Hui Zhang1, Pairash Saiviroonporn2, Ed X Wu3,4, and Hua Guo1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 3Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, People's Republic of, 4Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China, People's Republic of
To examine
whether different diffusion times would yield different sensitivities in
detecting the pathological alterations in tissue microstructure during liver
fibrogenesis in human livers at 3 T. MRI including single-shot SE and simulated
echo acquisition mode (STEAM) DWI EPI sequences were performed on 10 healthy
volunteers and 19 liver fibrotic patients. One-way ANOVA with Turkey’s multiple
comparison tests were employed to compare quantitative measurements between the
volunteers and patients with different diffusion times.
Results showed that diffusion measurements with higher diffusion times
will be more sensitive as a biomarker to detect the pathological alterations in
tissue microstructure in fibrotic patients.PURPOSE
a common process of chronic liver diseases, hepatic
fibrosis is characterized by excess deposition of
collagenous extracellular matrix (ECM) components which often eventually
leads to liver dysfunction and hepatocellular carcinoma [1]. Recently studies
show that early-stage liver fibrosis can be reversed by effective treatment,
fibrosis and cirrhosis advanced by which are usually irreversible [2, 3]. Percutaneous liver biopsy, as a gold standard for staging
hepatic fibrosis, is limited by its invasiveness, morbidity and mortality of
the procedure [4-5]. Therefore, alternative non-invasive techniques of the
early diagnosis and monitor of liver fibrosis progression are vital for
clinical applications. Recently, diffusion time dependency of measured
diffusion coefficients, being the evidence of
restricted diffusion, has been observed in rat liver
models. Moreover, the diffusion parameters with long diffusion times served as
a more sensitive biomarker of the pathological alterations during firbogenesis [6]. Based on our previous study on the validation of
diffusion time dependency of measured diffusion coefficients on human livers
[7], here we tried to examine whether different diffusion times detect the
pathological alterations during liver fibrogenesis in human livers at 3 T.
Nineteen patients with clinically histological-proven
liver fibrosis disease and ten healthy volunteers were recruited for the
experiment (range of age 35~65yrs, mean age 51.95 yrs., 12F/7M) from Jan, 2015
to July 2015. Local
ethics committee approved this study and written informed consent was obtained
from each participant. The distribution of patients in different fibrosis
stages was: 1(n=4), 2(n=11), 3(n=4). All MRI experiments were performed on a
Philips 3T clinical scanner (Philips, Best, The Netherlands). The liver images
were acquired with a respiratory triggered
single-shot simulated echo acquisition mode (STEAM) EPI DWI and a spin echo (SE)
DWI sequence [7]. All liver DWI data with 5 b-values (12,200,300,400,600
s/mm2) and 3 different diffusion times (Δ=80,106,186ms corresponding to TM=50, 80,160ms) were
acquired covering 3 slices with slice gap=9mm. Other parameters are: resolution
=3×3 mm2, FOV=340×304mm2, slice thickness=5mm, δ
TR/TE=1600/53ms, SENSE =2, trigger delay=500ms, repeated number=9
(STEAM)/3(SE), scan time≈130s.
Data analysis: ROIs
excluding large blood vessels were drawn on the whole liver parenchyma
including left lobe. Additionally, before data analysis, the motion corrupted data
with severe signal voids on the liver parenchyma were rejected from the
repeated scans semi-automatically. Then ADCp maps of all ROIs were obtained
by fitting the equation:
SIbSI0=exp(−b×ADCp) with
the first two b values in Matlab (The Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA). From the
histogram of the ADCp map, a new perfusion-free ROI was then
determined for further ADC and true diffusion coefficient (Dtrue)
analyses by excluding pixels with extraordinarily high ADCp values
(with frequency lower than 8%). Finally, ADC and Dtrue were
estimated by fitting the signal decay in ROIs with all and three larger b
values (300,400,600 s/mm2) using equations
SIbSI0=exp(−b×ADC) and
One-way ANOVA with Turkey’s multiple comparison tests was employed to compare
ADC, and Dtrue measurements between the volunteers and patients with
different Δs, p<0.05
was considered as statistical significant.
1 shows that the liver ADC and D
true values decrease with Δ=80,106 and 186ms in both volunteers and fibrotic liver patients,
respectively, which confirms their diffusion
time dependency and spatially restricted diffusion in liver parenchyma. When
the diffusion time increases, the signal decay becomes slower. Fig.2 compares the ADC and D
true values measured
on the volunteers (the light grey) and the patients (marked with 3 kinds of
darker grey colors) at 3 different Δs. It demonstrates that ADC and D
true with
higher diffusion times exhibit larger significant differences compared with
other the lower Δs.
the mean ADC and D
true reductions on both the volunteers and
patients with 3
in the liver
confirmed the diffusion time dependency of DWI quantification and the
restricted diffusion behavior. Second, consistent with the previous study [6],
the lower diffusion coefficients in the fibrotic liver may be caused by increased
intracellular and decreased extracellular water fraction. Moreover, comparing
with lower diffusion time, the significance of diffusion measurements between the
volunteers and patients with Δ=186ms become larger. Especially for stage-2 and stag-3 groups, the mean
ADC and D
true reductions between them were 20.5±9.7%
and 18.6±7.5%; while those with Δ=80ms were 3±1.6% and 9.4±6.2%, respectively (Fig. 2).
It confirmed the hypothesis in the previous study [6] there were more barriers
such as increased cell membranes and accumulated collagen fibers in fibrotic
livers. To conclude, diffusion measurements with higher diffusion times will be
much more sensitive as a biomarker to detect the microstructure pathological
alterations during human liver fibrogenesis.
This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61271132, 61571258) and Beijing Natural Science Foundation (7142091).References
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