partial volume correction in 1H-MRS the voxel fraction of brain matter (BM) and
cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) can be calculated via biexponential fitting of T2
relaxation of the unsuppressed water signal or via segmentation of a high-resolution
structural image. We compared voxel CSF percentages obtained using these two methods
and investigated whether discrepancies could be explained by head movement between
voxel positioning and MRS
acquisition. Subjects with large differences in CSF% between methods
tended to show greater displacement than those with no difference between
methods. Inconsistencies may be due to segmentation inaccuracy in particular
regions or subject motion.Purpose
1H-MRS requires large voxel volumes, a single voxel may contain a mixture of
tissue types making partial volume correction necessary. Partial volumes of
brain matter (BM) and cerebral spinal fluid
(CSF) can be calculated via biexponential fitting of T2 relaxation of
the unsuppressed water signal to obtain amplitudes of BM and CSF components at
(1). Alternatively, segmentation of a high-resolution
structural image can be used to determine gray matter (GM), white matter (WM) and
CSF fractions within the voxel, assuming no head movement between voxel positioning
and single voxel spectroscopy (SVS) acquisition. We aimed to compare these two methods and
to determine whether large differences in CSF fraction between the two methods in
7-year-old children corresponded to substantial subject movement between acquisitions.
Participants were 113 7-year-old children from a neuroimaging
follow-on study of the Children with HIV Early Antiretroviral Therapy (CHER) trial.
Scanning was performed on a 3T Allegra (Siemens, Erlangen,
Germany). The protocol included a high-resolution T1-weighted 3D EPI-navigated(2)
multiecho magnetisation prepared rapid gradient echo (MEMPRAGE)(3)
(FOV 224x224 mm2, TR 2530 ms, TI 1160 ms, TE’s 1.53/3.19/4.86/6.53
ms, bandwidth 650Hz/px, 144 sagittal slices, 1.3x1.0x1.0 mm3),
followed by two 3D EPI-navigated DTI acquisitions(4). SVS was obtained
in the basal ganglia (BG), midfrontal gray matter (MFGM) and peritrigonal white
matter (PWM), using an EPI volumetric
navigated point-resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence with real-time
first-order shim and motion correction(5) (TR 2000 ms, TE 30 ms, 64
measurements, vector size 512, spectral bandwidth 1000 Hz). Water unsuppressed
¹H MRS measurements were acquired at TE’s of 30ms, 50ms, 75ms, 100ms, 144ms, 500ms and
The voxel water signal S(TE) was quantified using LCModel
and modeled in Matlab as a biexponential function of TE as follows:
where SCSF and SBM are the fitted signals from CSF and BM, T2CSF and T2BM are the fitted T2 relaxation times, and T1CSF and T1BM are T1 times(1). The component with the longer T2 was assigned to CSF.
Percentage CSF (PVCSF) in the voxel was estimated as:
where SCSF and SBM are the signals from CSF and BM at TE=0, assuming that the signal from BM accounts for 75% of tissue volume, since BM is 75% water(1).
For each subject and region, the T1-weighted image was used
to segment the SVS voxel into GM, WM and CSF in SPM12.
For cases where the difference between segmentation and
biexponential methods was greater than 10% CSF, the displacement between the
initial T1 image and the start of each SVS acquisition was calculated from motion
parameters obtained by aligning the EPI navigator images from the preceding DTI
and PRESS acquisitions in SPM12. For comparison, displacements were also
calculated for 7 subjects where there was no difference in between the two
BG: PVCSF determined via segmentation
was almost zero (<1%) for all but 2 subjects. Similarly, using the water
signal T2 relaxation method a monoexponential fit (PVCSF=
0), was appropriate in more than half of the subjects, although the upper range
of PVCSF calculated
by this method was 95% (table 1).
the segmentation method was <1% in all but 2 cases. Again the range was
larger using the T2 relaxation method.
MFGM: There was a range of PVCSF for
both methods (figure 1), with a larger range for the T2 relaxation method.
The cumulative histogram of differences in PVCSF between
the two methods (figure 2), shows differences of less than 1% CSF
for 3/4 of the subjects in the BG but for only 1/3 of subjects in the PWM and
1/4 in the MFGM.
Subjects with PVCSF differences >10% CSF between methods showed
a tendency for greater displacement between the T1 and SVS scans than those
with no difference in PVCSF between methods (mean displacement difference: BG 2.8mm, p=0.04; PWM 2.5mm, p=0.07; MFGM 1.43mm, p=0.2).
Agreement between the methods was best in the BG, since most
CSF were
0 for both methods. In the MFGM a number of points fell around the y=x line,
indicating fair agreement for certain subjects. In the PWM, the biexponential
method estimated consistently larger PV
CSF, since most of the CSF fractions calculated by
the segmentation method were close to zero. In each region, there were some
large discrepancies between methods that could not be fully explained by
There is most consistency between methods in regions where the PV
CSF is
small, and less consistency where there are larger amounts of CSF. Inconsistencies
may be due to segmentation inaccuracy in particular regions or subject motion.
Support for this study was provided by NRF/DST South African Research Chairs Initiative; US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) through the CIPRA network, Grant U19 AI53217; NIH grants R01HD071664 and R21MH096559; NRF grant CPR20110614000019421, and the Medical Research Council (MRC). We thank the CUBIC radiographers (Marie-Louise de Villiers and Nailah Maroof), our research staff (Thandiwe Hamana and Rosy Khethelo), and Shabir A. Madhi for access to control participants on the CIPRA-SA04 trial.References
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(3) van der Kouwe AJ, Benner T, Salat DH, Fischl B. Brain
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