M. Ethan MacDonald1, Avery J.L. Berman1,2, Erin L. Mazerolle1, Rebecca J. Williams1, and G. Bruce Pike1
1Departments of Radiology & Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Seaman Family MR Research Centre, Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada
In this work we demonstrate the use of BOLD-fMRI
during hyperoxia to obtain perfusion parameters, including CBF, CBV, and MTT. During
BOLD imaging, subjects breathing from a respiratory circuit inhaled air whose
oxygen content was increased from 21% to 70%. The exhaled oxygen concentration was
processed to obtain an arterial input function, and the concentration of bound oxygen
in the venous blood was determined by modeling the BOLD time series. Through
deconvolution modeling we were able to obtain measurements of CBF, venous CBV,
and MTT within expected ranges.Purpose
Perfusion measurements can be obtained by
modeling the dynamic passage of a bolus through the cerebral vasculature.
Traditionally, this is done by using an injected contrast agent and rapid
imaging, then modeling the time courses of the concentration functions.
1 A
system response is determined by deconvolution, which is performed between the
time courses in the tissue and a time course selected as an input (arterial
input function, AIF). In this work, instead of an injected contrast agent, we
use a block hyperoxia stimulus. The extra oxygen arrives in the arteries
dissolved in the plasma, which is used first for metabolic demand, leaving more
oxygen bound to the hemoglobin, thus reducing the concentration of deoxygenated
hemoglobin on the venous side and increasing T
2*-weighted signals.
We hypothesized that modeling the dynamic concentration of bound venous oxygen
through the brain using blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) imaging could give
us physiologically accurate perfusion values of cerebral blood flow (CBF), the
venous component of the cerebral blood volume (CBV
V) and mean
transit time through the venous component (MTT
Imaging was performed on a 3T MR scanner
(Discovery 750, GE Healthcare) equipped with a 12-channel neurovascular coil.
Five healthy participants were recruited for this IRB approved study. A
respiratory circuit was used with a non-rebreathing facemask to manipulate the oxygen
content of air inhaled by the subjects during imaging. The end-tidal partial
pressures of oxygen (PETO2) and carbon dioxide were
measured during imaging (BIOPAC Inc.). BOLD imaging was performed to rapidly
image the relative increase in bound venous oxygen. The sequence had parameters
of TR/TE/α of 2000 ms/30 ms/80° and an acquisition matrix of 64×64×43 over
a field of view of 224 mm x 224 mm x 150.5 mm. This provided whole brain
coverage with an isotropic spatial resolution of 3.5 mm. Hyperoxia was achieved
with 70% oxygen, balance medical air. Several block designs were tested: the
first subject was stimulated with 3-2-1 minute blocks of normoxia-hyperoxia-normoxia,
the next three subjects had two stimulus blocks of two minutes of hyperoxia (3-2-3-2-3
minute sequence), and the final subject had a single longer stimulus block (3-5-5
The PETO2 values were
used as a surrogate measurement of the concentration of oxygen in the arterial
blood (PaO2), CaO2(t)=ϕ[Hb]SaO2+ϵPaO2where ϕ,
[Hb], and ϵ are 1.34 mlO2gHb-1, 15 gHbdLBlood-1, and
0.0031 mlO2dLBlood-1mmHg-1, respectively. The Severinghaus equation was used
to find saturated oxygen (SaO2) from PaO2.2 BOLD
image preprocessing steps included motion correction, spatial smoothing with a
5-mm kernel, and drift correction. PETO2 values and BOLD
signals were independently fit with the model shown in Figure 1, where the increased
oxygen concentration is modeled with a single-exponential response. The concentration
of bound oxygen in the venous blood was found using the Davis equation.3 The
CBVV measurement was found using a method described by Blockley et al.,4 and the CBF was determined by deconvolving the
fitted tissue concentration function from the AIF. MTTV was found as
MTTV=CBVV/CBF. Gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) ROIs
were selected by registering the ICBM atlas to the subjects and excluding
voxels with poor quality of fit (R2<0.4).
Figure 2 shows example fits to the end-tidal
oxygen and a representative BOLD signal from GM. Figure 3 contains several maps
obtained from the subject with the 3-5-5 block design. R-squared maps provide
the quality of the fit of the BOLD signals to the model in Figure 1. Good contrast
between GM and WM was observed. Measurements of CBV
V, CBF, and MTT
in gray matter were found to be 1.83 ± 0.51 ml 100 g
-1, 58.92 ± 4.16
ml 100 g
-1, and 5.17 ± 1.04 s averaged over the
five subjects, and in white matter they were found to be 1.31 ± 0.34 ml 100 g
23.62 ± 2.97 ml 100 g
-1, and 9.22 ± 2.00 s.
The venous component of CBV is typically found to
be between 40% and 50% of the total CBV, which is in the range of 2-6 ml 100 g
so the values estimated here are within the range expected.
1,5,6 The effect of hyperoxia on BOLD signal
is much smaller than that created by a contrast agent; hyperoxia causes signal
changes of 1-3% while contrast agents can create a signal attenuation of 70% or
more in dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI. Nonetheless, estimating CBV from
hyperoxia has been presented previously.
4 The
novelty of this work is the calculation of CBF from the dynamic oxygen passage.
To conclude, we were able to obtain physiologically reasonable perfusion
measurements using a dynamic oxygen passage experiment.
The authors would like to thank the University of
Calgary and Alberta Health Services for providing resources for these
experiments. Financial contributions from the Canadian Institutes for Health
Research (CIHR) and the Campus Alberta Innovation Program (CAIP) should also be
recognized. MEM holds a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the Natural Science and
Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Collaborative Research and Training
Experience Program (CREATE) program. AJLB holds a PhD scholarship from CIHR.
ELM holds fellowships through the Alberta Innovates Health Solutions and NSERC.
RJW also holds a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the NSERC-CREATE program. GBP is
the Campus Alberta Innovation Program (CAIP) Chair of healthy brain aging.References
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