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In vivo comparison of quadrupole splitting of potassium resonance with dipole-dipole splitting of total creatine resonance in proton MR spectroscopy of human calf muscle
Manuela Barbara Rösler1,2, Nicolas G.R. Behl1, Nadia Benkhedah1, Armin Michael Nagel1,3, and Reiner Umathum1

1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 2Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Center Ulm, Ulm, Germany


Theory predicts that the residual quadrupole interaction of spin-3/2 nuclei with electrical field gradients and the dipole-dipole interaction of coupled spin-1/2 nuclei depend similarly on the angle between the privileged direction and the static magnetic field. In this work, we compare the splitting of the 39K resonance with the splitting of the total creatine resonance in 1H MR spectroscopy in vivo at human calf muscle. We find similar behavior under variation of the angle between B0 and tibia. Therefor we conclude that the potassium ions and creatine are located in an equivalent electromagnetic environments.


The feasibility of in vivo 39K magnetic resonance imaging in humans was proven recently1,2. In muscle tissue the resonance of this spin-2/3 nucleus is split due to non-vanishing quadrupole interaction with electrical field gradients (EFG)3. In case of axial symmetry, theory predicts that the frequency shift ΔfQ of the two satellite resonances depends on the angle β between the privileged direction of the EFG and the static magnetic field according to ΔfQ=e2Qq4(3cos2β1), where is the Planck constant, eQ is the electric quadrupole moment (5.85 fm2)4 and eq is the EFG. The dipole-dipole interaction of two coupled spin-1/2 nuclei follows the same angular dependency. In proton spectroscopy of muscle tissue this was observed for the total creatine (tCr) resonance5, 6. In this work, the angular dependence of splitting of the 39K resonance is compared in vivo to the one of the tCr resonance in 1H spectroscopy.


All measurements were performed on a 7 T whole body system (MAGNETOM 7 T, Siemens AG, Germany) with an accessible patient bore size of 60 cm. 39K MR signal was acquired with a custom-built surface coil (d = 10 cm, 2 windings) whereas for 1H MR spectroscopy a commercially available surface coil was used (1H Loop Coil 7 T; SIEMENS AG, Germany). The surface coils were placed in two sessions between the calves of a healthy volunteer (28y, f) positioned right laterally (fig. 1). The angle between the static magnetic field B0 and the front edge of the tibia was varied from -10° up to +100° in increments of 10° by bending the knees. For each position a 39K spectrum was acquired with the FID sequence (TR = 290 ms, BW = 2000 Hz, bas. res. = 512, α = 90°, nex. = 1024, TRO = 256 ms, TAQ = 5 min, oversampling 2, fig. 2). The occurring resonances were plotted with the AMARES algorithm7, 8. By prior knowledge the intensity and line width of the two satellite resonances as well as their absolute distance to the central resonance were assumed to be equal. The angular dependency of the satellites’ frequency shift was plotted and equation Δfsatellites=A(3cos2(ββ0)1) was fitted to the data. After performing B0 shimming and water suppression by a water excitation technique (WET), a 1H spectrum with a PRESS sequence (TE = 20 ms, TR = 2000 ms, BW = 1200 Hz, bas. res. = 2048, α = 90, nex. = 92, TRO = 1706 ms, TAQ = 3:04 min, voxel size 2 × 2 × 2 cm3 placed in musculus gastrocnemius, fig. 2) was acquired for different angular positions of the calves. The distance of the two peaks are plotted in fig. 3 versus the angle between the tibia and B0.


The frequency shift of the satellite resonances (Δfsatellites) in the 39K spectrum changes with the angle between the tibia and B0. However, the splitting never reaches zero with the chosen fit options. The fitting results in A=(96±12)1/s and \beta_0 = (-1 \pm 6)°, representing the unknown angle between the tibia and the muscle fibers. The splitting of the tCr resonance (\Delta f_{dipole-dipole\ splitting\ tCr}) in the 1H spectrum is only distinguishable for angles between -10° and 30°. In comparison to the splitting of the 39K resonance caused by non-vanishing quadrupolar interaction the splitting of the tCr resonance in the 1H spectrum due to dipole-dipole interaction is one order of magnitude lower. Nevertheless, their behavior under angle variation is similar for the data acquired.


39K spectroscopy was performed unlocalized. Therefore signals are likely from different muscle types. Three resonances were assumed for all spectra to avoid the subjective decision on when to change the model, even though the resonances are not clearly visible especially of high angles. Nevertheless, the fitted model for the angular dependence assuming axial symmetry describes the data properly. 1H spectroscopy was compromised by the B0 shim, especially at large bending angles when the coil could not be positioned exactly in the isocenter. Therefore the splitting of the tCr resonance was only observable for angles smaller than 30°.


In conclusion, the similar behavior of quadrupole splitting of the 39K resonance and the dipole-dipole splitting of the tCr resonance in the 1H spectrum under angle variation was shown in vivo at human calf muscle. The potassium ions and the creatine seem to be located in an equivalent electromagnetic environment.


The MRUI software package was kindly provided by the participants of the EU Network programmes: Human Capital and Mobility, CHRX-CT94-0432 and Training and Mobility of Researchers, ERB-FMRX-CT970160.


1UMATHUM, R., M. B. RÖSLER AND A. M. NAGEL In Vivo 39K MR Imaging of Human Muscle and Brain. Radiology, 2013, 269(2), 569-576.

2ATKINSON, I. C., T. C. CLAIBORNE AND K. R. THULBORN Feasibility of 39-potassium MR imaging of a human brain at 9.4 Tesla. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014, 71(5), 1819-1825.

3RÖSLER, M. B., N. BENKHEDAH, A. M. NAGEL, T. PLATT, et al. In vivo quadrupolar splitting of potassium (39K) MR spectra in human thigh muscle. In ISMRM. Toronto, 2015.

4HARRIS, R. K., E. D. BECKER, S. M. CABRAL DE MENEZES, R. GOODFELLOW, et al. NMR nomenclature. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2002, 40(7), 489-505.

5KREIS, R. AND C. BOESCH Liquid-Crystal-like Structures of Human Muscle Demonstrated by in Vivo Observation of Direct Dipolar Coupling in Localized Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B, 1994, 104(2), 189-192.

6AGARWAL, N., G. PAGÈS, L. D. SILVA, N. SAID, et al. Dependence of residual dipolar couplings on foot angle in 1H MR spectra from skeletal muscle. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2014, 32(4), 379-384.

7NARESSI, A., C. COUTURIER, J. M. DEVOS, M. JANSSEN, et al. Java-based graphical user interface for the MRUI quantitation package. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 2001/06/01 2001, 12(2-3), 141-152.

8VANHAMME, L., A. VAN DEN BOOGAART AND S. VAN HUFFEL Improved Method for Accurate and Efficient Quantification of MRS Data with Use of Prior Knowledge. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 1997, 129(1), 35-43.


Fig 1: Positioning of the volunteer. By bending the knees the angle between the calves and B0 could be varied.

Fig 2: 39K (blue) and 1H (red) spectra of a healthy volunteer’s calves acquired at different angles between tibia and B0. The 39K resonance is split due to non-vanishing quadrupole interaction whereas the tCr resonance in the 1H spectra at approximately 3.9ppm is split due to non-vanishing dipole-dipole interaction.

Fig 3: Behavior of the satellites’ frequency shift in the 39K spectra (blue) and the splitting of the tCr resonance in 1H spectra (red) under angle variation. The equation theory predicts for the angular dependence is fitted to the potassium data (blue line).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)