Eamon K Doyle, MS1, Andrew Powell, MD2,3, and John C Wood, MD, PhD4,5
1Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California, Sierra Madre, CA, United States, 2Cardiology, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 3Pediatrics, Harvard School of Medicine, Boston, MA, United States, 4Cardiology, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 5Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
CPMG-based R2 (1/T2) estimates are traditionally insensitive to tissue iron load. We show that the application of a T1-corrected, skeletal muscle-based proton density constraint increases the sensitivity of R2 for iron quantitation in phantoms and human subjects. This method leads to a fundamentally different R2-LIC (liver iron concentration) calibration curve than has previously been applied to CPMG fit data.Introduction
has proven to be a useful modality to noninvasively diagnose and quantify iron
overload disorders.[1] R2 (1/T2)
is commonly estimated by fitting a decaying exponential signal model to multiple
single echo or MESE image series. Existing
calibration curves show the relationship between R2 and liver iron
concentration (LIC) to be more shallow than the R2* (1/T2*) vs LIC relationship[2], particularly for multiple-echo, spin-echo (MESE)
acquisitions. In this work, we use Monte Carlo simulation to explore the decreased
R2 sensitivity with iron load in MESE scans[3]. We also demonstrate that a
muscle-based proton density estimate can increase the sensitivity of MESE LIC
estimation in patient and simulation data.
indicated MRI iron assessments were performed on 37 iron-loaded human subjects
on a GE 1.5T Signa Twinspeed magnet. Liver R2* was measured in a single
mid-hepatic slice using a multiple-echo gradient echo sequence with echo times
from 1.5 – 21.4 ms.; R2* was used as the reference standard for LIC estimation.
Liver R2 was measured in a single 8mm, mid-hepatic slice using CPMG multiple-echo
spin echo sequence with TE/TR = [6.5,13,19.5,26,32.5,39,45.5,52]/246ms, BW=4111Hz/px,
NEX=1, and matrix=64x64. Regions of
interest (ROI) in the liver and skeletal muscle were segmented by a research
assistant with 5 years of experience segmenting abdominal MR images.
A CPMG spin echo
pulse sequence was simulated using a previously developed and validated
framework[3] including a tissue modeling engine[4], proton diffusion generator, and complete pulse
sequence and Bloch simulator.[5] MRI
signals for tissue iron loads were simulated over a range of liver iron loads from
1-50 mg/g FE/dry tissue. Relevant
sequence parameters were matched to clinical spin echo assessments.
Fitting was performed using a
monoexponential+constant signal model in MATLAB. Data was fit with and without a proton
density constraint (PDE) to compare fits to LIC. Human subject PDEs bounds were estimated to
be ±10 of T1-corrected mean signal intensity in the muscle ROI; simulation
PDE boundaries were set to ±10 of an a priori known proton density. Three fit iterations were used to solve for
LIC-dependent T1 values; muscle T1 was assumed to be 1008 ms[6].
1 demonstrates R2 as a function of liver iron concentration in 27 patients
(solid dots). R2 rises very slowly with
iron concentration, unlike the calibration curve observed in single spin-echo
experiments[2]. Simulation
data (Figure 1, solid line) accurately predicts the shallow R2-LIC relationship
when the fitting is limited to data at each of the echo times. When simulation data includes an estimate of
proton density, the sensitivity of R2 to iron increases threefold (Figure 2,
solid line). Inclusion of an image-derived PDE into the patient R2 estimates also
increases sensitivity with iron (Figure 2, solid dots). There is greater
scatter in the PDE-constrained patient data than observed in unconstrained fits
but the iron sensitivity is also increased: all patient R2 estimates for LICs over
4 mg/g were greater for the PDE constrained fits than the unconstrained fits.
Iron-mediated transverse
relaxation demonstrates a theoretically non-exponential signal model[7] similar to a biexponential curve when
measured with MESE sequences. At echo
times used in most clinical imaging studies, the rapid decay component is not
captured, leaving only the slow decay component to be acquired. This leads to characteristically flat
calibration curves seen with MESE T2-LIC estimates. LIC proton density estimates
have traditionally been considered nuisance parameters and are often ignored.
However, we find that a constrained proton density estimate helps to restore
the fast decay information that is normally lost and leads to a fundamentally
different R2-LIC calibration with greater sensitivity.
The patient
results demonstrated are part of a larger dataset currently undergoing
analysis. Future work includes applying
additional signal models such as nonexponential decay[7] to human and
simulation data and completing evaluation of data from patients with up to 40
mg/g to characterize the effects of a PDE over the entire clinical range of
iron loads. We are currently
characterizing liver T1 values in iron overloaded subjects and will refine our
iterative liver proton density estimator according to the results. We expect these refinements to improve the
scatter and sensitivity seen in the PDE-constrained patient R2 fits, moving
them closer to the simulated curve in Figure 2.
Inclusion of a
proton density constraint estimated from skeletal muscle leads to increased
sensitivity of R2 estimates with respect to liver iron load. The resulting R2-LIC calibration is
fundamentally different due to the non-exponential nature of iron-mediated R2
relaxation in MESE sequences. This
method shows promise to improve accuracy, sensitivity, and applicability of MESE
in R2 estimation.
This work is
supported by the National Institute of Health, National Institute of Diabetes
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Grant R01-DK097115. Computation for the work
described in this paper was supported by the University of Southern
California’s Center for High-Performance Computing (hpc.usc.edu).References
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