The semi-LASER sequence is less prone to chemical shift displacement
errors and shows higher B1-robustness compared to PRESS. To achieve
short echo times high amplitude crusher gradients are used to suppress unwanted
coherence signals. Goal of this work was to implement an algorithm that
prevents violation of gradient strength constraints due to unrestricted rotation
of the voxel while optimizing for shortest possible echo time. PURPOSE
Due to the low bandwidth of the refocusing pulses of the Point-Resolved
Spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence at short echo times there are larger chemical
shift displacement errors (CSDE) at high B
0 field (≥ 3T). The use of
pairs of adiabatic selective refocusing pulses within the semi-LASER sequence
reduces the CSDE and increases the B
1-robustness. To achieve a
short echo time ≤ 30ms short RF pulses with high B
1 amplitude
as well as short crusher gradients with high amplitude have to be used. A
previously reported crusher scheme
1 reduces unwanted coherence
signals with an optimized set of crusher gradients.
Rotation of the prescribed voxel can lead to higher gradient amplitudes
on the physical axis that can result into values above the maximum gradient
strength depending on system constraints. A common way to prevent this is to
set the maximum gradient strength on each logical axis for the worst case of a
rotation of 45° in each direction leading to a reduction of the maximum allowed
gradient strength by a factor of √3 and therefore to longer crusher gradients
if the area under the crusher gradients should be kept constant.
The goal of this work was to implement an algorithm that keeps the areas
of the crusher gradients constant and takes the rotation of the voxel into
account to give shortest possible TE for any prescription under the constraint
of maximum gradient strength on each physical axis.
The semi-LASER sequence was implemented following the crusher scheme
described in
1 (Fig. 1). An asymmetric slice selective excitation
pulse (bandwidth 3.7kHz, 4.2ms pulse duration) and adiabatic refocusing pulses
with a trapezoid amplitude envelope
2 (bandwidth 8kHz, 4.5ms pulse
duration) were used.
The implemented optimization algorithm kept the areas of the crusher
gradients constant. A rotation of the voxel is defined by the rotation matrix
that transform the gradient amplitudes from the logical (read, phase, slice)
into the physical coordinate system (x,y,z). With this rotation matrix the
gradient amplitudes in the physical coordinate system were calculated and
checked against the constraint of maximum gradient strength in each of the 5
sections (Fig. 1). In case of a violation, first the crusher gradient that was
shortest in this section got stretched, if this still led to a violation all 3
crusher gradients in that section got stretched.
Phantom (GE MRS sphere) and in-vivo experiments were performed on a 3.0T
MR750w system (GE Healthcare) with a maximum gradient strength of 33mT/m and a
slew rate of 120T/m/s. Acquisition
protocol: 2x2x2cm
3 voxel size, 32-step phase cycling, 64 averages.
Table 1 shows crusher amplitudes in logical and physical
coordinate system as well as the inter-pulse times for various prescriptions.
The minimum TE of 29ms extends slightly with increasing angulation of the voxel
in multiple directions. Fig. 2 shows the corresponding phantom spectra and Fig. 3 in-vivo spectra of a left anterior white matter voxel.
In the proposed crusher scheme of the semi-LASER
implementation especially the crusher gradients after the last adiabatic
refocusing pulse have high amplitudes on all 3 axis. Even under the constraint
of a maximum gradient strength that is close to this amplitude the implemented
algorithm just slightly increases the minimum echo time from 29ms to 30ms for
the worst case of rotation of the voxel by 45° in all 3 directions but keeping
it at the minimum echo time for most common angulations and 10% shorter
compared to the common way of reducing maximum gradient strength by a factor of
(29ms vs. 32ms).
The author thanks Uzay Emir, Gülin Öz and Tom Scheenen for providing information of the semi-LASER crusher scheme.References
1. Öz G et al. Short-Echo, Single-Shot, Full-Intensity
Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Neurochemical Profiling at 4 T:
Validation in the Cerebellum and Brainstem. Magn Reson Med. 2011; 65: 901-10
2. Boer et al. 7-T 1H MRS with adiabatic refocusing at
short TE using radiofrequency focusing with a dual-channel volume transmit coil.
NMR Biomed. 2011; 24(9): 1038-46
3. Scheenen TW et al. Short Echo
Time 1H-MRSI of the Human Brain at 3T With Minimal Chemical Shift
Displacement Errors Using Adiabatic Refocusing Pulses. Magn Reson Med. 2008;