Processing math: 100%

Using partially suppressed water signal to improve J-edited proton MRS
Zhengchao Dong1,2, Joshua Kantrowitz1,2, and Hong Wang1,3

1Columbia University, New York, NY, United States, 2New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY, United States, 3Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, People's Republic of


Magnetic field drift and subject motion during J-editing proton MRS scan will not only cause frequency and phase drifts in the spectrum but also alter the linewidth and lineshape. When the linewidths/shapes of edit-on and edit-off spectra do not match, the J-difference spectrum will have residue of Cr peaks; even when edit-on/off spectra match each other, the linebroadening and distortion will deteriorate the quality of the difference spectrum. In this study, we used the partially suppressed water signals to match and to transform the edit-on and edit-off spectra so as to improve the quality of the J-edited spectrum.


The J-difference editing technique is widely used in the in vivo proton MR spectroscopy for the detection of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).1,2 During the lengthy time for the edit-on and edit-off scans, which is typically more than 13 minutes, B0 drift and subject motion may happen.3,4 This will not only cause frequency and phase drifts in the spectrum but also alter the linewidth and lineshape of the spectra. When the linewidths/shapes of edit-on and edit-off spectra do not match, the J-difference spectrum will have residue of Cr peaks, overlapping with the edited GABA peaks; even when edit-on/off spectra match each other, the linebroadening and distortion will deteriorate the quality of the difference spectrum. Frequency and phase drift correction has been recently suggested3,4, in addition to the conventional spectral processing procedures. However, the mismatch of the edit-on and edit-off spectra and the lineshape distortion still remain. In this study, we used the partially suppressed water signals to match and to transform the spectra so as to improve the quality of the J-edited spectrum.


Data acquisition All data were acquired on a 3 T scanner MR750 (General Electric Healthcare, WI) running on DV24 system software and with an 8 channel coil. Phantom experiments were performed on a standard spectroscopic phantom without GABA (GE, MRS HD Sphere). The MRS data were acquired using the commercial J-editing sequence with PRESS localization (MEGA-PRESS).2 The scan parameters are as follows: voxel size: 2 x 2 x 2 cm3, TR/TE = 68 ms, spectral width = 2000 Hz, spectral data points = 1024, number of scan excitation = 256 x 2 (for edit-on and edit-off). In vivo experiments were performed on 3 healthy subjects in comply with the Institutional Review Board. No deliberate subject motion was induced.

Data processing The 8 channel MRS data were combined for each of the individual scans, and the resultant signals were frequency and phase corrected. All edit-on or all edit-off scans were combined, respectively, from which the partially suppressed water signals were extracted. The water signals were used to deconvolve and transform the spectra5,6:




where S0 is the original signal, W is water signal, and L is the lineshape function. L was chosen as a Gaussian function with linewidth equal to that of the water signal. For comparison purposes, L was also chosen to be Won or Woff for Soff or Son, respectively. We refer this latter case as "match-only". Finally, the J-difference spectrum was obtained. To facilitate comparison, J-difference spectrum was also obtained using conventional approach without spectral deconvolution and lineshape transform.


We used signal to noise ratio of NAA as an indicator of spectral quality. The results show that the improvement of the edited spectra of the proposed approach depends on the degree of match between the original FIDs of edit-on and edit-off scans. When the summed edit-on and edit-off spectra perfectly match each other, only the “deconvolution + lineshape transform” can improve the quality of the difference spectrum. When disagreement exists between them, both the “match-only” and “deconvolution + lineshape transform” procedures can improve the quality of the edited spectra (Table 1. N1 is the noise in signal free region, and N2 is noise calculated around 3 ppm. See also Figure 1). Of the three in vivo spectra processed by the proposed method, the ratio of NAA to N1 increased by 21.85%, 17.32%, and 13.65%, respectively. The increase of peak heights of Glx (glutamate + glutamine) and GABA was also clearly observed (Figure 2).


The present results show that using partially suppressed water signals to deconvolve the spectra can eliminate the differences between edit-on and edit-off spectra and the lineshape transform can further improve SNR, thus potentially benefiting the detection of GABA and Glx. The performance of the proposed approach depends on several factors: (1) water residual, which should not be too small; otherwise the estimated water signal is affected by noise; (2) accurate modeling of the water signal, which was achieved by an singular value decomposition based method7, and (3) the lineshape and decay rates in lineshape transform, which were chosen as Gaussian lineshape that has lower Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds than Lorentzian5 and with the same linewidth as the water signal, respectively.


Partially suppressed water signal can be used to deconvolve the J-editing proton MRS signals and thus, together with lineshape transform, can improve the quality of the spectrum. Further study will focus on the quantitative aspects of the proposed method.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Rothman, D.L., et al., Localized 1H NMR measurements of gamma-aminobutyric acid in human brain in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 1993. 90(12): p. 5662-5666.

2. Mescher, M., et al., Simultaneous in vivo spectral editing and water suppression. NMR Biomed, 1998. 11(6): p. 266-72.

3. Near, J., et al., Frequency and phase drift correction of magnetic resonance spectroscopy data by spectral registration in the time domain. Magn Reson Med, 2014. 73(1): p. 44-50.

4. Andrews-Shigaki, B.C., et al., Prospective motion correction for magnetic resonance spectroscopy using single camera Retro-Grate reflector optical tracking. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2011. 33(2): p. 498-504.

5. Dong, Z., Proton MRS and MRSI of the brain without water suppression. Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc, 2015. 86-87: p. 65-79.

6. Klose, U., In vivo proton spectroscopy in presence of eddy currents. Magn Reson Med, 1990. 14(1): p. 26-30.

7. Hua, Y. et. al., Matrix pencil method for estimating parameters of exponentially damped/undamped sinusoids in noise. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on, 1990. 38(5): p. 814-824.


Figure 1. An example of J-diffrence spectra of a phantom scan with different processing procedures. Original (bottom), match-only, and deconvolution-lineshape tranform spectrum (top), respectively. The red line indicates the region in which N2 noise is calculated.Note that there is no GABA in the phantom.

Figure 2. Comparison of edited in vivo spectra processed with conventional method (blue) and the proposed method (red).

Table 1. SNRs of NAA of the J-edited spectrum of a phantom scan. N1 is the noise in the signal free region calculated as the standard deviation of the spectral data points; N2 is the noise in the spectral region shown in Figure 1. "Conventional" means the edited spectrum was obtained with conventional processing including frequency and phase correction; "Match-only" with match transform; "Decon-LineTrans" with the proposed method.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)