Iterative Approach for Partial Volume Corrected T2* Determination in 17O-MRI
Sebastian C. Niesporek1, Reiner Umathum1, Thomas M. Fiedler1, and Armin M. Nagel1,2

1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Center Ulm, Ulm, Germany


The energy balance of a cell is closely connected to in-vivo H217O-concentration which also is the turnover product of oxidative phosphorylation. 17O-MRI during inhalation of 17O2 enables localized mapping of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2). Larger voxel sizes due to a low MR-sensitivity and short relaxation times induce partial volume effects which reduce quantification accuracy. For accurate signal correction exact T2*-values are essential. A partial volume correction algorithm for improved T2*-determination where T2*-values are adapted iteratively is presented. Consistent results to simulations were obtained for phantom and in-vivo data. The iteratively corrected in-vivo T2*-values were used for improved 17O-MRI-signal quantification.


Cell and tissue viability is closely connected to energy balance and thus to the oxygen metabolism. Oxygen-17-MRI (17O-MRI) is capable of directly measuring the localized H217O-concentration in-vivo (nat. abundance 0.037%) which also is the turnover product of oxidative phosphorylation. In combination with inhalation of 17O2 a localized cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2) map is feasible1. However, the 17O-nucleus experiences extremely fast transverse relaxation due to its electrical quadrupole interaction (I=5/2). Additionally, the in-vivo signal is reduced by 105 compared to protons (1H). This requires pulse-sequences that enable ultra-short echo-times and high SNR-efficiency such as 3D density adapted radial (3D-DAPR)2 or twisted projection imaging3 to achieve nominal resolutions of ≲(7mm)3. Spherical acquisition schemes and T2*-relaxation additionally enlarge the full-widths-at-half-maximums (FWHM) of the point-spread-functions (PSF). Thus, strong partial-volume (PV) effects reduce the accuracy of quantitative 17O-MRI. Recently, a partial volume correction (PVC) algorithm4 was already successfully applied5,6 to non-proton MRI. This algorithm relies on accurate knowledge of relaxation properties of considered compartments. In this study, an iterative PVC approach for improved T2*-determination was applied to simulations, phantom and in-vivo data. Subsequently, determined relaxation properties were used for PVC-17O-MRI.


First, the T2*-determination capability was tested in phantom simulations/measurements. Three cylindrical tubes, two filled with 5%-agar+ 0.9%-NaCl solution to alter T2*-properties and one filled with 0%-agar+ 0.9%-NaCl (r=1.5cm) solution where placed within a cylindrical reservoir (0.4%-NaCl solution). The same configuration was simulated. Known relaxation properties were attributed to the individual compartments: tubes with 5%-agar/ 0%-agar T2*=2ms/6ms, T1=5ms/5ms.

Phantom simulations and measurements: A 3D-DAPR-sequence was applied for simulation and data acquisition (Fig.1). All data were reconstructed with a SNR-enhancing Hamming filter (FOV: 156x156x156mm3) and image data were B1-corrected with a phase-sensitive method7. Imaging was conducted on a 7T MR-system (Magnetom 7T, Siemens AG) using a custom-built quadrature 17O/1H-head-coil. Tube structures were segmented manually from a proton 3D-GRE-sequence (TR/TE=8.1ms/4.88ms, Θ=10°, (1mm)3). PVC was performed for each echo-data set individually, first without any T2*-consideration for PSF simulation. A mono-exponential function was fitted to data of individual compartments. Then T2*-values were iteratively adapted until the change in T2*-value was <1%.

In-vivo measurements: Data of three healthy volunteers (age 25±2) were acquired with a 3D-DAPR-sequence (echos: TE=0.56ms, 1.56ms, 2.5ms, 3.5ms, 6.0ms, 8.0ms; FOV: 260x260x260mm3) (Fig.2). A proton 3D-GRE-sequence (TR/TE=8.1ms/4.88ms, Θ=10°, (1mm)3) was used as registration basis. For PVC masks high resolution anatomical data were acquired using a 24-channel 1H-head-coil. PV correction was performed for all data-sets considering three compartments (CSF, grey and white matter). Data were fitted mono-exponentially and T2*-values were adjusted iteratively. 17O-signal of the first data-set (TE=0.56ms) was then PV corrected considering two CSF compartments (lateral ventricles (CSFi)/sulci (CSFo)).


