Simultaneous absolute quantitation of glutamate and GABA on highly resolved 2D constant time PRESS spectra using 2D FT with shared time domain data
Hidehiro Watanabe1 and Nobuhiro Takaya1

1Center for Environmental Measurement and Analysis, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Ibaraki, Japan


Absolute quantitation framework on highly resolved 2D CT-PRESS spectra with 1H decoupling was proposed for measurement of concentration of glutamate and GABA. Although peaks of these metabolites are clearly resolved on the spectra, long constant time delay (Tct) requires T2 correction. To overcome this, we proposed a fast T2 correction method using 2D FT with shared time domain data. After curve fitting of series of spectra with varied Tct's, we obtained series of peak volumes that can be expressed as an exponential decay of T2. In phantom experiments, we could measure the concentrations of glutamate and GABA by our method.


Glutamate (Glu) and γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) are major neurotransmitters in human brain. These peaks are overlapped on the conventional 1H spectra due to strong coupling with small chemical shift difference and JHH coupling. This may lead to difficulty of accurate absolute quantitation of Glu and GABA. Constant time (CT) two dimensional methods have a feature of good peak resolution through 1H decoupling along F1. We have reported in vivo detection of these metabolite peaks of Glu C4H at 2.35ppm, GABA C2H at 2.28ppm and glutamine (Gln) C4H at 2.44ppm in human brain using two kinds of 2D localized CT methods, CT-COSY (1) and CT-PRESS (2). Since long constant time delay (Tct) is required in these methods, T2 correction is needed for absolute quantitation. To overcome this, we have proposed 2D FT with shared time domain (TD) data and demonstrated quantitation of Glu (3). In this work, we will expand this method into measurement of concentration of Glu and GABA and demonstrate absolute quantitation in phantom experiments.


In CT-PRESS sequence, water suppression and outer volume suppression are followed by a module for PRESS localization; 90° slice pulse (y-direction) – 1/2*TE1 – 180° -slice pulse (x-direction) – 1/2*(TE1+TE2)+Δt1/2 – 180° slice pulse (z-direction) – {data acquisition}. To meet the constant time condition, a suitable amount of zeroes were filled in front of the acquisition data (2). Figure 1 shows a schematic of our proposed quantitation method. After N1 increments by Δt1 along t1, 2D TD data defined by N1 × n2 matrices are accumulated where n2 is number of sampling points in FID. When a part of the total TD data defined by n1 × n2 shown as a dotted area of TD1 in Fig. 1 is extracted, reconstruction of the TD1 data generates a CT-PRESS spectrum weighted by exp(-Tct/T2) where the value of Tct is TE1+TE2+(n1start+n1/2)Δt1. Since Tct can be varied by shifting n1start, series of 1H decoupled spectra weighted with multiple Tct's can be reconstructed from series of the partial TD data. Figure 1 shows an example of two sets of TD data of TD1 and TD2. Next, peak volumes with multiple Tct's are calculated by curve-fitting of these spectra (4) using a linear combination model with a basis set. In this work, we used three bases of Glu, GABA and Gln. Calculated peak volumes can be expressed as an exponential decay and T2 correction can be done for measurement of concentrations of metabolites.

All experiments were performed using a 4.7 T whole-body MR system (INOVA, Agilent). First, we measured each CT-PRESS spectrum of 50-mM Glu, GABA and Gln for the basis set. For demonstration of quantitation, we measured a phantom containing a brain metabolite mixture of 10.0 mM NAA, 8.0 mM Cr, 9.0 mM Glu, 2.6 mM GABA and 2.9 mM Gln. A 100-mL bottle containing this solution was placed in a water bath and CT-PRESS signals were acquired inside a voxel within that bottle. After a CT-PRESS spectrum was reconstructed from the partial TD data, the area from 2.2ppm to 2.6ppm was extracted for curve fitting (Fig. 2) and absolute quantitation was done. CT-PRESS signals were acquired in an 8ml voxel with a measurement time of 33 min. In all measurements, TE1 and TE2 were 17.5 ms. Spectral widths along F1 and F2 were 1 kHz and 2 kHz, respectively. N1 and n1 were 200 and 150, respectively. Relaxation delay was 5 s.

Results & Discussion

Figure 2 shows a phased CT-PRESS spectrum with Tct = 109 ms of the mixture phantom with views from F1 and F2 axes. By reconstruction with a window function of resolution enhancement for shifted echoes (2), Glu C4H, GABA C2H and Gln C4H are resolved. First, peak volumes of these metabolites were calculated by curve fitting of CT-PRESS spectra with Tct’s of 109, 119, 129, 139, 149 and 159 ms. Then, calculated peak volumes were curve fitted by an exponential decay model for T2 correction (Fig. 3). Finally, the values of 9.5 mM, 2.5 mM and 3.7 mM were obtained for Glu, GABA and Gln, respectively. While these values of Glu and GABA are close to each concentration of mixture phantom, the value of Gln is 28% bigger than the concentration. This error may be caused by the NAA multiples around 2.5 ppm.


Our proposed method is useful to absolute quantitation of Glu and GABA. Since these peaks are resolved even in the human brain spectra, this method will also be applied in human studies with the internal water reference method.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Watanabe H., Takaya N., Mitsumori F., Simultaneous observation of glutamate, γ-amino butyric acid and glutamine in human brain at 4.7T using localized two dimensional constant-time correlation spectroscopy. NMR in Biomed. 2008;21(5):518-526.

2. Watanabe H., Takaya N., Mitsumori F., Highly resolved 1H spectroscopy of the human brain using ISIS CT-PRESS with resolution enhancement. Magn. Reson. Med. Sci. 2012;11(4):235-241.

3. Watanabe H., Takaya N., Mitsumori F, T2 correction and quantitation method on highly resolved 2D constant time 1H spectra in human brain using 2D FT of shared time domain data. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 2009: 17: 2388.

4. Watanabe H., Takaya N., Mitsumori F, Phasing and curve fitting of highly resolved 2D constant time PRESS spectra for quantitation of glutamate, GABA and glutamine. Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 2015: 23: 4730.


A schematic of a proposed absolute quantitation method on highly resolved CT-PRESS spectra using 2DFT with shared time domain data. After T2 correction, absoute quantitation can be done by the internal water reference method.

A phased 2D CT-PRESS spectrum of the mixture phantom together with the views from F1 and F2 axes. Peaks of Glu C4H, GABA C2H and Gln C4H are clearly resolved.

Absolute quantitation of glutamate, GABA and glutamine after T2 correction. In this work, a CT-PREESS spectrum of a phantom of each metabolite was measured for the basis set and net T2 decay of each metabolite does not appear. T2 difference between the mixture and the basis phantoms appears.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)