Magnetic resonance spectroscopy reveals oral lactobacillus promotion of increases in brain GABA, N-acetyl aspartate and glutamate
Rafal Janik1, Lynsie A.M. Thomason2, and Greg J. Stanisz1,2,3

1Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Department of Nerurosurgery and Pediatric Neurosurgery, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland


We previously have demonstrated that administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (JB-1) to healthy male BALB/c mice, promotes consistent changes in GABA-A and -B receptor subtypes in specific brain regions, accompanied by reductions in anxiety and depression-related behaviours. In the present study, using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), we quantitatively assessed two clinically validated biomarkers of brain activity and function, glutamate + glutamine (Glx) and total N-acetyl aspartate + N-acetylaspartylglutamic acid (tNAA), as well as GABA, the chief brain inhibitory neurotransmitter.


A recent surge of research revealed that there exist links between the gut microbiome and the central nervous system (microbiome-gut-brain axis). A recent surge of research has revealed that there are links between the gut microbiome and the central nervous system ("microbiome-gut-brain axis"). Changes in gut microbiota have been shown to alter mental well-being and potentially even have an impact on neurodegenerative diseases such Parkinson's disease [1, 2] and Alzheimer's disease [3]. Further connections have been demonstrated in germ-free mice, which exhibit altered brain synaptic [4]. Additionally, the administration of the probiotic L. rhamnosus (JB-1) to normal mice over the course of 28 days has resulted in changes in the chief inhibitory neurotransmitter, γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor subtypes, which are accompanied by the presentation of anxiolytic behaviours [5]. These research efforts highlight the important role of the gut microbiome in the bi-directional communication of the gut-brain axis which appears to be mediated by the vagus nerve. Despite the lack of understanding of the underlying mechanism of interaction there exists the potential for using probiotics as therapeutic adjuncts in major depressive disorders. This study focuses on the development and application of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for the tracking of neuro-chemical changes associated with probiotic bacteria exposure in animal models.


Experiments were carried out in twenty 28 adult male BALB/c mice (Charles River, Wilmington MA) weighing 25–35 g. Mice were gavaged with 200mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) - control group, n=14, or with 200mL of re-suspended L. rhamnosus (JB-1), 1 × 109 cfu (JB-1, group n=14) daily. Treatment with JB-1 lasted 4 weeks. MRS (single voxel) was performed for all animals before the start of gavaging (week 0), during JB-1 exposure (weeks 1, 2, 3, 4 for n=11, 6 control and 5 JB-1 treated and weeks 2, 4 and 8 for n=17, 8 control and 9 JB-1 treated). Proton MRS spectra were acquired for each animal over the region of interest using point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS). The following sequence parameters were: (repetition time/echo time=2500/17.5ms, number of transients=512, bandwidth=3000Hz, data points= 4096). The water signal was suppressed using eight variable power RF pulses with optimized relaxation delays (VAPOUR). VAPOUR inter-pulse delays and pulse amplitudes were optimized manually for each animal to achieve optimal water suppression. Additional non water suppressed spectra were acquired to allow for the normalization of neuro-metabolite concentrations to the concentration of in vivo brain water.


ROI and representative spectra are shown in Fig. 1. Statistically significant (p<0.01) changes in concentrations of GABA, glutamate/glutamine and NAA were observed four weeks after the start of treatment in the hippocampus of mice treated with the probiotic (Fig.2). Anatomical scan could only be collected in sixteen animals and showed no change in the volume of the hippocampus with exposure to probiotic (Fig. 3). Glutamate and NAA levels remained elevated 2 weeks after the end of treatment despite the bacteria being non-colonizing. GABA levels returned to baseline levels. Glutamate concentration levels measure by ex-vivo ELISA correlated with in-vivo measurements (P<0.05, R=0.77). This initial experiment demonstrates that there appears to be an effect on neuro-transmitter levels resulting from probiotic exposure and that the effect size is large enough to be observed using MRS.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Bercik P, et. al. Gastroenterology 2010;139(6):2102-2112

2. Natale G. et. al. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2011. 23: 1056-65

3. Lebouvier T, Neunlist M et al PLoS One 2010. 5: e 12728

4. Heijtz RD, Wang S et al PNAS 2011. 108: 3047-52 5. Neufeld KM, et al Neurogastroenterol Motil 2011;23(3):255-64, e11


Anatomical magnetic resonance image (MRI) and representative in vivo proton spectra. (A) Group average anatomical MRI of animals at baseline time point displaying the voxel of interest over which spectroscopic data was acquired. (B). Representative spectra of a control animal at baseline. (C) Residuals from the fitting procedure.

A Tukey’s “box-plot” of the changes in neuro-metabolite levels, as measured by MRS, with and without treatment in male BALB/c mice. A filled circle identifies a single outlier point in Panels A, B and C. (A) Significant changes in Glx levels are apparent after 2 weeks of treatment. (B) Statistically significant increase in NAA levels is apparent after 2 weeks. (C) At week 4, GABA levels are significantly increased, however this effect does not remain after treatment cessation.

A Tukey’s “box-plot” of the changes in hippocampal volume, as measured by high resolution MRI, with and without treatment (L. rhamnosus JB-1 109 cfu/day for 28 days and 4 weeks after cessation) in male BALB/c mice. No statistically significant changes are observed over time or between groups.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)