The influence of PV effects on T2*-determination was directly verified in simulations: Without additional correction, the relaxation time of the agar-compartment was overestimated by 40% (T2*=2.8ms). PVC in the first step reduced the discrepancy to 5%-7.5% and the following values remained within ±2.5% of the actual value (T2*=2.05ms). T2*-values of 0%-agar-compartments remained stable and showed little discrepancy. Similar results were obtained for experimental data of 5%-agar-compartments where the discrepancy to the final result (T2*=1.9ms) was even higher (60%, T2*=3.2ms). T2*-values for 0%-agar-compartments showed a slight difference (~13%, T2*=5.7/6.5ms) before and after correction. Exemplary fits are shown in Fig.3. In-vivo data showed a change in determined relaxation behavior for all three compartments (Tab.1). With corrected relaxation properties PVC water-content was quantified with different T2*-assumptions for PSF-simulation (Tab.2).


PV effects strongly influence the determination of relaxation parameters. Phantom studies revealed a discrepancy for T2*-values of up to 60% if signal was not corrected properly. Phantom simulations allowed verification of the method: In simulations correct T2*-values were recovered and comparable results for 17O-MRI experiments were obtained. The iterative PVC led to an increase in CSF-T2* and to a decrease of grey-matter-T2* (Tab.1) as expected. T2* of white matter remained stable over all iterations as PV effects of neighboring long-relaxation compartments (CSF) have only a small influence. With adapted T2*-values for PVC improved water content quantification was possible where discrepancy between CSFi and CSFo was minimal and expected values where closest to literature values8 (Tab.2). However, grey and white matter values are still underestimated by 4-12%, most likely due to not fully corrected transverse relaxation.


The presented iterative approach leads to improved T2*-determination in 17O-MRI. More precise T2* relaxation times enable a more accurate 17O-MRI signal quantification. Combining exact T2*-values with PVC algorithms is of particular interest for signal correction of CMRO2 experiments. This approach is also well transferable to other nuclei which face similar problems.



1. Atkinson et al., NeuroImage 2010 (2): 723-733, 2. Nagel et al., Magn Reson Med 2009 (62):1565-73, 3. Boada et al., Magn Reson Med (1997); 37: p. 706-715, 4. Rousset et al., J Nucl Med 1998(5):904-911, 5. Niesporek et al., NeuroImage, 2015(112): 353–363, 6. Hoffmann et al., MAGMA 2014(27):579-587, 7. Morell, Magn Reson Med 2008 (60):889-894, 8. Neeb et al., NeuroImage, 2006 (31): 1156–1168


Fig. 1 Phantom 17O-images from experimental data (A) and simulated data (B). In both cases a 3D-DAPR sequence with the following parameters was used: TR=30ms, TE=0.56-10ms (10 echos), 8000 projections, Θ=90°, nominal resolution: (6.5mm)3; TAcq=45min. Simulated data were adapted to have comparable SNR and structure as experimental data.

Fig. 2 In-vivo 17O-images of 3D-DAPR with TR=45ms, TE=0.56-8ms, 7500 projections, Θ=90°, nominal resolution: (6.5mm)3; TAcq=45min (TE of 0.56ms, 1.56ms and 3.5ms are shown). Reconstruction and B1-correction was performed similar to phantom measurements. The two external reference tubes were filled with pure H2O.

Fig. 3 Representative fits for agar-compartments of (A) simulated and (B) experimental data without PVC (red) and after the last iterative PVC step (blue).

Tab. 1 Determined T2*-relaxation properties for CSF, grey matter (GM), white matter (WM) and H2O (reference tubes (Fig.2)). Results of individual PVC steps are shown. Results are reproducible between volunteers and additionally revealed a difference between two brain compartments by 12±4%.

Tab. 2 Determined water-content of lateral ventricles (CSFi), sulci (CSFo), grey (GM), white matter (WM) and H2O with different assumptions for considered relaxation properties of PSF-simulation. An over-/underestimations of T2*-values (±1ms) lead to a quantification discrepancy of up to 13%. When no T2*-relaxation was considered, the discrepancy was >20%.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)