Impaired hepatic arterial buffer response in a rodent model of chronic liver disease: assessment using caval subtraction phase-contrast MRI at 9.4T
Manil Chouhan1, Alan Bainbridge2, Nathan Davies3, Simon Walker-Samuel4, Shonit Punwani1, Mark Lythgoe4, Rajeshwar Mookerjee3, and Stuart Taylor1

1UCL Centre for Medical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Department of Medical Physics, University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom, 3UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 4UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College London, London, United Kingdom


Total liver blood flow (TLBF) is closely regulated in health so that reductions in portal venous (PV) flow are buffered by compensatory rises in hepatic arterial (HA) flow. In this study we use caval subtraction phase-contrast MRI to estimate TLBF and HA flow in cirrhotic rats and demonstrate an impaired HA buffer response after administering terlipressin, a vasopressin analogue used clinically used to reduce PV flow in portal hypertension.


Total liver blood flow (TLBF) is closely regulated by relative contributions from the hepatic artery (HA) and portal vein (PV). Reductions of PV flow are compensated by rises in HA flow in the healthy liver – the ‘hepatic arterial buffer response’ (HABR) – but this response is thought to be impaired in liver disease, resulting in reduced TLBF(1,2). We have previously used phase-contrast (PC) MRI at 9.4T to measure rat baseline PV flow and haemodynamic response to terlipressin (an agent used to reduce PV flow, for instance during variceal bleeding), in the presence of cirrhosis(3). Measuring HA flow directly using PCMRI is challenging in small animals, primarily because of vessel size and tortuosity. In this study, we apply caval subtraction PCMRI, a novel and validated method for measurement of HA and TLBF(4) to study any differences in the response to terlipressin in normal and cirrhotic rats.



Healthy Sprague-Dawley rats were underwent bile-duct ligation (BDL) procedure (n=6)(5) or sham laparotomy (n=6). Animals were maintained for 4 weeks until the development of cirrhosis. After induction with isoflurane, a jugular venous line was sited before transfer to a 9.4T Agilent 20 cm horizontal-bore scanner, with a 72 mm birdcage coil (Oxford, UK).

Two-dimensional cine PCMRI

Axial and angled coronal gradient echo images were used to plan PV and caval PCMRI studies. Cardiac and respiratory-triggered 2D cine PCMRI was performed (TR/TE=10/1.2ms, α=10°, 2 mm slice thickness, 192x192 matrix, FOV 40x40mm2, 10-15 cardiac cycle phases, Venc=33 and 66 cm/s for PV, proximal and distal IVC flows). ROIs were positioned manually on each vessel for each frame of the cardiac cycle and flow quantification was performed using in-house developed Matlab code. TLBF was estimated by subtracting proximal IVC flow (above renal but below hepatic venous inlets) from distal IVC flow (above hepatic venous inlets, but below the IVC-right atrial junction). Estimated TLBF measurements were normalised to explanted liver weight.

Terlipressin response

Dosage regimes were based on previous pilot experiments. After baseline caval subtraction PCMRI measurements, an intravenous 100 μg/kg bolus of terlipressin was followed by a 10 μg/kg/min infusion. Post-terlipressin caval subtraction PCMRI measurements were made after 15 minutes.


Expected reductions in sham (mean difference -90.3±11.1 ml/min/100g; p=0.0005) and BDL (mean difference -29.8±6.9 ml/min/100g; p=0.0049) PCMRI PV flow were demonstrated. No significant change in caval subtraction PCMRI TLBF was observed in sham animals (mean difference -2.5±14.0 ml/min/100g; p=0.8630), but a reduction in TLBF was observed in BDL animals (mean difference -65.5 ml/min/100g; p=0.0006) (figure 1a and 1b). These reflect a rise in caval subtraction PCMRI estimated HA flow in sham animals (mean difference +92.8±21.3 ml/min/100g; p=0.0073), but not BDL animals where estimated HA flow declined (mean difference -34.4±7.5 ml/min/100g; p=0.0059) (figure 1c and 1d).


We have demonstrated expected reductions in PV flow in response to terlipressin, but also used caval subtraction PCMRI to demonstrate a very differing HA response in cirrhosis. Sham operated rats buffer reductions in PV flow by increases in HA flow, thereby maintaining TLBF. Contrastingly, the compensatory HABR fails in BDL rats, thereby causing reductions in TLBF. Caval subtraction PCMRI therefore represents a promising tool for non-invasive investigation of TLBF and HA flow in small animals, even in the presence of established cirrhosis.


This is the first non-invasive demonstration of the HABR and its failure in a model of cirrhosis, made possible through the use of caval subtraction PCMRI.


We are grateful for the assistance of Rajiv Ramasawmy and Tom Roberts in the development of cine PCMRI sequences, and Abe Habtieson for preparing sham and BDL rats. This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training Fellowship (grant WT092186) and a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship (grant WT100247MA).


1. Aoki T, Imamura H, Kaneko J, et al. Intraoperative direct measurement of hepatic arterial buffer response in patients with or without cirrhosis. Liver Transpl 2005;11(6):684-691.

2. Vollmar B, Menger MD. The hepatic microcirculation: mechanistic contributions and therapeutic targets in liver injury and repair. Physiol Rev 2009;89(4):1269-1339.

3. Chouhan M, Bainbridge A, Davies N, et al. Differential portal venous flow response to terlipressin in normal and cirrhotic rats – non-invasive assessment using phase-contrast MRI. Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2013;21:1509.

4. Chouhan M, Mookerjee R, Bainbridge A, et al. Caval subtraction 2D phase-contrast MRI to measure total liver and hepatic arterial blood flow: preclinical validation and initial clinical translation (accepted). Radiology 2015.

5. Harry D, Anand R, Holt S, et al. Increased sensitivity to endotoxemia in the bile duct-ligated cirrhotic Rat. Hepatology 1999;30(5):1198-1205.


Figure 1: Hepatic haemodynamic response to terlipressin in sham (left column) and BDL rats (right column)

Hepatic haemodynamic response to terlipressin was assessed using caval subtraction estimated TLBF (a, b) and HA flow (c, d).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)