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Assessment of ferritin in the multiple sclerosis brain using temperature induced R2* changes
Christoph Birkl1, Daniele Carassiti2, Christian Langkammer1, Christian Enzinger1, Franz Fazekas1, Klaus Schmierer2,3, and Stefan Ropele1

1Department of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Blizard Institute (Neuroscience), Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom, 3Barts Health NHS Trust, Emergency Care and Acute Medicine Clinical Academic Group (Neuroscience), London, United Kingdom


Evidence for a possible role of iron in the pathogenesis and progression of multiple sclerosis (MS) has raised interest in iron mapping techniques. However, current approaches are not reliable in white matter because of the diamagnetic properties of myelin. We recently proposed a new method for iron mapping which is based on the temperature dependency of the paramagnetic susceptibility. Here, the temperature coefficient of R2* (TcR2*) as a measure of iron content was assessed in three post-mortem MS brain samples. Validation of TcR2* mapping was done with immunohistochemistry using cell counting on ferritin light-chain stains.


Evidence suggests iron homeostasis is distorted in multiple sclerosis (MS). Increased iron levels have been observed in the deep gray matter and at the center and rim of MS white matter lesions (WML) whilst iron seems to be decreased in the normal appearing white matter (NAWM). 1 Iron released by demyelination is believed to facilitate neurodegeneration and perpetuate inflammation in NAWM. 1 MRI holds promise to noninvasively measure regional iron content in the brain. However reliable mapping of iron in the WM is confounded by the diamagnetic contribution of myelin to the acquired indices and its orientational effects. 2, 3 We recently proposed a novel MRI technique based on the temperature dependency of the paramagnetic susceptibility which allows reliable estimates of iron in WM. 4 Here, we applied this technique to fixed post mortem MS brains and correlated MRI estimates of regional iron concentration with ferritin measured using immunohistochemistry.


MRI was performed on hemispheric 10 mm thick formalin fixed brain slices from 3 subjects with MS and one control subject. T2 weighted FLAIR images (TE/TR = 78/4000 ms) and 2D gradient echo images (TR = 340 and TE = 4.92, 9.84, 14.76, 19.68, 24.6, 29.52 ms) were acquired at 14 temperature points between 8°C and 22°C on a 3T system (Magnetom TimTrio, Siemens Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany). All sequences were performed with an in plane resolution of 500x500 µm and a slice thickness of 2 mm. R2* mapping was performed assuming a mono-exponential decay at each temperature point. The iron map was calculated by pixel wise estimating the temperature coefficient of R2* (TcR2*) using a linear regression model (R2=R2,0+TcR2temperature). After MRI, the brain samples were cut in half to allow a good match between histology and the central (MRI) slice. One half was embedded in paraffin, sections cut and stained for ferritin light chain. For ferritin quantification, an overview image of each area was acquired at x4 magnification on myelin basic protein (MBP) and Ferritin stained sections enabling a precise match of homotopic areas on both sections and manual outlining of corresponding lesion core, edge and NAWM. Normal appearing cortex (NAC) and basal ganglia (BG) were also assessed. Within each region of interest (ROI) 8 counting fields were randomly cast and acquired at x40 magnification within which ferritin positive (+) cells were manually counted. The relative density of ferritin was expressed as n cells/counting field. Linear regression analysis was performed to study the association between the number of ferritin+ cells and TcR2*.


The TcR2* map suggested high iron content in the basal ganglia and gray matter bridges of the striatum but also of subcortical U-fibers and at the edge of lesions. Low iron content was observed in lesions and in the cortex (figure 1). As shown in figure 2, these findings were in good agreement with the distribution of ferritin+ cells (TcR2* = -0.7737 - 0.0031 · [Fe], r=-0.64, p<0.0001).

Discussion and Conclusion

We applied for the first time a novel MRI technique to map the iron concentration across all brain structures in post mortem multiple sclerosis brain. The technique is based on the temperature dependency of the magnetic susceptibility allowing to compensate for myelin related diamagnetic effects. As a result, susceptibility shifts due to demyelination or changes in water content do not affect the iron measurement. Our results suggest TcR2* mapping is a useful technique to measure iron content in brain tissue. While the described method is limited to post mortem tissue, it enables iron mapping in entire brain slices at a reasonable resolution. Due to the elimination of myelin induced susceptibility changes, it is well suited for further research into MS and other neurological diseases with regional distortions of the iron homeostasis.


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1. Hametner S, Wimmer I, Haider L, et al. Iron and neurodegeneration in the multiple sclerosis brain. Ann. Neurol. 2013. doi: 10.1002/ana.23974.

2. Oh S-H, Kim Y-B, Cho Z-H, Lee J. Origin of B0 orientation dependent R2(*) (=1/T2(*)) in white matter. Neuroimage 2013;73:71–9.

3. Wharton S, Bowtell R. Effects of white matter microstructure on phase and susceptibility maps. Magn. Reson. Med. 2013; doi: 10.1002/mrm.25189.

4. Birkl C, Langkammer C, Krenn H, et al. Iron mapping using the temperature dependency of the magnetic susceptibility. Magn. Reson. Med. 2015;73(3):1282-8 doi: 10.1002/mrm.25236.


Figure 1: FLAIR image (left panel) and TcR2* iron map (right panel) of a formalin fixed MS brain sample. Bright colors in the TcR2* map (negative temperature coefficient) correspond to a high iron content. The arrows highlight (1) a periventricular lesion with an iron rim, (2) an iron rich subcortical u-fiber, (3) the striatal cell bridges, (4) and a section of the cortex with all iron removed.

Figure 2: Correlation between TcR2* and the number of ferritin+ cells. Note the temperature coefficient is more negative for higher iron levels.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)