Imaging vascular alterations in a mouse model of Down’s syndrome using magnetic resonance angiography with tensor-based morphometry
Holly E Holmes1, Nick Powell2, James M O'Callaghan1, Jack A Wells1, Ian F Harrison1, Da Ma2, Ozama Ismail1, Victor LJ Tybulewicz3, Frances Wiseman4, Sebastian Ourselin2, Elizabeth M Fisher4, and Mark F Lythgoe1

1Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 3National Institite for Medical Research, London, United Kingdom, 4Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, United Kingdom


Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is an established MRI technique for visualising the cerebral vasculature. Interpretation of MR angiograms is often reliant on visual inspection of the data;1 however, it is possible to misinterpret flow artefacts (e.g. signal voids) as vascular alterations.2 In this work, we have used a novel combination of MRA and advanced registration as well as statistical algorithms to explore vascular alterations in the Tc1 mouse model of Down’s syndrome. We identified operator-independent local disturbances in the vascular architecture, which supports previous work in this mouse model as well as observations in the wider DS population.


Down’s syndrome (DS), or trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 (Hsa21). DS individuals have a greater predisposition to early onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD), widely believed to be due to the extra dosage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene: a risk factor gene for AD which lies on Hsa21.3 However, is it likely that other disease-modulating genes lie on Hsa21 which contribute to the increased incidence of AD in DS.4 Furthering our understanding of AD in individuals with DS may provide useful insights into the disease within the wider population.

In this work, we have sought to explore vascular alterations in the Tc1 mouse model of DS. The Tc1 mouse is an established model of DS which carries an almost-complete copy of Hsa21 but is not functionally trisomic for APP.5 The unique genetics of the Tc1 strain allow the study of DS without the effects of APP trisomy. Previous characterisation of the Tc1 mouse using structural MRI revealed proportional enlargement of the midbrain, and localised grey matter volume reductions within the cerebellum, olfactory bulb (OB) and foci within the thalamus;6 however, there has since been no further investigation into additional cerebral defects in this model. In this work, we have employed MRA in conjunction with tensor-based morphometry (TBM) to automatically characterise vascular alterations in the Tc1 mouse.


All imaging was performed with a 9.4T VNMRS horizontal bore scanner with a 120 mm diameter imaging gradient set (Agilent, UK) was used. A 72 mm birdcage RF coil was employed for RF transmission and a quadrature mouse brain surface coil (RAPID, Germany) was used for signal detection.

Generation of Tc1 mice has been previously reported (7). Female Tc1 (n=14) and wildtype controls (n=17) were imaged in vivo at 16 months. Angiograms were acquired using a 3D GE time-of-flight (TOF) MRA sequence with the following parameters: TR = 40 ms; TE = 2.5 ms; FA = 40°; NSA = 2; FOV = 15 mm × 15 mm × 20 mm; resolution=117 μm × 117 μm × 156μm.

TBM was employed to characterise vascular alterations in the Tc1 mouse using a previously described pipeline,8 including registration to a group average. An intensity threshold was applied in order to perform statistical tests on the vascular network.


Figure 1 shows the MIP of the averaged angiograms for wildtype and Tc1 mice. Many of the major feeding vessels can be readily delineated and identified using previously published MR angiograms of the mouse brain (9).

The average groupwise MRA images are shown in Figure 2, with TBM statistics overlaid. TBM detected significant contraction of the following arteries in the Tc1 mice: OpA, OlA, AzPA and ACA (Figure 2A-B). Conversely, expansion was detected in the following arteries: PCA, SCA and PPP (Figure 2C-D).

Discussion and Conclusion

In this work, we have used MRA to explore vascular alterations in the Tc1 mouse. MRA is traditionally quantified manually, by visual inspection of apparent vessel alterations within a transgenic cohort.1 However, it is possible to misinterpret flow artefacts (e.g. flow disturbances, signal voids) as vascular alterations.2 Here, we have used TBM to evaluate alterations in the cerebral vessels, which may help mediate the confounding effects of flow artefacts, as these are averaged out during registration.1

Our observations of alterations within the OpA, OlA, AzPA, and ACA may have arisen for a number of reasons, including narrowing or compression of the vessels, or reduced blood flow within these regions.9 Contraction of the OlA may relate to local volume decreases which have previously been observed in the OB in the Tc1 mouse.6 Deficits within this structure suggest an impaired sense of smell in the Tc1 mouse – a finding which has previously been observed in DS individuals and attributed to AD-related changes within the DS population.10 In the absence of AD neuropathology, our findings within the OB suggest that deficits may be present in the DS population prior to the development of AD.

Conversely, regions of artery expansion including the PCA and SCA, suggest increasing flow or widening of the vessels. Further work is required in order to corroborate these MRA findings with structural and/or functional alterations in this mouse, and the wider DS population.


HH is supported by an NC3Rs studentship (NC/K500276/1).


1. N. Beckmann, Probing Cerebrovascular Alterations in Alzheimer's Disease using MRI: from Transgenic Models to Patients. Current Medical Imaging Reviews 7, 51 (2011).

2. R. M. Hoogeveen, C. J. G. Bakker, M. A. Viergever, Limits to the Accuracy of Vessel Diameter Measurement in MR Angiography. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 8, 1228 (1998).

3. D. M. A. Mann, M. M. Esiri, The Pattern of Acquisition of Plaques and Tangles in the Brains of Patients Under 50 Years of Age with Down's Syndrome. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 89, 169 (1989).

4. F. K. Wiseman et al., A Genetic Cause of Alzheimer Disease: Mechanistic Insights from Down Syndrome. Nat Rev Neurosci 16, 564 (2015).

5. A. O'Doherty et al., An Aneuploid Mouse Strain Carrying Human Chromosome 21 with Down Syndrome Phenotypes. Science 309, 2033 (2005).

6. N. Powell et al., Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Toronto, Canada), abstract number 2234 (2015)

7. L. Mucke et al., High-Level Neuronal Expression of Aβ1–42 in Wild-Type Human Amyloid Protein Precursor Transgenic Mice: Synaptotoxicity without Plaque Formation. The Journal of neuroscience 20, 4050 (2000).

8. N. Powell et al., Proceedings of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (Toulouse, France), abstract number 699 (2013)

9. F. Kara et al., Monitoring Blood Flow Alterations in the Tg2576 Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease by In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Angiography at 17.6 T. NeuroImage 60, 958 (2012).

10. C. Murphy, S. Jinich, Olfactory Dysfunction in Down's Syndrome. Neurobiology of Aging 17, 631 (1996).


Figure 1 Averaged TOF MR angiograms for wildtype (n=17) and Tc1 (n= 14) mice. AzPA= Azygos pericallosal artery; ACA=Anterior cerebral artery; BA=Basilar artery; CCA=Common carotid artery; ICA=Internal carotid artery; MCA=Middle cerebral artery; OlA=Olfactory artery; OpA=Ophthalmic artery; PCA=Posterior cerebral artery; PPP=Palatine portion of pterygopalatine; SCA=Superior cerebellar artery; VA=vertebral artery.

Figure 2 MRA results showing statistically significant, FDR-corrected (q=0.05) t-statistics overlaid on the group average. Vessels highlighted in red represent a volume decrease in Tc1 mice; vessels highlighted in blue represent a volume increase. TBM results were normalized to TBV to account for brain volume differences between groups (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Total brain volumes for wildtype and Tc1 mice. *** = p ≤ 0.001.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)