Nikolaos Dikaios1, Shonit Punwani1, Henrik Gutte2, Majbrit ME Larsen3, Annemarie T Kristensen3, Andreas Kjær2, David Atkinson4, and Adam E Hansen2
1Centre of Medical Imaging, UCL, London, United Kingdom, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET and Cluster for Molecular Imaging, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3Department of Veterinary Clinical and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4Centre for Medical Imaging, UCL, London, United Kingdom
Mathematical models based on kinetic parameters allow us to
investigate 13C-pyruvate metabolism. Metabolic exchanges between
pyruvate and its metabolites can differentiate benign from malignant tissue
but their quantification is limited by the estimation of the arterial input
function (AIF). This work suggests to model the AIF using a Gaussian pdf to
account for the time pyruvate needs to travel and dispersion effects.
The proposed AIF fits the measured data better than the commonly used
box-car AIF, and is in agreement with the model-free formalism which
approximates the kinetics using the ratios of AUC of the injected and product
studies on hyperpolarized
13C-pyruvate metabolism performed on mice
and prostate cancer patients
2 showed that pyruvate to lactate
conversion rate can differentiate normal from malignant tissue. Estimation of
metabolic kinetics is based on compartmental modelling of dynamic data, and
depends on the accurate measurement/estimation of the pyruvate input function (PIF).
When PIF measurements from the arterial blood are not available, the PIF is
usually modelled using a box-car function
1 or a model-free formulism
based on the ratio of total areas under the curve (AUC) of the injected and
product metabolite. This work examines the effect of modelling the PIF as a
Gaussian function, which partially accounts for the time pyruvate needs to
travel and dispersion effects.
13C-pyruvate MRS imaging provides metabolic information within very
short time, including relaxation ratios and enzymatically driven conversion to
pyruvate metabolites. Recently developed acquisitions substantially improved
the temporal resolution allowing for kinetic modelling. To model the chemical
exchanges a semi-classical description with the modified Bloch-McConnell
equations is used.
kP→X, kX→P are the forward
and back conversion of pyruvate (P) to its metabolic products (X), rX=1/T1X
+ (1-cosθ)1/TR, T1X is the relaxation rate of each
metabolite, TR is the repetition time and θ is the flip angle. We will make the
assumption kX→P~0. The PIF can be modelled with a
box-car function, based on the rate (a.u sec-1) and the duration
(sec) of injection. The proposed method uses a Gaussian model PIF~f1*normal(f2/2,f2), where
f1, f2 are free parameters representing the height and the shape of the AIF respectively. A more complex function would be able to
delineate PIF better, but it would require the fitting of more free parameters.
Alternatively a model-free formulism can be used which approximates the
kinetics using the ratios of AUC of the injected and product metabolites, AUC(X)AUC(P)≈kP→XrX
canine cancer patients with biopsy-verified spontaneous malignant tumors
underwent dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) with
13C-pyruvate MRS imaging
on a combined PET/MR clinical scanner (Siemens mMR Biograph, Siemens, Germany).
This set of experiments was earlier reported in [4]. An axial-oblique 40 mm
thick slab covering the tumor region, dynamic
13C-pyruvate MRS was
performed. Parameters were TR=1,000 ms, echo time TE=0.757 ms, θ=5°, bandwidth 4,000
Hz. The acquisition was repeated 180 times, commencing at the injection of the hyperpolarized
13C-pyruvate (23 mL). Peak heights of
13C-alanine were quantified using AMARES provided in the jMRUI
package. AMARES is a time domain fitting technique used in spectroscopy that
allows the user to provide prior information about the spectrum. The maximum
peak was assigned to pyruvate (usually ~171 ppm), whereas the other metabolites
were assigned the following frequency shifts to pyruvate: 12.12 ppm (lactate), and
5.52 ppm (alanine). Linewidths and other constraints were adjusted to minimize
the residual error in AMARES. Peak heights modelled with the modified Bloch-McConnell
equations as a function of time were fitted using the simplex algorithm. The
proposed Gaussian PIF was evaluated in terms of goodness-of-fit
using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test and its agreement with the model-free
1 illustrates that the proposed Gaussian PIF lead to a better goodness-of-fit
compared to the box-car PIF. The improvement was significantly better
(following Mann–Whitney U test) for the lactate (p=0.011) and alanine
(p=0.0004) fits. Figure 2 shows an example of a box-car and a Gaussian PIF, as
well as a fitting example of the dynamic metabolite peaks using the 2-compartmental
model with a Gaussian PIF. Figure 3 illustrates a box-plot of the estimated k
X with
the model-free formalism and the compartmental modelling using the box-car and
the Gaussian PIF. Following Mann–Whitney U test, when a Gaussian PIF was used
the estimated k
X were not different from
the ones estimated from model-free formalism (p= 0.495 lactate, and p =0.1
alanine), whereas for a box-car PIF they were significantly different (p= 0.003
lactate, and p =0.002 alanine).
suggested Gaussian PIF significantly improved the fitting of the model to the
dynamic curves of metabolites compared to the commonly used box-car PIF. Kinetic
modelling using a Gaussian PIF was in agreement with the model-free formalism
while providing more information about the rates of conversion, k
P→X and relaxation
rates, r
work was funded by UK Prostate cancer and EPSRC grants.References
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[2] Nelson SJ, Kurhanewicz J, Vigneron DB, et al. Metabolic imaging of patients with prostate cancer using hyperpolarized [1-¹³C]pyruvate. Sci Transl Med. 2013; 5(198).
[3] Hill DK, Orton MR, Mariotti E, et al. Model free approach to kinetic analysis of real-time hyperpolarized 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy data. PLoS One. 2013; 8(9):e71996.
[4] Gutte H, Hansen AE, Larsen MM, et al. Simultaneous Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate MRI and 18F-FDG PET (HyperPET) in 10 Dogs with Cancer. Nucl Med. 2015; 56(11):1786-92.