Addressing multi-centre image registration of 3T arterial spin labeling images from the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI)
Henk Mutsaerts1, David Thomas2, Jan Petr3, Enrico de Vita2, David Cash2, Matthias Van Osch4, Paul Groot5, John Van Swieten6, Robert Laforce Jr7, Fabrizio Tagliavini8, Barbara Borroni9, Daniela Galimberti8, James Rowe10, Caroline Graff11, Giovanni Frisoni9, Elizabeth Finger12, Sandro Sorbi13, Alexandre Mendonça14, Martin Rossor2, Jonathan Rohrer2, Mario Masellis1, and Bradley MacIntosh1

1Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2London, United Kingdom, 3Dresden, Germany, 4Leiden, Netherlands, 5Amsterdam, Netherlands, 6Rotterdam, Netherlands, 7Quebec City, QC, Canada, 8Milan, Italy, 9Brescia, Italy, 10Cambridge, United Kingdom, 11Stockholm, Sweden, 12London, ON, Canada, 13Florence, Italy, 14Lisbon, Portugal


One obstacle in multi-centre arterial spin labeling (ASL) studies is the variability attributed to differences between vendor- or site-specific ASL implementations. This multi-centre study compares spatial registration methods from ASL to 3D-T1, to reduce the between-subject variability of cerebral blood flow (CBF) maps. Our results demonstrate that choices of image registration have profound effects on ASL data collected using different pulse sequences and/or sites. A rigid-body registration of CBF images to segmented gray matter images produced the most robust similarity outcome as a standard approach across the different ASL implementations.


Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is a perfusion-based MRI technique with great potential to study neurodegenerative diseases such as frontotemporal dementia (FTD). One obstacle in multi-centre studies is the variability attributed to differences in ASL labeling and readout strategies, site hardware and scanner type ‒ i.e., vendor1, 2. These sources affect cerebral blood flow (CBF) images through differences in hemodynamic contrast, signal to noise ratio (SNR), spatial smoothing and geometric distortion3. Inter-vendor and inter-site variability may significantly degrade the statistical power to detect meaningful perfusion abnormalities at the level of group inference4. In the present study we compare several spatial registration methods to reduce this variability.


Data were drawn from the GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI)5, a large multi-centre study that aims to identify the earliest brain changes in individuals who have a genetic risk of developing FTD. The multi-modal MRI protocol included ASL with the caveat that GENFI included four different ASL implementations by necessity (Table 1). 12 GENFI control subjects ‒ i.e., mutation-negative ‒ were randomly selected for each of the ASL implementations ‒ i.e., 48 subjects in total. 3D volumetric T1-weighted scans (T1) of each subject were segmented, masked and registered to MNI space using SPM12 and DARTEL6. CBF-maps were computed and rigidly registered to proton density (M0) ASL reference scans7. Two approaches were evaluated, a T1-approach in which masked M0 images were registered to masked native space 3D-T1 images and a pGM-approach in which masked CBF images were registered to gray matter probability maps (pGM, obtained via SPM12 segmentation). A multi-step masking algorithm was used, involving a dilated MNI brain mask registered to a thresholded CBF map. The same brain mask was used for both approaches. Consecutive SPM12 registration options that were evaluated included: 1) rigid only - i.e., 6 parameter rigid-body, "coregister"; 2) an additional uniform non-linear registration - i.e., 12 parameter affine + elastic, "old normalize"; for the pGM-approach also 3) an additional local adaptive non-linear registration - i.e., creating a DARTEL template for each subject from a CBF and a pGM image6, 8. To avoid multiple interpolation errors, all transformations were combined before resampling CBF images into a 1.5 mm isotropic resolution common space. The resultant CBF images were scaled to a mean GM CBF of 50 mL/100g/min per ASL implementation.

To quantify the overlap between two scans, the mean voxel-wise Generalized Tanimoto Coefficient was calculated within a MNI GM mask9. This overlap measure can be interpreted as a more strict Dice Similarity Coefficient or Kappa statistic9 and will be referred to as similarity coefficient (SC), ranging from completely dissimilar (0) to identical images (1). Assuming that perfect registration should not lead to identical images but still retain physiological CBF differences, SC > 0.7 can be regarded as excellent agreement9. The SC was computed for each pair-wise image comparison, resulting in (n[n-1])/2 = 66 and 1128 unique comparisons for n=12 and n=48, respectively.


