Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is robustly associated with striatal abnormalities in childhood, though results in adults have been less definitive. Whilst this may reflect maturational normalisation, studies in adults have also typically been smaller. To enhance sensitivity to such changes we employ VBM analysis to MT saturation maps in adult ADHD, which have been shown to enhance localisation and segmentation of subcortical structures. In comparing these results to VBM analysis performed with T1 images in the same subjects, we show that MT-VBM is sensitive to striatal morphometric alterations that are not detected using T1-VBM.Purpose
abnormalities of subcortical structures, and in particular the striatum, have
been robustly observed in childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
1 Whole-brain
analyses in adults have, however, been less consistent.
1-6 Although it has
been suggested that this may reflect a reduced severity of these abnormalities
in adulthood, this may also reflect reduced statistical power in typically
smaller adult samples. Indeed, ROI analyses have revealed striatal
abnormalities in adults not detected using whole brain methods,
3,4 though such
approaches preclude assumption-free whole brain mapping of abnormalities. In
lieu of large scale databases dedicated to morphometric assessment of adult
ADHD, enhancing accuracy of whole brain morphometric imaging techniques is
therefore essential to address these issues. Magnetisation transfer (MT)
saturation maps have enhanced subcortical contrast compared to T1 images typically
used in morphometric analyses, yielding more accurate automated segmentation of
subcortical structures.
6 To investigate
whether these advancements translated into enhanced sensitivity to morphometric
abnormalities in ADHD, we compare results from typical VBM analyses using MT
saturation maps and T1 weighted volumes in the same group of subjects.
Thirty patients with ADHD, and 30 age, IQ, gender
and handedness matched controls were scanned using a 1.5T Siemens Avanto
scanner’s body coil is used for RF transmission, and a 32-channel head coil for
NMR signal reception. MT maps were calculated from a multi-parameter protocol
adapted from a 3D multi-echo fast low angle shot (FLASH) sequence.6 Three
co-localised 3D multi-echo flash sequences were acquired in the sagittal plane:
Proton density (TR: 24, TE: 2.51 to 21.9ms (eight equidistant bipolar echoes
collected), flip angle (α): 6°, 1.25mm3 resolution (FOV: 240x217.5mm2,
144 partitions), T1 (TR: 19, TE: 2.51 to 10.82ms (four equidistant bipolar
echoes collected), α: 20°, 1.25mm3 resolution) and MT weighted
volumes (TR: 30, TE: 2.51 to 10.82ms, α: 12°, MT contrast on, 1.25x1x1mm3 resolution). T1 weighted images were acquired in the axial plane with an isotropic
voxel resolution of 1mm3 (FOV: 256x240mm2, 192
partitions), with a TR of 27.3 ms, TE of 3.57ms and a flip angle of 7°.
Both datasets were
processed identically: T1 volumes and MT saturation maps were segmented using the VBM8 toolbox
in SPM8, before smoothing with a 5mm3 Gaussian kernel. Group comparisons
were performed according to the General Linear Model (GLM), controlling for
age, total intracranial volumes (derived separately for each modality), and
Beck’s Depression Inventory and State and Trait Anxiety Index scores which
significantly differed between the groups. Analyses were thresholded at p < 0.001 uncorrected, with surviving
clusters thresholded at p < 0.05
corrected for False Discovery Rate (FDR).
MT saturation maps revealed clear volumetric
reductions in the right inferior parietal lobule and ventral striatum in ADHD.
Contrastingly, whilst T1 VBM was able to detect the same parietal differences,
differences in the ventral striatum were not detected even at more relaxed
statistical thresholds. T1 VBM results did however indicate thalamic volumetric
reductions in the ADHD group that were not detectable using MT VBM.
Whilst T1 and MT saturation maps reveal similar
parietal volumetric reductions, MT saturation maps are sensitive to striatal
abnormalities that are not detectable in T1 weighted volumes in the same
subjects. These results are in line with findings from childhood ADHD and
therefore suggest an improved sensitivity of MT saturation maps to subcortical
changes. The findings of reduced thalamic volume using T1-weighted images without a corresponding result in MT saturation maps is more difficult to
interpret, as previous assessments of MT saturation maps have reported reduced
GM probability in the thalamic subregions we observe, suggesting that this
likely reflects partial volume effects with the internal medullary lamina.6 Further work needed to determine whether these
reflect genuine grey or white matter differences between the two groups. These
findings urge interpretative caution in the absence of evidence using
traditional VBM analyses, and make a case for the inclusion of multi-parameter maps
in research protocols, particularly in disorders with known or hypothesised
subcortical components.
No acknowledgement found.References
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