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Sparse Estimation of Quasi-periodic Spatiotemporal Components in Resting-State fMRI
Alican Nalci1,2, Bhaskar D. Rao2, and Thomas T. Liu1

1Center for Functional MRI, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States


Recent studies suggest the presence of complex recurrent spatiotemporal patterns in resting-state fMRI. These patterns may affect the performance of existing preprocessing and analysis approaches, such as global signal regression and ICA. In this work we present an approach for the sparse estimation of quasi-periodic spatiotemporal components in resting state fMRI. Our algorithm successfully estimates spatiotemporal components in a sample resting-state fMRI dataset and our results suggest that the removal of these components may represent an alternative to global signal regression.


The complex spatiotemporal nature of resting-state functional connectivity has received increasing attention in recent years 1,2. Majeed et al 3 found strong evidence for quasi-periodic spatiotemporal patterns in resting-state fMRI data acquired in both animals and humans. They presented an iterative pattern matching algorithm for finding a spatiotemporal motif, but did not consider how to construct a signal from repeated versions of the motif. Here we extend their work and present a sparse Bayesian learning approach for estimating the contributions of quasi-periodic spatiotemporal patterns in resting-state fMRI data.


Resting-state fMRI data (5 minutes, eyes closed) were acquired from a healthy subject using a 3 Tesla GE MR750 system. We used echo planar imaging with 166 volumes, 30 slices, 3.4×3.4×5 mm3 voxel size, 64×64 matrix size, TR=1.8s, TE=30ms. We discarded the first 6 volumes and applied standard preprocessing steps to remove nuisance terms. We used the pattern matching algorithm described in Majeed et al3 with a window length of 20 pts (36 seconds) to identify the basic spatiotemporal motif, denoted as a 4D matrix B. This motif was then vectorized to form a space-time column vector b. The preprocessed data (a 4D matrix Y) were vectorized to form a space-time column vector y. Shifted and zeropadded versions of b were then used to form a design matrix D, where the number of rows in D was equal to the length of y and the shift between adjacent columns was equal to the number of voxels. We hypothesized that there should be a limited number of repeats of the spatiotemporal motif within a run and therefore sought to find a representation of the data of the form yDx where x is an unknown vector of coefficients that is assumed to be sparse and non-negative. Optimal x can be obtained by solving the traditional sparse recovery problem: argminx0 ||yDx||2+λ ||x||0. However, instead of this regularization based form, we used a non-negative version of the sparse Bayesian learning algorithm 4, which in contrast to alternate approaches 5,6 has the advantage of not requiring the specification of regularization parameters such as λ. As an initial assessment of the approach, we computed measures of the spatiotemporal correlation of the preprocessed data, the estimated spatiotemporal component Dx, and the residual yDx. This was done by computing the space-time correlation between all possible pairs of space-time blocks, where the duration of each block was 20 time points. The results are displayed as a spatiotemporal correlation matrix (STCM) where the (i,j)th entry corresponds to the correlation between the space-time blocks at times i and j. We also calculated functional connectivity maps using a seed signal from the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). These maps were computed for (1) the original preprocessed data Y, (2) the preprocessed data after global signal regression (GSR), and (3) the residual term yDx after conversion back to a 4D matrix form.


Fig. 1 shows the estimated weights in the vector x and the sliding window correlation between the motif B and the preprocessed data. Y. The vector is relatively sparse, with the largest coefficients coinciding with the correlation peaks. Fig. 2 shows the STCM for the original data, the estimated spatiotemporal component, and the residual term. The STCM for the estimated spatiotemporal component largely captures the quasi-periodic structure seen in the STCM of the original data. This structure is greatly attenuated in the STCM of the residual data. Fig. 3 shows the functional connectivity maps before GSR, with GSR, and for the residual data. Note the similarity of the maps obtained with GSR and after removal of the recurring spatiotemporal component.


We have presented a sparse Bayesian learning approach for estimating recurring spatiotemporal patterns in resting-state fMRI data and demonstrated the approach using a sample resting-state fMRI dataset. Our preliminary results suggest that removal of the spatiotemporal component may provide an alternative to GSR, but further work is needed to better understand the relationship between the two approaches. In this work, we used a previously described method 3 to estimate the spatiotemporal motif B. Alternate methods may provide better estimates and can be readily integrated into the proposed approach.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Chang C, Glover H. Time–frequency dynamics of resting-state brain connectivity measured with fMRI. Neuroimage, 50.1 (2010), 81-98.

2. Handwerker D A, Roopchansingh V, et al. Periodic changes in fMRI connectivity. Neuroimage, 63(3) 2012, 1712-1719.

3. Majeed W, et al. Spatiotemporal dynamics of low frequency BOLD fluctuations in rats and humans. Neuroimage 54.2 (2011): 1140-1150.

4. Wipf D P, Rao D B. Sparse Bayesian learning for basis selection. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 52.8 (2004): 2153-2164.

5. Liu J, Shuiwang J, Jieping Y. SLEP: Sparse learning with efficient projections. Arizona State University 6 (2009): 491.

6. Peharz R, Pernkopf F. Sparse nonnegative matrix factorization with l0-constraints. Neurocomputing 80 (2012): 38-46.


Fig.1: Estimated sparse weights in vector x and the sliding window correlation between the motif B and the preprocessed data Y.

Fig. 2: Spatiotemporal correlation matrix (STCM) for the original data, the estimated spatiotemporal component, and the residual term. We see that the estimated spatiotemporal component has a clear quasi-periodic correlation structure that largely captures the correlation structure from the original data. Removal of this data results in a cleaned up STCM.

Fig. 3: Functional connectivity maps using a seed signal from the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). The connectivity maps are calculated before GSR, after GSR and for the residual data yDx. We note a strong similarity between the maps obtained with GSR and after removal of the recurring spatiotemporal component.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)