In Vitro Oxygen-17 NMR Spectroscopy of Cellular Metabolism at Ultra High Field
Ruomin Hu1, Andreas Neubauer1, Jorge Chacón-Caldera1, Javier Uranga Solchaga1, Christian Schuch2, Tilo Gläser2, Cordula Nies3, Eric Gottwald3, Stefan Giselbrecht4, and Lothar R. Schad1

1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany, 2NUKEM Isotopes Imaging GmbH, Alzenau, Germany, 3Institute for Biological Interfaces 5, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany, 4Department of Complex Tissue Regeneration, MERLIN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands


In this work we present a novel in vitro oxygen-17 NMR method using 17O-labeled glucose to investigate the metabolic process of cells cultivated in a MR-compatible microbioreactor. The metabolization of 17O-labeled glucose was demonstrated to produce MR-detectable H217O on the one hand and to not intervene with the inherent cellular physiology on the other hand, thus proving the method to serve as a neutral observation platform. The presented method has the potential to aid the modeling of fundamental physiological processes and to become a key element in cellular vitality assessment applications.


Cellular oxidative phosphorylation involves the production of ATP and MR-detectable metabolic water H217O by consuming glucose and oxygen. In recent development, oxygen-17 NMR has been utilized to obtain the cerebral metabolic rate in vivo by means of inhalation experiments with 17O2-enriched gas[1,2]. The alternative approach of 17O NMR presented in this work investigates the cellular metabolism on a more fundamental level by directly supplying cells with 17O-labeled glucose. The potential production of H217O via the metabolization of 17O-labeled glucose can be attributed to physiological processing.

The aim of this work was to perform 17O NMR experiments of cellular metabolism by online monitoring of cellular 17O-labeled glucose consumption in a MR-compatible microbioreactor[3] platform.

Materials and Methods

Cell culture and medium: The hepatoma cell line Hep G2 (ATCC, HB-8065, Manassas, VA, U.S.A.) was cultured in either Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) without glucose or Minimal Essential Medium (MEM) with natural glucose (without 17O-enrichment) and 0.1% phenol red, depending on the experimental purpose. Furthermore, an amount of 1 g/L [6-17O]glucose with 47% 17O-enrichment on position 6 (NUKEM Isotopes Imaging GmbH, Alzenau, Germany) was added to the DMEM. Both types of medium have been supplemented with 10% FBS, 1% Penicillin-Streptomycin, 1% Glutamine, 1% non-essential amino acids and 1% sodium pyruvate.

Bioreactor setup: Cells were cultured in a bioreactor containing a 3D-KITChip[3]. Medium of either type was pumped through the setup with 400 μl/min. A three-way-valve was installed to facilitate switching between MEM and DMEM.

Hardware: Measurements were conducted on a 9.4 T MR system (BioSpec, Bruker, Ettlingen, Germany). The custom-made RF surface coil was designed to match the dimensions of the bioreactor (c.f. Figure 1).

Measurement protocols: In each experiment, the bioreactor was perfused by two boluses of DMEM separated by MEM. The four measurements shown in Figure 2 have partially different protocols. For each data point, global free induction decay (FID) readout was averaged 2048 (2a-c) or 1024 (2d) times with a repetition time of 73 ms for each average. Signal intensity was obtained from integration of the spectrum. Such FID readout was repeated 52 (2a), 76 (2b-c) or 119 times (2d), resulting in a scan time of 130 min, 189 min or 148 min, respectively.

Results and Discussion

Each signal course in Figure 2 was normalized to data from the first ten minutes of the measurement and mapped with its perfusion timeline. Time periods during which cells are perfused with either MEM or DMEM overlap due to the gradual nature of medium replacement.

Measurements carried out with cells (2a-c) showed a distinctively different signal course compared with measurements without cells (2d). In the former case, a signal increase of 10–17% (c.f. Table 1) could be discerned to clearly match the in-flow of DMEM containing [6-17O]glucose. The decrease towards the baseline after the first DMEM bolus as well as the subsequent formation of the second peak showed that [6-17O]glucose is safely applicable without influencing the cellular vitality. More importantly, the reproducibility was evident.

In measurements without cells, the signal increase during the DMEM phases with [6-17O]glucose was 2–3%. This small increase could be explained by a combination of two reasons. The natural abundance of H217O varies in the range of 0.037–0.040%[4]. This relative difference of up to 8% in the most extreme cases might have been responsible for intrinsically different concentrations of the two types of medium. Furthermore, recombination of [6-17O]glucose with water in the medium under the specific condition (i.e. pH, temperature) of the experiments might have led to an increase in non-metabolic H217O content. Verifications of these arguments will be sought in future experiments. This signal increase of 2-3% was 3-5 times lower than that measured in the presence of cells and only slightly more significant than statistical fluctuation; it was deemed negligible for now. Therefore the observed peaks in the presence of cells could be attributed to the by-product of the metabolization of [6-17O]glucose.


The in vitro setup introduced in this work showed that there was a direct link between the metabolization of [6-17O]glucose and the formation of H217O. Precise dosage of [6-17O]glucose could be employed to provide evidence of cellular vitality. Signal increase was observed to match the perfusion timing accurately with sufficient time resolution. Furthermore, the implementation of [6-17O]glucose has been demonstrated to not intervene with the inherent cellular physiology, thus proving the method to serve as a neutral observation platform. In conjunction with other x-nuclei methods, the presented 17O NMR setup has the potential to aid the modeling of fundamental physiological processes and to become a key element in cellular vitality assessment applications.


The authors would like to thank NUKEM Isotopes Imaging GmbH for providing the 17O-related products without which this research could not have been undertaken.


[1] Zhu et al. Prog Nucl Mag Res Sp (2011)59:319-335.

[2] Borowiak et al. Magn Reson Mater Phy (2014)27:95-99.

[3] Gottwald et al. Z Med Phys (2013)23:102-110.

[4] Grotheer et al. Electrochem Technol (1968)6:221-224.


Figure 1: Bioreactor setup with custom-made surface coil. The cell environment is kept at 37° Celsius by heating of the medium supply and the animal bed. During measurements, the coil was fixed to the bioreactor to minimize the distance to the cells.

Figure 2: Signal courses normalized to data from the first 10 minutes with perfusion timeline. The DMEM-MEM-DMEM train was either (a) [8–8-8] ml or (b)(d) [12–16–12] ml. (a)(c) with cells: Two distinctive, reproducible peaks matching the perfusion timing were visible. (d) without cells: Relative signal increase was 3-5 fold smaller.

Table 1: Estimated values of the relative signal increase during the first and second DMEM bolus containing [6-17O]glucose are listed in this table. The indices (a)–(d) match those in Figure 2.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)