated that λ
// is
more sensitive than FA to detect microstructure changes in white matter (2) Since decreased λ
// is considered to
be associated to the axonal degeneration and increased λ
⊥ is related to myelin damage, white matter
injury in childhood
cancer survivors may mostly involve in diffuse axonal degeneration. On
the other hand, the myelin damage appears to be localized in corpus callosum. Although
pathological evaluations are needed to correlate the DTI findings, our results indicate that combining analysis of FA, λ
and λ
⊥ provides more sensitive and
specific diagnostic information to assess white matter injury in the adult
survivors of childhood brain tumors.
This research was supported in part by a Research Scholar Grant from the American Cancer Society to TZK (#RSGPB-CPPB-114044) and a research grant from National Cancer Institute to HM (5R01 CA169937-01A1).References
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