Performance of the registration procedures was evaluated visually, i.e., through improved tissue contrast on the mean CBF map (Figure 1). Figure 2 shows mean histograms of the between-subject CBF similarity. Across all ASL implementations, the worst registration was observed for the uniform non-linear approaches (Figure 1.2 and 1.4 and black lines Figure 2.1-2). The rigid pGM-approach visually outperformed the rigid T1-approach for 3D GRASE (Figure 1.3d vs. 1.1d and red lines Figure 2.d) and on the combined multi-centre images (Figure 1.3e vs. 1.1e and red lines Figure 2.e) but not the other ASL implementations (Figure 1.3a-c vs. 1.1a-c and red lines in Figure 2.a-c). The local adaptive non-linear pGM-approach improved registration for 2D EPI Bsup only (Figure 1.5b and green line Figure 2.2b). There were significant SC differences between the five registration methods (p<0.001, FWE-corrected Kruskal-Wallis test, Table 2).


The multi-centre CBF images produced in the current work show that the choice of image registration approach has a profound effect on ASL studies that involve multiple pulse sequences and/or sites. By inverting the transformations, it can be expected that these comparisons in standard space are equally valid for registration of MNI-atlases via anatomical images into subject ASL space, although this may depend on the ASL acquisition resolution. The optimal similarity that could be achieved with local adaptive non-linear registration for 2D EPI Bsup is promising, but requires further research investigating its effects on partial volume fractions8, 10. Currently, the rigid-body registration of the CBF image to the pGM image seems to produce the most robust registration as a standard approach across the different ASL implementations.


We acknowledge the GENFI investigators and are grateful to the Weston Brain Institute and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for their financial support for the data analysis.


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2. Mutsaerts HJ, Steketee RM, Heijtel DF, Kuijer JP, van Osch MJ, Majoie CB, et al. Inter-vendor reproducibility of pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling at 3 tesla. PLoS One 2014; 9(8):e104108.

3. Vidorreta M, Wang Z, Rodriguez I, Pastor MA, Detre JA, Fernandez-Seara MA. Comparison of 2D and 3D single-shot ASL perfusion fMRI sequences. Neuroimage 2012; 66C:662-671.

4. Mutsaerts HJ, Steketee RM, Heijtel DF, Kuijer JP, van Osch MJ, Majoie CB, et al. Reproducibility of pharmacological ASL using sequences from different vendors: implications for multicenter drug studies. MAGMA 2015.

5. Rohrer JD, Nicholas JM, Cash DM, van SJ, Dopper E, Jiskoot L, et al. Presymptomatic cognitive and neuroanatomical changes in genetic frontotemporal dementia in the Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI) study: a cross-sectional analysis. Lancet Neurol 2015; 14(3):253-262.

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7. Alsop DC, Detre JA, Golay X, Gunther M, Hendrikse J, Hernandez-Garcia L, et al. Recommended implementation of arterial spin-labeled perfusion MRI for clinical applications: A consensus of the ISMRM perfusion study group and the European consortium for ASL in dementia. Magn Reson Med 2014.

8. Petr J, Ferre JC, Raoult H, Bannier E, Gauvrit JY, Barillot C. Template-based approach for detecting motor task activation-related hyperperfusion in pulsed ASL data. Hum Brain Mapp 2014; 35(4):1179-1189.

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10. Asllani I, Borogovac A, Brown TR. Regression algorithm correcting for partial volume effects in arterial spin labeling MRI. Magn Reson Med 2008; 60(6):1362-1371.


Figure 1. Masked mean CBF maps for each ASL implementation (columns 1 to 4) and all combined (last column). Rows correspond to the different ASL registration options. Bsup = background suppression.

Figure 2. Similarity Coefficient (SC) histograms illustrate the voxel-wise between-subject CBF similarity stratified by ASL implementations (columns 1 to 4) and all multi-centre ASL data combined (last column). These histograms are the mean histograms of all unique pair-wise CBF image comparisons (66 and 1128 for n=12 and n=48 respectively).

Table 1. Demographic and ASL implementation characteristics. Bsup = background suppression.

Table 2. Similarity Coefficients illustrating the between-subject CBF similarity for all multi-centre ASL data combined. These values are the median (± mean absolute difference from the mean, a non-parametric standard deviation) of all unique pair-wise CBF image comparisons (1128 in total).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)