At 1.5 T
reciprocity principle based quantification strategies have been successfully used
to quantify brain metabolites. But these methods all rely on the assumption
that the magnitude of the RF transmission field B1+ and the reception field B1- are equal at all points in the
subject. This is not true at higher field strengths and for example differences
in the concentrations measured in the left and right hemisphere are observed
when these methods are directly applied at higher fields. Here a further development
is presented, proposing a correction for deviations of B1+ from B1- to allow
concentration measurements at 3T and even higher field strength without the
need of assumptions about concentrations of an internal reference. The obtained
metabolite concentrations in vivo in 31 healthy volunteers highly agree with
values estimated with internal water referencing, demonstrating the capabilities
of this new method, which might make concentration measurements in diseased tissue
more reliable. Introduction
the metabolite signal
Sm detected with MRS is compared to a reference
signal measured in a phantom with known concentrations and relaxation rates, it
is in principle possible to determine in vivo metabolite concentrations without
the need of assumptions about an internal reference. However, the changes in sensitivity,
i.e. the relation between the transversal magnetization and the detected
signal, between the in vivo and the phantom measurement need to be carefully considered.
At low field strength one can estimate the
magnitude of the
B+1-field per unit current (
obtained in the VOI and use it as measure of the local sensitivity
This approach based on the reciprocity principle
2 uses the
assumption that the magnitude of the reception field (
at a given position is equal to the magnitude of the transmission field (
This is true at lower fields but has been demonstrated to be wrong at higher
field strengths
3,4. Hence at 3T
is not sufficient to estimate
∣^B−1∣ at all positions in
the sample and can not be used solely to correct for sensitivity changes. In this work, we present a reciprocity
based reference method for quantitative MRS at 3T. We propose to use a volume
selective power optimization method
5 (volPO)
to determine automatically a measure of
∣^B+1∣. This
shall not only simplify the measurement of the sensitivity changes but also
guarantee signal detection with an optimal flip angle. To account for the
deviations of
∣^B+1∣ from
we introduce a correction factor C
p using reception sensitivity maps determined
from contrast minimized images
6. The proposed method is extensively
Experiments were
performed on a Philips Achieva 3T MRI scanner with a commercial T/R head coil. With
the mentioned volPO the scaling factor 1DS, which is
proportional to the RF pulse voltage needed to yield a given flip angle, is
determined prior to each spectroscopic scan and used as a measure of ∣^B+1∣.
To investigate the stability of this measure the ratio of the water signal
SH2O and 1DS was measured several times at the same
position in a water containing phantom.
ability to correct for the loading of the coil with 1DS was
tested with a series of measurements in a small spherical water containing
phantom, while a plastic bottle containing a NaCl solution was stepwise inserted
into the coil.
In 31 healthy
volunteers always three PRESS-localized voxels (TE:30ms, TR:1800ms, 256
averages, 5ml) aranged in one plane were measured. One VOI was placed in the
longitudinal cerebral fissure just above the corpus callosum (position M)
containing mostly gray matter and the other two were shifted by 20 mm
respectively to the left (positon L) and to the right (position R) into
cerebral white matter. Metabolite concentrations using 1DS were
calculated as follows:
The subscript c denotes quantities from the calibration measurement, were
the reference compound ref with a known concentration cref was
measured. R are approximated relaxation attenuation factors [Table1], T
the temperature, l the number of spins per molecule and fCSF the
volume fraction of the CSF. Cp is the factor to correct deviations of ∣^B+1∣
from ∣^B−1∣. This factor is calculated in each VOI as
the ratio of the achieved ∣B+1∣ taken from a B1-map7 to the reception sensitivity
Rx calculated using 2D reception sensitivity maps6. Both maps were scaled with the value
measured at the center of the coil.Cp=∣B+1,VOI∣RxVOI[Eq.2]Metabolite
concentrations obtained with Eq.1 are compared to values using tissue water as
reference8 (IWR). Total internal water concentrations obtained with Eq.1 (omitting
the last term) are compared with values predicted based on the individual voxel
Changes in the loading of the coil
can be precisely corrected with
the proposed quantity
1DS [Figure1]. During a time of 2.5 month
was measured 15 times in vitro with a CV of 0.78 % demonstrating a good
stability of the proposed method. The need and the effect of the correction factor
in Eq.1 is demonstrated in vitro [Figure2] and in vivo [Figure3]. The
correction with
Cp allows to reproduce the
cseg values at all three measured positions.
Metabolite concentrations obtained via Eq.1 and IWR highly agree as
demonstrated in [Figure4]. However so far only deviations of
∣^B−1∣ along the RL and AP direction are
considered. The use of a 3D reception sensitivity map might further improve the
accordance of the obtained values.
conclusion, the proposed calibration strategy allows to obtain
reliable metabolite concentrations in vivo without the use of additional
hardware nor assumptions about an internal reference at 3T.
No acknowledgement found.References
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