The venous contribution to sodium (23Na) MRI signals in human brain
Ian D Driver1, Robert W Stobbe2, Richard G Wise1, and Christian Beaulieu2

1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada


We show for the first time that venous sodium MRI signals in the human brain are elevated with respect to grey and white matter in-vivo. These results have implications for studies using sodium MRI signals to investigate pathologies such as stroke and cancer, with abnormal cerebrovasculature. Observed signal changes in these groups may be partially due to changes in vascular structure, rather than metabolic dysfunction or disruption of cell integrity. Also, potential studies aiming to use sodium MRI for direct detection of neuronal activity will need to account for functional hyperaemia changing the venous sodium signal.


In the brain, sodium plays a key role in neuronal action potentials, mediates the transport of metabolic substrates through cell membranes and is involved in osmoregulation and pH regulation. Therefore sodium (23Na) MRI shows great promise as a marker for cerebral metabolic dysfunction in studying stroke, cancer and neurodegenerative pathologies. However, the 23Na MRI signal is heightened in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)1, such that measurements of tissue sodium can be biased by tissue atrophy. Another cerebral fluid compartment, which has not been considered previously, is cerebral blood vessels, occupying approximately 5% of the cerebral volume, with 140-150 mM sodium concentrations2. The space occupied by cerebral blood vessels may be perturbed in pathology, such as cancer (angiogenesis) or stroke. In this study, we consider the 23Na MRI signal from cerebral veins, to assess whether this is significantly different from GM and WM. Three 23Na sequences were investigated: a density-weighted (DW) sequence, a sequence sensitive to the fast T2f component (PACMAN)3 and an inversion recovery fluid attenuated sequence (SIRFLA)4.


Five healthy participants undertook this study (19-30 yr; 2F/3M) on a Varian Inova 4.7 T system. For anatomical segmentation, whole brain MPRAGE (1 mm isotropic; TR/TI/TE = 508.5/300/4.5 ms) and T2*-weighted FLASH (SWI) (0.8×0.8×4 mm3; TR/TE = 1540/15 ms) were acquired using a 1H birdcage transmit head coil and 4-element receive array. A single-tuned 23Na birdcage head coil was used to acquire whole head images (3.2×3.2×6.4 mm3; twisted projection). DW (TR/TE = 85/0.11 ms; flip angle = 30°) and PACMAN3 (TR/TE = 25/2.5 ms; flip angle = 110°) images were acquired on all five participants, whilst an additional SIRFLA4 sequence was acquired in two of the participants (TR/TI/TE = 150/37/0.22 ms; flip angle = 64°). Tissue segmentation was performed on the MPRAGE dataset (FSL BET & FAST), giving gray matter (GM), white matter (WM) and CSF partial volume estimates (PVEs) at higher spatial resolution than the sodium images. Veins were segmented using the SWI dataset (Matlab; 5 mm FWHM Gaussian low-pass filter and intensity threshold). Vein and tissue segmentations were co-registered and down-sampled to the sodium images (SPM). The respective sodium signal contributions of each compartment were resolved by fitting each voxel’s vein, CSF, GM and WM proportions to the sodium signal using a multiple linear regression. Signals were normalized to WM for comparison across subjects, since WM had less partial voluming with CSF and veins than GM, so smaller signal variance.


The vein segmentation defined 2.8±0.3% of the brain as venous, example data in Figure 1a. The venous contribution to the sodium signal is significantly higher than for GM and WM (P<0.05, Bonferroni corrected) for both DW and PACMAN data (Figure 1b; Table 1). The enhanced venous 23Na DW signal suggests higher sodium concentrations in cerebral veins than in GM and WM, while the PACMAN signal suggests a large T2f increase in the venous tissue, similar to CSF. Statistical testing was not performed on the SIRFLA data, due to the low sample size (N = 2), but the venous signal appears less affected by the fluid attenuated sequence than CSF (Figure 1b; Table 1), consistent with an intermediate venous T1 relaxation4 between tissue and CSF. Similar results were found using ROI-based analysis, where voxels with 10% or greater CSF were excluded. Venous DW and PACMAN sodium signal remained higher than GM and WM (P<0.05), suggesting that the heightened venous signal is not due to spatial overlap with neighboring CSF.

Discussion and Conclusions

The heightened venous signal will contribute to a partial volume contamination of the sodium signal in tissues of interest, similar to that caused by CSF. Whilst large veins, occupying 2.8% of the brain volume, were investigated here, a typical tissue voxel will include approximately 5% microvasculature. These small blood vessels, not resolved in the SWI dataset, will also have a heightened sodium signal, scaling proportionally with volume occupied. The vascular sodium signal will also be an important factor for studies attempting to use sodium MRI as a method for direct detection of neuronal activity5, where focal blood volume increases will cause an increased signal. The DW data presented here has a shorter TR than typically used, but a much lower flip angle, yielding a small expected T1 weighting of 5% in CSF at 4.7T (T1 = 65 ms). This will lead to slight attenuation of the CSF and potentially venous signals. This abstract only considers the venous half of the cerebrovasculature, but future work will identify arteries using an angiogram, encompassing the full sodium signal contribution from cerebral blood vessels.


The authors wish to thank Dr Peter Seres for his assistance with image analysis.


1. Niesporek S, et al. Partial volume correction for in vivo 23Na-MRI data of the human brain. NeuroImage 2015; 112:353–363.

2. Madelin G and Regatte R. Biomedical applications of sodium MRI in vivo. JMRI 2013; 38:511-529

3. Stobbe R and Beaulieu C. Exploring and enhancing relaxation-based sodium MRI contrast. MAGMA 2014; 27:21-33.

4. Stobbe R and Beaulieu C. In vivo sodium magnetic resonance imaging of the human brain using soft inversion recovery fluid attenuation. MRM 2005; 54:1305-1310.

5. Riemer F et al. Sodium fMRI detects grey and white matter activations: neuronal firing or blood volume change? Proc. ISMRM Toronto 2015; 23:3924.


Figure 1: (a) Example quality of the data and tissue/vein segmentations. (b) 23Na signals (Mean ± SEM across subjects) are enhanced for veins compared with tissue (DW and PACMAN), but only partially attenuated in the SIRFLA sequence. * P<0.05; ** P<0.01 (Bonferroni corrected, compared to WM unless specified)

Table 1: Venous 23Na signal % difference over GM and WM for each sequence

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)