(Electric Reference To access In vivo Concentrations) metabolite signals
measured in vivo are referenced to a signal measured in a phantom while directly
correcting for differences in the coli loading conditions between the in vivo
and in vitro measurement. This is beneficial compared to using an internal
reference because no assumption about the concentration or the relaxation rate
of the internal reference is need. However in contrast to the signal of an
internal reference the ERETIC signal contains no information about B1 during
transmission or reception and changes in B1 between the in vivo and in vitro
measurement or at different positions are misinterpreted as metabolite
concentration changes. The aim of this work was to tackle this problem by incorporating
reception sensitivity corrections into the ERETIC method and by using a volume
based power optimization to avoid differences during transmission. As a result,
the obtained metabolite concentrations agree well with the values obtained with
internal water referencing in healthy volunteers. Introduction
the ERETIC Method
1,2 (Electric Reference
To access In vivo Concentrations) an electromotive force (emf) is directly
generated in the receiving coil via a small induction loop. This emf translates
into a detectable signal depending on the loading of the coil in the same
manner as the emf generated by the excited spins of metabolites present in the
tissue. And therefore the ratio of the ERETIC signal (
SERETIC) and the
metabolite signal is independent of the coil loading condition. This allows to
reference the in vivo metabolite signal to a signal measured in a phantom while
directly correcting for differences in loading between the in vivo and in vitro
measurement. Therefore metabolite concentrations can be determined without the
need of assumptions about concentrations of internal references as for example
the tissue water. However in contrast to the signal generated by excited spins the
ERETIC signal contains no information about the
B1-field during
transmission or reception. When
SERETIC is used as reference, changes in
B+1 or
B−1 between the in vivo and in vitro measurement or at
different positions will be consequently misinterpreted as changes of the
metabolite concentration. In this work, we demonstrate the impact
of this problem and propose a 2-step solution to correct for changes in the
reception sensitivity and the use of a volume based power optimization to avoid
differences during transmission. The obtained in vivo concentrations are
compared to values obtained using the internal water as reference
modified version of the 3T ERETIC setup attached to a commercial T/R head coil
presented by Heinzer-Schweizer
2 was
used. To demonstrate its ability to correct for the loading of the coil a
series of measurements were performed in a spherical phantom filled with water
while an additional plastic bottle containing a NaCl solution was stepwise
inserted into the coil. At every position of the bottle
SERETIC and the
water signal
SH2O were recorded. In 21 healthy volunteers always three
VOI arranged in one plane were measured. One VOI was placed at the center position
(M) in the longitudinal cerebral fissure just above the corpus callosum
containing mostly gray matter and the other two were shifted by 20 mm
respectively to the left (position L) and to the right (position R) into
cerebral white matter. Water-suppressed inner-volume saturated PRESS-localized
spectra (TE:30 ms, TR:1800 ms, 256 averages) were recorded with an effective
voxel size of 5 ml. For IWR a water unsuppressed scan (TR:6000 ms, 16 averages)
was carried out at each position. Prior to each scan a volume selective RF power
4 was performed. Based on the assumption that the
reception sensitivity varies similar in vivo and in vitro, the reception
sensitivity changes along the FH direction were taken into account by carrying
out the calibration measurement in a phantom at the average VOI position along
the FH direction used in vivo (
cE+). In a second step reception
sensitivity differences within the plane containing the three VOIs along AP and
RL direction (
cE++) were corrected. For this purpose contrast
minimized images were acquired and corrected for
B+1 using
Bloch-Siegert shift maps
revealing the in plane reception sensitivity
changes for each subject. To verify these reception sensitivity corrections Internal
water concentrations obtained with ERETIC are compared with values predicted
based on the individual voxel composition (
f: volume fraction) and the
relative water densities α (Tab.1):
cseg=55.126⋅(fCSF⋅αCSF+fGM⋅αGM+fWM⋅αWM)[Eq.1] Metabolite concentrations obtained with IWR and ERETIC
include relaxation attenuation correction [Table1] and partial volume
correction. All signals were fitted using LCModel including the ERETIC signal
The ERETIC setup
is capable of correcting for the different loading conditions [Figure1]. With all
proposed corrections of the reception sensitivity [Figure2] the agreement between
ERETIC based water concentrations and values predicted by segmentation (
cseg) is improved and inequalities between the left and right hemisphere are
corrected. But nevertheless also with
cE++ only an averaged effect of
the receptions sensitivity changes along the FH direction is corrected. 3D
reception sensitivity maps could therefore improve the correction for the cost
of additional scan time
5. Mean metabolite concentrations estimated
in vivo with IWR (
cIWR) and ERETIC (
cE++) agree [Figure3].
The deviations between the reference methods in some subjects [Figure4] could potentially be reduced by using 3D
reception sensitivity maps for correction, but to some extent also subject
dependent variations from the assumed water relaxation times and relative water
densities can cause these deviations.
In conclusion, the ERETIC method is a
reliable quantification method if
B1-field variations during
transmission and reception are considered carefully.
No acknowledgement found.References
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