Measuring Glycolysis versus Oxidative Phosphorylation in Human Sperm by 13C MR Spectroscopy
Steven Reynolds1, Sarah Calvert2, Jack Pearson2, Allan Pacey2, and Martyn Paley1

1Academic unit of radiology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2Academic Unit of Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom


Two main metabolic pathways provide energy for sperm swimming; glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, producing different biomarkers, including lactate (glycolysis) and bicarbonate/CO2 (Oxphos) that can be detected by MR spectroscopy. By incubating 13C labeled exogenous metabolites with human spermatozoa we identify metabolic pathways and quantify rates of metabolism in spermatozoa. The rate constants for glucose and pyruvate conversion to lactate were estimated as 1.1±0.5x10-6s-1 and 2.4±1.1x10-6s-1 per million sperm respectively (mean±SD, n=4). Metabolic pathways used by live sperm were assessed and work is being done to estimate the relative importance of different metabolic activity in sperm of normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic patients.


Current evidence suggests that 20-25% of young men have poor semen quality, and in 50% of cases the male factor is responsible for a couple’s infertility1. In addition to adequate sperm count, sperm motility is essential for the successful fertilisation of the oocyte. The energy required for sperm swimming is provided by the metabolism of substrates to generate ATP2. The two main energy pathways of metabolism, glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, produce different biomarkers, including lactate (glycolysis) and bicarbonate/CO2 (Oxphos), and the rate of conversion of exogenous substrates could highlight the relative importance of different metabolic pathways. In this study we incubated 13C labelled metabolites with human spermatozoa to identify metabolic pathways and quantify rates of spermatozoa metabolism.


Spermatozoa from 13 research donors (recruited with LREC approval) were washed using an 80:40% (v/v) Percoll/PBS gradient centrifugation followed by leukocyte depletion with magnetic CD45 Dynabeads. Sperm from the pellet and the 80:40% interface were re-suspended in 300-400μl PBS with 20μl D2O, 100 units/ml Penicillin and 100 µg/ml Streptomycin antibiotics. Both were scanned at 37°C using a 9.4T MR scanner. 1.2-3.4mM of either 13C-labelled glucose, pyruvate, lactate or butyrate were added to the sperm and scanned immediately or placed in a water bath at 37°C for up to 24h before scanning. Spectra were acquired using a 13C{1H} inverse-gated pulse sequence (SW=239ppm, NS=4096, AQ=0.5s, D1=2, flip angle=16°). The metabolic conversion of 13C substrate was followed with 4-5 sequential 13C spectra over a period of up to 20 hours. Integrals were fitted to an exponential equation to estimate the rate constants for the metabolic conversion of substrate to daughter product per million sperm.


Incubating the sperm with either 13CU-glucose or 13CU-fructose resulted in the almost exclusive conversion to lactate, despite their potential to be converted into bicarbonate or other TCA cycle intermediates. In contrast 13C1 or 13C2 labeled pyruvate (pyr) incubation resulted in conversion to labeled lactate (13C1-pyr or 13C2-pyr), bicarbonate (13C1-pyr) and glutamate (13C2-pyr), showing that sperm can utilise both glycolysis and Oxphos. Sperm showed no metabolism of exogenous 13C3-lactate or 13C1-butyrate. By simultaneously administering a 1:1 13Cu-glucose and 13C1-pyruvate mixture to the sperm rate constants for metabolism in both the glycolytic and Oxphos pathways were estimated, see figure 1. The rate constants for glucose and pyruvate conversion to lactate were estimated as 1.1±0.5x10-6s-1 and 2.4±1.1x10-6s-1 per million sperm, respectively (mean±SD, n=4). Similarly, the pyruvate to bicarbonate rate constant was estimated as 1.7±1.2x10-6s-1 (mean±SD, n=3). The rate constant for 13Cu-fructose to lactate was estimated at 3.6±4.4x10-6s-1(mean±SD, n=2).


Separating the sperm from seminal plasma allows active metabolic pathways used by live sperm to be assessed using 13C labelled substrates and 13C MR spectroscopy. By combining 13C metabolites (e.g. glucose and pyruvate), the relative flux through glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation can be estimated. Further work is being done to estimate metabolic activity in sperm of normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic patients.


Medical Research Council for funding.


1. Pacey AA. Sperm, human fertility and society. In Birkhead T, Hosken D & Pitnick S (eds.). Sperm biology: an evolutionary perspective. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, pp. 565–597.

2. Garrett, L. J.; Revell, S. G.; Leese, H. J. Journal of andrology 2008, 29 (4), 449-58.


Figure 1: a)13C spectrum of sperm after incubation with 1:1 mixture of 13Cu-glucose and 13C1-pyruvate (both 1.3mM). B) Zoomed region of 13C spectrum showing isotopomer peak pattern for lactate.

Figure 2: Exponential fits to 13C integral time course during incubation with 1:1 mixture of 13Cu-glucose and 13C1-pyruvate (both 1.3mM). a) 13C lactate peak at 22.9 ppm derived from 13C-glucose, b) combined 13C lactate doublet peak (185.49, 184.79 ppm] derived from 13C-glucose, a) 13C lactate peak at 185.11 ppm derived from 13C1-pyruvate.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)