Céline Giraudeau1, Arthur R Wijsmuller1,2, Carter C Lebares1,2, Jacques Marescaux1,2, and Didier Mutter1,2
1IHU Strasbourg, Institute of image-guided surgery, Strasbourg, France, 2IRCAD, Research Institute Against Digestive Cancer, Strasbourg, France
goal of this study was to investigate the value of a 3D
high-resolution sequence with a particular contrast to visualize and delineate
pelvic autonomic nerves in a healthy volunteer. Through segmented images and the corresponding 3D reconstruction, we show that our method offers interesting results for the delineation of the hypogastric plexus
and the pudendal nerves that are frequently impacted by pelvic surgery. These results are promising for individualized
preoperative mapping of autonomic innervation and could provide a
valuable support to guide surgeons during interventions when combined with augmented reality.PURPOSE
Sparing nerves of the
autonomic nervous system during pelvic surgery is highly desirable to avoid
postoperative complications like incontinence or impotence. When combined with
augmented reality, individualized preoperative mapping of those nerves could provide
a valuable support to guide surgeons during interventions. However, while nerve
roots and large bundles of nerves in the pelvis are clearly visible with MR
1,2, it is much more difficult to distinguish small
nerves surrounding the rectum, the bladder or the prostate, and to fully
delineate them. A previous study carried out on fixed cadaveric pelvises showed
that autonomic innervation could be reconstructed thanks to an imaging protocol
combining several contrasts
3. In this preliminary study, we investigate
the value of a 3D high-resolution sequence with a particular contrast to visualize
and delineate pelvic autonomic nerves in a healthy volunteer.
A young female volunteer (26y)
underwent a scan of the pelvis at iCube laboratory (IMIS platform, university
of Strasbourg) without any injection. The subject was examined with a 3T MR
system (Verio, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) using a 6-channel phased-array
flexible coil and a spine coil for signal reception. A dielectric pad was used
to prevent standing wave artifact and limit breathing motion in the upper part
of the pelvis. MR neurography was performed with a 3D PD SPACE (Sampling Perfection
with Application optimized Contrasts
using different flip angle Evolution) sequence with the
following parameters: FOV=240*160mm², TE/TR=23/519 ms, GRAPPA factor 2, echo
train length 43, 2 excitations, in plane resolution 0.77*0.77 mm², 208 1-mm
thick axial slices, TA=12min. Nerves were manually segmented
in consecutive slices using ITK-SNAP software (Penn Image Computing and Science
Laboratory, Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, USA). Particular attention was
paid to the smaller pelvic nerves like the obturator and pudendal
nerves and the inferior hypogastric plexus. Errors were minimized by navigating through various orientations in the
image volume to check continuity of structures and anatomical accuracy. The image
quality was scored on a 5-point Likert scale (0=not
visible, 1=only the root is visible, 2=root and small parts of the nerve are
visible, 3=almost fully visible with uncertainties, 4=visible from the root to
the ending) for the nerves of interest, ie the pudendal nerves and the hypogastric plexus that are likely to be damaged during surgery.
Figure 1 shows delineation
of nerves in the three planes. The annotated final 3D reconstruction is depicted
in Figure 2. The sacral plexus and the obturator nerves were easily segmented on
consecutive slices. The major branches of the pudendal nerve innervating the
inferior part of the rectum, the perineum and the genital tract were segmented,
but the position of the proximal part after splitting of the sacral nerves to
the end of Alcock’s channel was difficult to locate. This part of the nerve was
not represented and it received a quality score of 3. Owing to the complex
structure of the hypogastric plexus and the presence of small blood vessels
having a similar contrast, segmentation of the smallest branches of the hypogastric
plexus was also hard. To avoid any wrong reconstruction, these branches were
not represented. As a consequence, the images received a quality score of 3 for the
hypogastric plexus.
Contrary to most of
the studies stating that T2-based or diffusion-based sequences are best suited for
MR neurography
1,2,3, we chose here a PD-weighted SPACE sequence with
the shortest TE and TR so as to acquire T1-weighted-like images and get the
best contrast between pelvic fat and nerves. This feature, as well as high-resolution
three-dimensional imaging, was found to be essential in tracing the course of
the nerves. The pudendal nerve could not be fully delineated but the branches most
likely to be impacted during surgery were successfully reconstructed. We plan
to acquire angiographic images to avoid confusion between the hypogastric
plexus and small blood vessels.
Our method proved to
be efficient to delineate nerves of the sacral plexus and the obturator nerves, and
offers interesting results for the pudendal nerves and the hypogastric plexus. Even if these preliminary
results have to be corroborated by other acquisitions to check applicability to
other morphologies, they are promising for the future of nerve-sparing surgery
by opening avenues for individualized preoperative maps of autonomic
We thank Paulo Loureiro de Sousa, Thibaut Eisele and Franck Blindauer for fruitful discussions about the MRI protocol.References
1 Soldatos et al.,
Radiographics 2013; 33:967-987
2 Delaney et al.,
Neuroimag Clin N Am 2014; 24:127-150
3 Bertrand et al.,
Eur Radiol 2014; 24 :1989-1997