Optimized B1-robust Outer Volume Suppression for MR Spectroscopy
Martin A Janich1, Ralph Noeske2, Timo Schirmer1, and Rolf F Schulte1

1GE Global Research, Munich, Germany, 2GE Healthcare, Potsdam, Germany


Outer Volume Suppression (OVS) applied to MR spectroscopy improves voxel localization and suppresses undesired signals. Goal of this work was the numerical optimization of a train of broadband SLR pulses for B1-robustness and T1 effects and its application to PRESS in the human brain at 3T. The technique improved localization and better suppressed subcutaneous fat at around 1.5ppm in MRS voxels close to the scalp.


Outer Volume Suppression (OVS) applied to MR spectroscopy is a useful tool for improving localization, suppressing undesired signals, e.g. subcutaneous fat, and reducing chemical-shift displacement errors, which can result in signal reduction due to anomalous J-evolution. Localization is improved because of the very high bandwidth (>5kHz) and selectivity of saturation pulses while the selectivity of PRESS refocusing pulses is limited. At high B0 fields (≥3T) OVS can suffer from inhomogeneous B1 and therefore can be improved by repeating OVS pulses multiple times [1, 2, 3]. The repetition time is however limited by SAR and timing constraints. Goal of the present work was to optimize OVS for inhomogeneous B1 amplitude and for a broad range of T1 relaxation times, and to apply it to PRESS in the brain at 3T.


A sequence of 6 different OVS slices was repeated once, twice (2-train) or 3 times (3-train) and the flip angles were optimized using Bloch equation simulation and the fminsearch function in MATLAB. Minimization criterion was root mean square (RMS) of the remaining Mz magnetization at time of the PRESS excitation pulse within a range of ±10% B1 amplitudes and 200-800ms T1, while assuming T2=T1/10. Each OVS module (RF pulse and crusher gradient) had a duration of 5ms. A library of broadband Shinnar-Le Roux (SLR) pulses with polynomial phase response [4] and 6.5kHz bandwidth was designed for flip angles 75°, 80°, … 170°. PRESS was applied with CHESS water suppression and S-BREBOP pulses (broadband and B1-robust refocusing with 2.8kHz bandwidth) [5]. Experiments were performed on MR750w 3.0T (GE Healthcare).


Optimal flip angles for the OVS slice directly before the excitation pulse were 90.8° for single, 85.0°, 102.1° for 2-train, and 76.5°, 96.5°, 109.7° for 3-train (Fig 1(a-c)). The optimization was repeated for different delay times between the last OVS module and the excitation pulse. E.g. for 31ms delay optimized flip angles were 95.1° for single, 79.4°, 115.9° for 2-train, and 96.7°, 85.4°, 172.5° for 3-train (Fig. 1(e-f)). Overall OVS performance was calculated by RMS Mz (Fig. 1(d)).

Localization performance was evaluated by acquiring an image of PRESS voxel in a homogeneous phantom containing vegetable oil. Line plots through the edge of the PRESS voxel with different OVS techniques demonstrate suppression performance (Fig. 2). OVS was tested in healthy human brain with a PRESS voxel close to the scalp (Fig. 3).


Compared to single OVS, the RMS Mz was reduced by 83% for 2-train and 95% for 3-train (Fig. 1(d)). For long delays B1-robustness can be maintained but the dominating effect is T1 relaxation, reducing saturation performance over the desired range of T1 (Fig. 1(e-f)).

A single broadband SLR pulse did not sufficiently reduce signal outside the PRESS voxel, while the optimized 2- and 3-train OVS achieved good localization. The lipid contamination from subcutaneous fat at around 1.5ppm for the in vivo spectra was successfully removed with the 2-train OVS pulses (Fig. 3(d)). The presented 2-train OVS technique achieved high suppression despite B1 inhomogeneity while reducing T1 effects under the given SAR and timing constraints.


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[1] Tran TK et al., “Very selective suppression pulses for clinical MRSI studies of brain and prostate cancer.” Magn Reson Med, 2000, 43, 23

[2] Luo Y et al., “BISTRO: an outer-volume suppression method that tolerates RF field inhomogeneity.” Magn Reson Med, 2001, 45, 1095

[3] Tkac I et al., “Methodology of H NMR Spectroscopy of the Human Brain at Very High Magnetic Fields.” Appl Magn Reson, 2005, 29, 139

[4] Schulte RF et al., „Design of broadband RF pulses with polynomial-phase response.” J Magn Reson, 2007, 186, 167

[5] Janich MA et al., “ Slice-selective broadband refocusing pulses for the robust generation of crushed spin-echoes.” J Magn Reson, 2012, 223, 129


Fig. 1: Resulting Mz at excitation time depending on B1 amplitude and T1 relaxation for OVS directly before excitation pulse: single (a), 2-train (b), and 3-train (c) OVS. (d) RMS Mz over ±10% B1 and 200-800ms T1 for different delays between OVS and excitation pulses. Mz of 2-train (e) and 3-train (f) OVS with 31ms delay.

Fig. 2: Line plot through an image of PRESS voxel in oil filled phantom using different OVS techniques. 2-train and 3-train OVS achieved sharp localization and good suppression.

Fig. 3: In vivo spectra in healthy human brain from PRESS voxel close to scalp: without OVS (b), single OVS pulse (c), and optimized 2-train OVS (d). Lipid contamination from subcutaneous fat at around 1.5ppm was successfully removed with the 2-train OVS pulses.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)