Non-balanced SSFP can provide banding artifact free images, with
reduced sensitivity to B1 inhomogeneity and SAR level. Recently,
non-balanced SSFP which is known by the S1 and S2 signals, has been utilized
for fMRI. In this study to model the BOLD contrast in S1- and S2-SSFP fMRI a
Monte Carlo simulation has been performed. It will enable us to accurately
investigate the dependence of the BOLD contrast on vessel size and acquisition
parameters. Results are in accordance with the reported experimental values and
show the increased sensitivity to capillary-sized vessels for only S2 signal.Introduction:
Due to the
limitations of the traditional GRE BOLD fMRI, there has been a growing interest
to investigate other fMRI methods, such as spin echo and Balanced SSFP fMRI.
Recently, Non-Balanced SSFP which is known by the S1 and S2 signals, has been
utilized for fMRI
1,2. This method provides images free
of banding artifacts and are particularly useful in high field, due to its reduced
sensitivity to SAR level and B1 inhomogeneity. While the S1 signal is assumed
to be more gradient echo like, S2-SSFP is supposed to show a more spin echo
like behavior
2. Thus far, there has not been a
systematic investigation on the BOLD contrast in non-Balanced SSFP fMRI. In
this study, we use a Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the dependence of
the BOLD contrast on vessel size and acquisition parameters for both S1- and S2-SSFP
fMRI to reveal their potential advantages.
Monte Carlo simulations were performed in B
0=7 T by
considering vessels as infinite cylinders occupying 2 % of the total voxel
volume. To study the dependence of BOLD contrast on acquisition parameters (TR
and FA) , a voxel with vessel diameters and distributions based on the model by
Piechnik et al.
3 was simulated and then to assess
the vessel size dependency, a fixed diameter ranging
from 5 up to 100 µm were considered. Blood oxygenation was changed from 67% to 75%
4 for resting and active states,
respectively. Blood susceptibility and field inhomogeneity for this change were
calculated from previous studies
5,6. Intravascular relaxation changes
based on the oxygenation level were calculated from approximations provided by Uludag
et al.
7. For the extravascular contrast,
2500 spins capable of 3D Brownian random walk with apparent diffusion
coefficient of 0.001 mm
2/s were placed only in the extravascular
space. Tissue relaxation parameters of T
1=2000 and T
ms were selected
8 ,for gray matter in 7 T. Double
Echo (DESS or FADE) sequence was used to detect
the S1 and S2 signals as shown in Figure 1. All signals were recorded after reaching
steady state. Intra and extravascular signals were combined based on their
volume fractions to yield the total signal. Simulations were performed for a
range of TRs (8-40 ms) and flip angels (10-60⁰). Signal change between the active and resting states divided by
the rest signal was considered as relative functional contrast.
Two examples of the 3D vessel networks and 2D field maps for small
and large vessels are shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the percent functional
contrast for a range of TRs and FAs for both S1 and S2. Finally the vessel size
sensitivity of these two signals for different TRs (FA=45⁰) is illustrated
in Figure 4. These patterns are generally repeated for other FA values.
Figure 2 shows that S1 contrast, unlike S2, is mainly dependent on TR.
The simulated values reported in this figure are in good agreement with the few
experimental results , reported in
1 and
As an example
1 for S2, reported 2.7% and 5.4% in
TR=15 ms and TR=27 ms (FA=25⁰), respectively, while the simulated values are 3.3% and 5.5% .
Results in Figure 3 obviously show that S2-SSFP fMRI is more sensitive to
capillary-sized vessels (with diameters around 5-10 µm) and therefore to some
extent, shows the spin echo like spatial specificity, while S1 does not show
such a sensitivity and contrast is mainly driven by TR. This figure is in
accordance with the experimental observations by Barth et al.
1 which showed the spin echo like
spatial localization for S2-SSFP fMRI . It also shows that some increased
sensitivity for larger veins would be observed for higher TRs which is in
agreement by the results reported by
9 and
2. It is worth noting, due to the
dramatic reduction of blood T
2 in high field, intravascular contrast
plays only a minor role in forming the total contrast and therefore the
uncertainty in approximating intravascular relaxation changes have a negligible
impact on results.
We have presented a systematic investigation on the BOLD contrast in S1- and S2-SSFP fMRI which are especially of interest in high field imaging for their low artifact and low SAR nature. Obtained results which agree well with the reported experimental values show the increased sensitivity to capillary-sized vessels for only S2 signal. These results also help in selecting acquisition parameters to obtain optimum functional contrast and/or spatial specificity.
This work was funded in part by Iranian Cognitive Science and Technologies Council (CSTC).References
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