Rachel D. Freed1, Barbara J. Coffey1, Xiangling Mao2, Guoxin Kang2, Nora Weiduschat2, Dikoma C. Shungu2, and Vilma Gabbay1
1Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 2Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY, United States
acid (GABA), the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous
system, may play a role in the pathophysiology of Tourette’s disorder (TD). We
used 1H MRS to measure GABA in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
and striatum of adolescents with TD and healthy controls (HC). Adolescents with TD had lower GABA spectra in the ACC
than HC, suggesting a role for dysregulated ACC neurotransmitter
function. Within the TD group, ACC GABA was
positively associated with tic severity, potentially related to attempts
at regulating or suppressing tics. Findings provide evidence for dysfunction of
the central GABAergic system in TD.Purpose
lines of evidence derived from genetic
1, postmortem
2, and
3 studies implicate γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major
inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, in the
pathophysiology of Tourette's Syndrome (TD), an inherited neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood onset characterized by multiple motor tics and at least
one vocal tic. In addition, two studies have examined in vivo
concentrations of brain GABA in TD, with findings showing: 1) decreased GABA in
the right sensorimotor cortex of children with TD
4; and 2) elevated GABA
within the supplementary motor area in adolescents with TD
5. Continued examination of the role of GABA in
TD holds merit for improving our understanding of the neurobiology of TD and
informing treatment. Toward this end, the
present study used
1H MRS to measure GABA levels in two brain
regions that have been strongly implicated in TD
2, the anterior
cingulate cortex (ACC)
(Fig. 1A) and the
(Fig. 1B), for adolescents with TD and
healthy controls (HC). Based on prior preclinical data, we hypothesized that
adolescents with TD would have significantly lower ACC and striatal GABA than HC.
We further explored associations between GABA concentrations and tic severity,
expecting that greater severity would be associated with lower GABA levels.
A. Patient Population.
We enrolled 17 psychotropic medication-free adolescents with TD and 36 HC, ages
12-21. TD diagnoses were established with the Schedule for Affective Disorders
and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children (K-SADS), administered by
child and adolescent psychiatrists with expertise in TD. The Yale Global Tic
Severity Scale (YGTSS) evaluated tic severity.
B. In Vivo Brain GABA Measurements by 1H MRS. All in vivo brain
GABA spectra were recorded in 15 min. from single 2.5x2.5x3.0-cm3
ACC and 1.5x2.0x3.0-cm3 striatal voxels on a GE 3.0 T MR system,
using the standard J-edited spin echo difference method and an 8-channel
phased-array head coil with TE/TR 68/1500 ms and 290 interleaved excitations (580
total). Fig. 1 illustrates the editing method
and the resulting difference spectrum, which includes a co-edited
glutamate+glutamine (Glx) resonance. The areas under the GABA and Glx peaks were
obtained by frequency-domain spectral fitting (Fig. 1D)
and expressed as ratios relative to the area of simultaneously acquired
unsuppressed voxel tissue water (W) peak.
C. Statistical Methods. Analysis of covariance compared TD and HC
participants on mean levels of GABA relative to unsuppressed voxel tissue water
(GABA/W), controlling for demographic variables that showed group differences
(e.g., sex, ethnicity). The associations of GABA/W with tic severity were
assessed using correlational analyses.
We obtained ACC GABA spectra in 15 TD
participants and 36 HC and striatal GABA spectra in 15 TD participants and 16
HC. As shown in
Fig. 2,
ACC GABA/W was lower (
F = 5.10,
p = .03) in TD participants (.00254 ± .00039) than in HC
(.00285 ± .00044) Moreover, ACC GABA/W was positively correlated with total tic
severity (r = .55, p =
.05). For striatal GABA/W, there were no significant group differences (TD =
.00363 ± .00039 versus HC = .00388 ± .00045;
= 2.44,
p = .13), nor was striatal GABA/W
significantly associated with tic severity.
As hypothesized, GABA
spectra in the ACC was lower in individuals with TD than healthy comparisons.
However, there were no group differences in striatal GABA spectra. Within the
TD group, there was relationship between tic severity and ACC GABA spectra (but
not striatal GABA), but this association was in the opposite direction as
expected. These findings could potentially reflect
incorporation of compensatory mechanisms in the ACC (a region associated with
more “top-down” cognitive control) to regulate or suppress tics.
Our finding of lower GABA in adolescent TD is
consistent with a pathophysiological role for dysregulated ACC neurotransmitter
function, and provides further evidence for possible dysfunction of the central
GABAergic system in TD. Further research is needed to elucidate GABA’s role and
mechanisms of action in various components of the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical
circuit, as well as the ways in which these systems may be affected by
compensatory mechanisms.
This work was funded by a grant from the Tourette Association of America (formally, Tourette Syndrome Association).References
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