Eleanor F Cox1, Naaventhan Palaniyappan2, Andrew Austin3, Richard O'Neill4, Greg Ramjas4, Simon Travis4, Hilary White4, Rajeev Singh3, Peter Thurley3, Indra Neil Guha2, Guruprasad Padur Aithal2, and Susan T Francis1
1SPMIC, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2NIHR Nottingham Digestive Diseases Biomedical Research Unit, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 3Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, United Kingdom, 4Department of Radiology, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, United Kingdom
The hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG)
is the only validated measure to assess portal pressure but this is invasive
and not widely available. Here, we use non-invasive MR parameters as a
surrogate for portal pressure. Longitudinal relaxation time (T1) measures of
the liver and spleen, phase contrast measures of splanchnic and collateral flow,
and ASL measures of perfusion are correlated against HVPG measures in 30 patients.
Liver tissue T1 is shown to be positively correlated with HVPG (p<0.001). Combining
T1 measures with splenic artery velocity
using a simple linear model, it is shown that HVPG can be non-invasively
majority of complications in liver cirrhosis result from portal hypertension.
The hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG)
1 is the only validated measure
to assess portal pressure but this requires hepatic vein catheterisation which
is invasive and its availability is limited to a few specialised liver
units. We aim to develop quantitative relaxometry and haemodynamic MRI methodology
to estimate portal pressure.
We prospectively recruited 30 patients (9 alcoholic liver disease,
11 non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, 5 autoimmune hepatitis, 5 other, age 55 ±
13 years) undergoing HVPG measurement for clinical indications and MRI (1.5 T
Philips Achieva scanner, 16-element SENSE torso receive coil) was performed
within 6 weeks.
Multi-slice balanced turbo field echo (bTFE) localiser images were
acquired in three orthogonal directions to estimate liver and spleen volume,
and identify blood vessels.
The longitudinal relaxation time (T1) of the liver was measured
using a modified respiratory triggered inversion-recovery sequence with spin-echo echo planar imaging (SE-EPI) readout and fat suppression
at 13 inversion times (100 - 1200 ms in 100 ms steps and 1500 ms), and 3 sagittal
slices acquired with minimal temporal slice spacing (65 ms) in a descend slice
order in approximately 2 minutes.
A respiratory triggered multiphase
flow alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) arterial spin labelling (ASL)
sequence (initial delay of 100 ms (TI) and subsequent readout spacing of 371 ms
(TA)) with 6 bTFE readout phases (TR/TE 3.5/1.75 ms, FA 45°,
SENSE 2, resolution 3x3x8 mm
3) was acquired to quantify tissue perfusion in the liver (sagittal)
and spleen (coronal-oblique).
3 In addition, T1 maps of the liver and
spleen were acquired with a matched bTFE readout using a modified respiratory triggered inversion-recovery
sequence with 9 inversion times (100 - 900 ms in 100 ms steps) for 5 slices with
minimal temporal slice spacing (144 ms) for both ascend and descend slice order,
increasing the dynamic range of inversion times to (100 – 1500 ms).
Phase-contrast (PC)-MRI was used to assess velocity, area and bulk
flow in the splanchnic and collateral circulation. Velocity encoding (V
ENC) was 50
cm/s for portal/hepatic/azygous veins, 100 cm/s for hepatic/splenic arteries
and 140 cm/s superior mesenteric artery.
Data Analysis
inversion recovery dataset was fit to generate M0 and T1 maps (Matlab,
Mathworks) and histogram analysis was then used to assess the distribution of T1
in the liver and spleen in each subject.
2 Each histogram was fit to
a Gaussian function and the mode of the distribution was used to represent tissue
T1 relaxation time and FWHM to assess heterogeneity. For
ASL data, mean values of perfusion weighted difference signal (∆M) at each TI
and TA, together with M0 and T1 were used in an iterative model to calculate
tissue perfusion and arrival time.
3 Q-flow
software (Philips Medical Systems) was used to analyse the PC-MRI data to
compute mean vessel lumen area, mean velocity, and mean flux over the cardiac
cycle. Correlations
between MR parameters and HVPG were computed using Pearson’s or Spearman Rho
correlation coefficient (R). MR measures
that significantly correlated with HVPG in the univariate analyses were assessed
in a multivariate linear regression analysis.
T1 maps of liver and spleen are shown in Figure 1. Liver and spleen T1 correlated
significantly with HVPG (SE-EPI Liver: R=0.783, p<0.001 (Figure 2), bTFE
Liver: R=0.773 p<0.001; Spleen: R=0.40, p=0.028). The strongest correlations
of HVPG with splanchnic and collateral haemodynamics are shown in Figure 3.
Liver tissue perfusion positively correlated with HVPG (R=0.38, p=0.046) and tissue
transit time negatively correlated (R=0.467, p=0.021). Liver and spleen
volume did not correlate with HVPG. The ratio of liver/spleen volume negatively
correlated significantly with HVPG (Pearson R=-0.40, p=0.028). The best predictive model
for HVPG included liver T1 and splenic artery velocity (p<0.001): HVPG =
-26.28 + 0.038(T1
liver) + 0.282(velocity
have demonstrated that tissue T1 and splanchnic and collateral haemodynamics correlate
significantly with HVPG. A non-invasive model of liver T1 and splenic artery
velocity can be used as a surrogate measure of HVPG. Various non-invasive
markers of HVPG, including liver stiffness measurement, have been reported as binary
predictors of clinically significant portal hypertension.
4 However,
the MR measures of hepatic architecture and splanchnic haemodynamics have the
advantage of accurately estimating HVPG values on a continuous scale to identify
the progression of portal hypertension. These
findings, if validated in a larger cohort of patients, will add a valuable tool
for a wider use in clinical practice.
support from NIHR Nottingham Digestive Diseases Biomedical Research Unit,
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and University of Nottingham.References
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