With the
rise of people with obesity and older age, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has
become a potentially disabling health problem. Continuous positive airway
pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment method for OSA patients. Here we examined neurochemical changes of untreated and
CPAP treated OSA patients versus healthy controls in several brain region
including parietal gray/white, insular cortex and frontal gray/white regions to
demonstrate the nature of tissue changes using an accelerated five-dimensional
(5D) echo-planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging (EP-JRESI) sequence. We observed statistically significant differences between
OSA patients and healthy control subjects in the occipital gray NAA/Cr, frontal
gray Ch/Cr and mI/Cr, and occipital white Ch/Cr regions. Most of the
differences were seen to be reversed in the OSA patients’ with CPAP cohort except
that the differences in occipital gray NAA/Ch and frontal gray mI/Cr remained significance.
To validate our findings, further longitudinal studies using
a large cohort of OSA subjects before and after CPAP are
required. These pilot findings demonstrate that the 5D EP-JRESI sequence can be
easily combined with any MRI protocol.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common multisystem sleep
1 and with the rise of people with obesity and older age, it
has become a potentially disabling health problem
2,3. Continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment method for OSA
patients. Several neuro-imaging studies mainly based on structural imaging have
examined the impact of CPAP treatment on OSA patients
4-6. However, to date there are only a limited
number of metabolite studies using 1D MRSI
6. In this study, we examined neurochemical changes of untreated
and CPAP treated OSA patients versus healthy controls in several brain regions to
demonstrate neurochemical changes using an accelerated five-dimensional (5D)
echo-planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging (EP-JRESI)
7 sequence
and compressed sensing (CS)
reconstruction. We hypothesized that metabolite
integrity would be altered in untreated OSA patients and subsequently, abnormalities would
be at least partially reversible after treatment with CPAP.
Materials and Methods:
We assessed seven untreated OSA patients (50.6±16.3years),
seven OSA patients with minimum 3 months of CPAP (56.4±9.6years) and
five healthy controls (HC) (43.4±15.6 years).
All data were collected on a Siemens 3T Prisma MRI scanner using a 16
channel head receive coil. The following parameters were used for water-suppressed
5D EP-JRESI: TR/TE=1.2s/30ms, voxel
3, 64∆t
1 increments, 256 bipolar
echo pair, FOV=24x24x12cm
3, 1 average, non-uniform sampling (NUS)= 12.5% with a scan time≈20 min. A maximum echo
sampling scheme was applied
8 and after postprocessing
8 bandwidth was ±250Hz along F1 and 1190Hz along F2. This was
followed by a non water-suppressed scan with only the first t
increment. The undersampled data was reconstructed using a modified Split
Bregman algorithm
9 which solves the optimization problem,
min where u is
the reconstructed data, f is
the undersampled data,
\sigma^2 is an estimate of the noise
variance, TV is the total variation norm, R is the NUS masking operator, and
\mathcal{F} is the Fourier transform operator. Before each EP-JRESI scan, 3D high resolution T1-weighted
images for localization were collected using a MP-RAGE pulse sequence. Acquired data were post-processed with a custom
MATLAB-based program and metabolite ratios with respect to the 3.0 ppm creatine
(Cr) peak were calculated using peak integration. The metabolite differences
between the three groups were tested with student’s t-test. Additionally, 5D EP-JRESI data were acquired from one HC and one OSA+CPAP
in the same day (n=3) for a test-retest study.
Figure 1(a) shows the PRESS VOI localization
volume on a T1-weighted axial MRI of a 50-year-old OSAS patient
brain. Representative 2D J-resolved spectra extracted from the mid-occipital
and left insular cortex regions of the same subject following CS reconstruction
are shown in Figure 1(b) and 1(c) respectively. Figure 2 and Fig. 3 show the
selected metabolite ratios with respect to Cr in the frontal white/gray,
occipital white/gray, left and right insular cortex and parietal insular cortex
regions of the three groups: healthy controls, baseline OSA and OSA+CPAP
respectively. Statistically significant differences were found
between OSA patients and HC subjects in the occipital gray N-acetylaspartate(NAA)/Cr
(1.43[0.13] vs 1.79[0.33]), frontal gray choline(Ch)/Cr (0.35[0.08] vs
0.45[0.07]), frontal gray myo-inositol(mI)/Cr (1.18[0.09] vs 1.36[0.05]), and occipital
white Ch/Cr (0.24[0.06] vs 0.32[0.07]) ratios. When comparing OSA+CPAP with HC,
significant differences in occipital gray NAA/Cr and frontal gray mI/Cr
remained (Figure 2 and 3). NAA/Cr and Ch/Cr reduced further in the right
insular cortex regions. Comparison between the baseline OSA and the OSA+CPAP patients
showed significantly increased NAA/Cr, and Ch/Cr in the occipital white. The coefficient
of variation(CV) of NAA, Ch, mI and Glx(glutamine+glutamate) ratios both in HC
and OSA+CPAP for the test-retest study (n=3) were under 15% (Table 4).
The results
of the current study are in broad agreement with the previous 1D MRS studies
6,10,11. In general,
we observed decreasing trends of NAA/Cr, Ch/Cr and Glx/Cr ratios in untreated
OSA patients compared to HC. Most of the differences were seen to be reversed
in the OSA+CPAP patients cohort. Reduced
NAA/Cr ratio is indicative of impaired neuronal viability and/or integrity in
those regions
11. Decreased Ch/Cr ratios may result from loss of
myelin lipids or dysfunction of phospholipid metabolism
10. Metabolite
ratios were reproducible as demonstrated by small CV values for the two
subjects in test-retest study.
Studies using a large
number of longitudinal subjects before and after CPAP are required to further validate
the observations of the current study. Our
findings are consistent with the known phenomenon of oxidative stress in OSA
and reversibility of neurofunctional changes after CPAP. Nevertheless, accelerated 5D EP-JRESI can be used to monitor neurochemical changes in
OSA patients and other brain pathologies.
This research was supported by NINR 013693.References
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