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Assessment of benefit to use a non-Cartesian trajectory and nonlinear reconstruction method compared to a Cartesian strategy for Fast 31P MRI
Arthur Coste1, Nicolas Chauffert1,2, Alexandre Vignaud1, Philippe Ciuciu1,2, Fawzi Boumezbeur1, Pierre Weiss3, Sandro Romanzetti4, Denis Le Bihan1, and Cécile Lerman1

1MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Unit, NeuroSpin, Gif sur Yvette, France, 2Parietal, INRIA Saclay, Saclay, France, 3Institut des Technologies Avancées du Vivant, Toulouse, France, 4University Clinic RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany


This work illustrates the application of a wavelet based least square regularized image reconstruction for non-Cartesian MR sampling trajectories in the framework of low concentration Phosphorus Imaging. We compared performances between 3D Cartesian Fast Imaging with Steady-state free Precession (FISP) and the TPI (FISP) sequence and show that in equivalent acquisition durations we are able to produce better images with the TPI sequence. Prospective sub-sampling was also performed and results open exciting possibilities to reduce acquisition time without impacting image quality for non-proton MRI.


With the development of high field MRI, the in vivo study of non-proton nuclei becomes manageable in a clinical research setting. These nuclei are particularly interesting to investigate metabolism and cellular homeostasis in complement to 1H. However, some of them presents quadrupolar moments leading to very short T2* decays creating additional constraints for the acquisition. A solution is to resort to Compressed sensing which consists of combining efficient k-space sampling trajectories in particular undersampled Non-Cartesian sampling schemes, with dedicated reconstruction algorithm.


This work demonstrates in vitro benefits of using the Twisted Projection Imaging sequence[1] (TPI) FISP combined with a nonlinear reconstruction method.

Material and Methods

Acquisitions were performed on a 7T Magnetom MRI scanner (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) and using double-tuned (1H/31P) head only phased array transceiver coil. (Resonance Research Inc, Billerica, USA)[2]. A home-made 2L spherical phantom, containing a Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) solution at 40mmol/L was used for testing. Two galleries of 50mL tubes (containing either pure water or PBS in various concentrations) were disposed around the sphere as illustrated in Figure 1.

A reference image using a Cartesian 3D Fast Imaging with Steady-state free Precession (FISP) sequence was compared to acquisitions performed using the TPI sequence. Acquisition parameters were the same for both sequences: TR/TE = 100/4.5ms, FA = 10°, isotropic FOV of 320mm at 5mm isotropic resolution, 1 average, dwell time was 20µs. TPI images were acquired with a linear portion (p) of 0.75 and a number of spokes equivalent to the Cartesian acquisition (4096).

Our goal was to compare reconstructed images acquired using the two MRI sequences for identical scanning time. Cartesian FISP image was directly reconstructed on-line by Inverse Fourier Transform. TPI images were reconstructed using a 3D wavelet-regularized least square reconstruction using the Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA)[3] implemented in Matlab (The Mathworks, Natick, USA). The FISTA algorithm computes the global minimizer of the following convex but non-smooth criterion:

argmin(12||Axy||22+λ||x||1),with A=FΨ

We used an orthogonal wavelet basis ψ and the Nonequispaced Fourier Transform[4]. Neither the regularization parameter λ nor the number of iterations are yet automatically determined and are set empirically. Under-sampled TPI acquisitions were then explored by reducing the number of acquired spokes and further compared to the equivalent Cartesian acquisition.

Results and Discussion

As illustrated in Figure 2, for equivalent acquisition parameters, the TPI image (b), reconstructed with FISTA (75 iterations and λ = 10-5), exhibits a better SNR and enables a better delineation of the object structure and compartments. This result is maintained for a 50% under-sampling factor offering the potential to shorten acquisitions. SNR comparisons are presented in Figure 3 looking at a ROI centered on the 80mmol/L tube. This graph shows that higher SNR is reachable in lower acquisition time with TPI and FISTA. Similar curves were extracted from all visible tubes and lead to the same conclusion. Reducing the number of iterations in FISTA leads to a smoother image with a better SNR at the cost of a wider Point Spread Function (PSF). A higher SNR can also be obtained by increasing the regularization parameter. However, one must be cautious as this regularization can also create artifacts. Further work will be dedicated to an optimal and unsupervised setting of parameters to get the best reconstructed image for any given data set.


In this study, we have shown that the combination of non-Cartesian sampling sequence with a non-linear reconstruction algorithm improves the quality of X-nuclei MR images. The combination of 3D TPI and FISTA produces promising results in a reasonable amount of time despite the low available signal. Such acquisition protocol opens up exciting possibilities to apply X-nuclei MRI for clinical research. As shown elsewhere, efficient X-nuclei MRI approach shall help defining precise quantification pipeline lasting about an hour [5].


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[1] F. E. Boada et al., MRM 37, 706-715, 1997

[2] N. Avdievich, Appl Magn Reson. 2011 Dec; 41(2-4): 483–506

[3] A. Beck et al., FISTA, SIAM 2009

[4] J. Keiner et al., ACM Trans. Math. Software, 36, 2009

[5] A. Coste et al., submitted ISMRM, 2016


Figure 1: Phantom used for our measurements with the different 31P concentrations in mmol/L. White tubes only contain water.

Figure 2: Comparison of Cartesian FISP (a), TPI images reconstructed with FISTA (b,c,d,e,f). Fully-sampled Images (a and b) both have 4096 spokes. Images (c,d,e,f) have a respective sub-sampling ratio of 0.5, 0.25,0.125 and 0.0625.

Figure 3: SNR measurements in the 80mmol/L tube (Figure 1). The gray square corresponds to the value for the Cartesian FISP while the black diamonds represent values measured for the TPI acquisitions fully and under-sampled

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)