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Improved Stability of the Inverse Laplace Transform with Non-negativity Constraints through Extension into a Second Dimension, with Applications to Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry of Tissue
Ariel Hafftka1,2, Hasan Celik1, Wojciech Czaja2, and Richard G. Spencer1

1Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United States


Magnetic resonance (MR) relaxometry and related experiments provide useful information about tissues. These experiments reveal the distribution of a parameter, such as T2-relaxation, in a sample. The process required to recover the distribution from the observed data, an inverse Laplace transform (ILT), is highly ill-conditioned, meaning that small amounts of noise can create huge changes in the solution. Recent work has shown using simulations that 2D MR experiments result in a problem substantially more stable than in 1D. We present a theorem quantifying stability of the ILT and use it to explain the improved performance in 2D.


Magnetic resonance (MR) relaxometry and related experiments provide useful information about tissues, including brain, cartilage, and muscle1,2,3,4,5,6,7. One-dimensional MR relaxometry experiments reveal the distribution of a parameter in a sample, such as the decay constant of transverse relaxation, T2. The process required to recover the distribution, m, describing underlying macromolecular tissue components, from the observed data, d, is a Tikhonov-regularized discrete inverse Laplace transform (ILT) with non-negativity constraints. The ILT is highly ill-conditioned; low noise levels can result in large changes in the solution. Regularization reduces noise-sensitivity but decreases component resolution and distorts in component sizes. However, previous work has shown by simulations that substantially better stability is possible in 2D than in 1D, providing the potential for greatly improved characterization of tissue by relaxometry8,9.

Here, new results are presented indicating the theoretical basis for improved stability in 2D. We present a new theorem bounding the condition number of the solution with respect to perturbations in data. For a series of simulated data consisting of two peaks at various positions, representing tissue components, we analyze stability in 1D and 2D by computing this condition number. These theoretical results are illustrated by extensive numerical experiments focusing on the ability to resolve two tissue components.


The problem to be solved is

min (1)

The problem can be solved efficiently using the Venkataramanan-Song-Hurlimann algorithm10,11,12.

The data d is of size M \times 1, the solution m is of size N\times 1, the kernel K is of size M\times N, and \alpha controls regularization. The solution m describes the distribution of relaxation components. In 2D the problem takes the same form, with K:=K_1\otimes K_2 and with m and d describing 2D data arrays flattened row-wise.

If d is perturbed to \tilde{d}, the solution m^{*} of (1) is perturbed to \tilde{m}^{*}. Without nonnegativity constraints, known results bound the perturbation in the solution9. We present a new theorem that extends the known condition number to (1).

Theorem: There exists a neighborhood N(d) containing d such that if \tilde{d}\in N(d), the solution \tilde{m}^{*} of (1) with d replaced by \tilde{d} satisfies \frac{||\tilde{m}^{*}-\tilde{m}^{*}||}{||m^{*}||} \leq\mathcal{K}\frac{||\tilde{d}-d||}{||d||}, where \mathcal{K}:=\frac{||d||}{||m^{*}||\sqrt{\sigma_{\min}(K)^2+\alpha^2}}\approx\frac{||d||}{||m^{*}||\alpha}=:\mathcal{K}_{\text{appx}}.


For various peak positions and regularization levels, we quantify \mathcal{K}_{\text{appx}} and resolution, as measured by the height \rho of the saddle point between peaks, with the height of the larger peak normalized to 1. Here \rho=1 indicates that two peaks are overlapping, and hence not well-resolved, while \rho=0 indicates that the peaks are perfectly resolved.

Define \text{linspace}(a,b,n) to be n points linearly-spaced from a to b and \text{logspace}(a,b,n) to be n points log-spaced from 10^a to 10^b, as in Matlab. Define T_2 values t[i]=\text{logspace}(-2.5,0.5,128) and acquisition times \tau[i]=\text{logspace}(-3,1,128). The 2D kernel K = K_1\otimes K_2, where K_l[i,j] = \exp(-\tau[i]/t[j]), for l = 1,2.. Each K_l is normalized so that \sigma_{\max}(K_l) = 1.

For \alpha =10^{i/2}, i=5,6\ldots,10, data is simulated from initial distributions m of size 128 \times 128 with two nonzero entries, corresponding to peaks at positions (0.1,0.1) and (p_1,p_2). The relative peak positions \lambda_i := \log_{10}(p_i / 0.1) are drawn from \text{linspace}(-1.5,1.5,64). Gaussian noise is added at \text{SNR}=1024 and results are averaged over 4 realizations. Analogous simulations are performed in 1D for comparison.

Results and Discussion

The condition number from the simulations is substantially smaller in 2D than in 1D, indicating greatly improved stability. At \alpha = 10^{-5}, \mathcal{K}_{\text{appx}}\sim5000 for 2D and \sim20000 for 1D, indicating 4\times better stability. The contour plots of \rho indicate peaks are well-resolved outside of a rounded-square shaped region. If two macromolecular components are close in 1D, introducing a second dimension in which the peaks are much more separated can greatly improve resolution and component quantification.


We have presented a new theorem guaranteeing stability of the Tikhonov-regularized non-negative least squares problem arising in multidimensional MR relaxometry and demonstrated that the stability bound is substantially better in 2D than 1D. In extensive numerical simulations, we have measured stability and resolution, as quantified by the condition number \mathcal{K}_{\text{appx}} and saddle height \rho, showing directly that the introduction of a second dimension can greatly improve signal component quantification and resolution if parameter separation is greater in the newly introduced dimension. These results provide a theoretical basis for the previously-described improvement in stability of the 2D ILT as compared to the 1D ILT. These results apply equally well to other 2D relaxometry and related experiments, including T1-T2 and ADC-T2 experiments. The stability of the 2D ILT may form the basis for a wide range of accurate experimental determinations of biophysical properties of tissue.


This work was supported by the Intramural Research Program, National Institute on Aging, of the National Institutes of Health. WC was supported by HDTRA 1-13-1-0015.


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2D Stability: Contour plots of the condition number Kappx versus relative peak positions 12). Contours describe the relative peak positions that result condition numbers. At each regularization level alpha, these condition numbers are substantially smaller than the corresponding condition numbers in 1D, indicating improved stability in 2D.

1D Stability: The condition number Kappx versus the relative peak position λ1. At each regularization level alpha, these condition numbers are substantially larger than the corresponding condition numbers in 2D, indicating the discretized ILT with non-negativity constraints is significantly less stable in 1D than 2D.

2D Resolution: Contour plots of the height ρ of the saddle point between the two maxima in the recovered solution versus relative peak positions (λ12). Contours describe the relative peak positions that result in equivalent resolution. In the central rounded-square-shaped regions, the peaks cannot be resolved.

1D Resolution: Height rho of the saddle point between two maxima in the recovered solution versus the relative peak position λ1. As regularization decreases, less component separation is required for peaks to be resolved, as indicated by the smaller central at which the saddle heights are near 1.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)