Sensitivity Comparison of Ultrahigh-field Oxygen-17 MRS Imaging between 7T and 10.5T using a Human Head Size Phantom and Quadrature Surface Coil
Hannes Michel Wiesner1, Xiao-Hong Zhu1, Kamil Ugurbil1, and Wei Chen1

1CMRR, Radiology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, United States


In vivo 17O MRS imaging provides a valuable tool for quantitatively imaging the cerebral rate of oxygen metabolism, cerebral blood flow and oxygen extraction fraction from a brief inhalation of 17O-isotope labeled oxygen gas. In this study, we conducted a pilot test to examine the 17O sensitivity using the human head size water phantom in the world's first 10.5T whole-body human scanner at the CMRR, then compared it with that at 7T. We found approximately doubled 17O sensitivity at 10.5T after careful consideration signal and noise contributions at both fields.


To investigate the sensitivity gain of 17O MRS imaging at ultrahigh field of the world's first 10.5T whole-body human MRI scanner as compared to 7T.


In vivo 17O MRS imaging provides a valuable tool for quantitatively imaging the cerebral rate of oxygen metabolism, cerebral blood flow and oxygen extraction fraction from a brief inhalation of 17O-isotope labeled oxygen gas. Due to the unique NMR properties of short 17O quadrupolar relaxation time and field independence, the NMR sensitivity of the 17O water signal was found to increase quadratically with magnetic field strength (B0) in the phantom test and animal brain 1, 2. In this study, we conducted a pilot test to examine the 17O sensitivity using ahuman head size water phantom in the world's first 10.5T whole-body human scanner at CMRR and compared it with that at 7T.


Chemical shift imaging (CSI) based on the Fourier-series window technique was performed on two human MR-scanners (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) at the field strengths of 7T and 10.5T, respectively. A 2 liter spherical glass phantom (~16 cm diameter similar to human head size) containing natural abundance 17O saline solution (with 50 mM NaCl and 25 mM inorganic phosphate) was scanned at fully relaxed conditions (TR 100ms, TR>>5*T1 of 17O water) with the following sequence parameters: 0.5ms TE, 0.5ms hard pulse width, 18x18x15cm3 FOV, 9x9x7 matrix size, 23ms acquisition time and 30kHz spectral width. Signal was acquired using a home-built quadrature surface-coil of two loops (diameter 16cm) tuned and matched to the resonance frequencies of 40.292MHz and 60.611 MHz at 7T and 10.5, respectively. The reference RF voltage was optimized to obtain maximal signals in the region of interest at two fields. Two low noise high-gain pre-amplifiers and T/R-switches with similar circuitry but different operation frequencies from the same manufacturer (Stark Contrast, Erlangen, Germany) were used at both field-strengths. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was measured by dividing the peak intensity by the peak-to-peak noise level. In addition, we also measured and compared the extra magnet room noise by comparing the difference of the noise levels measured under two conditions: T/R switch was connected with a 50 ohm terminator versus the RF quadrature coil as a room noise pickup coil.


The phantom shape was clearly resembled in the transversal slices of 3D 17O water CSI data as shown in Fig. 1, and the phantom position was confirmed to be in the same position in both scanners with the iso-center as the center CSI voxel. Highest signal intensity occurred in the central voxels and tilted towards to the quadrature coil (Fig 1). For the voxels, the averaged SNR was 545 at 10.5T and 383 at 7T, resulting in an SNR ratio of 1.42 between the two fields or a SNR gain of 42% at 10.5T. This gain was less than the estimated SNR ratio of near 2.0 based on the field dependence relationship 1-2 of SNR ยต B07/4. Interestingly, we also observed a higher level of approximately 40% in the 10.5T magnet room noise based on the comparison of noise measurements between 50 ohm terminator and RF coil. After considering and correcting the extra noise observed in the 10.5T magnet room, it resulted in an SNR ratio of gain of near 2 that was close to the prediction.


From this first study and preliminary results, we found a significant SNR gain of 17O MRS imaging at 10.5T as compared to 7T. We also found a relatively large magnet room noise for the new 10.5T magnet room and it was under investigation nor for fixing. Nevertheless, after the correction of the extra noise, the net SNR gain was consistent with the prediction. In addition, we also found a larger RF power is needed at 10.5T for reaching the same RF pulse flip angle 3,4,5,6.


The preliminary results suggest a possibility to double sensitivity for in vivo 17O MRS imaging at 10.5T as compared to 7T. This sensitivity gain will advance the technology and utility of in vivo 17O MRS imaging for studying brain metabolism and perfusion.


NIH grants of R24 MH106049, RO1 NS070839, S10 RR029672, P41 EB015894 and P30 NS076408; and technical assistance from Drs. Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele and Gregor Adriany.


1 Zhu et. al., 17O relaxation time and NMR sensitivity of cerebral water and their field dependence, MRM 2001, 45, 543-549.

2 Lu et. al., In vitro and in vivo studies of 17O NMR sensitivity at 9.4 and 16.4 T, MRM 2013, 69, 1523-1527.

3 Collins et. al., Different excitation and reception distributions with a single-loop transmit-receive surface coil near a head-sized spherical phantom at 300 MHz, MRM 2002, 47, 1026-1028.

4 Perman et. al., Methodology of in vivo human sodium MR imaging at 1.5 T., Radiology 1986, 160:811-820.

5 James et. al., Optimization and Characterization of Sodium MRI Using 8-channel 23Na and 2-channel 1H RX/TX Coil, 13th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 2009, 23, 138-141.

6 Wiesner et. al. Quantitative Study of TX/RX-efficiency of X-Nuclear MRS/MRI at High/Ultrahigh Field, ISMRM Milan, Italy 2014, #810.


Figure 1: Signal intensity distribution in the natural abundance oxygen-17 phantom (red oval) at transversal orientation at 10.5T using 90 degree flip-angle with increased spatial sensitivity in the overlap region of the quadrature coils (green).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)