Hien M. Nguyen1, Jingyuan Chen2, and Gary H. Glover3
1Department of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology, Vietnamese - German University, Binh Duong New City, Vietnam, 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
A data-driven method for identifying functional
connectivity networks utilizing sparse representations is presented. Specifically,
fMRI signals are decomposed into morphological components which have sparse
spatial overlap. Allowing sparse spatial overlap between components is more
physically plausible than the statistical independence assumption of the Independent
Component Analysis (ICA) method. The proposed formulation is related to
the Morphological Component Analysis (MCA) and
uses a K-Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) algorithm for
dictionary learning. Experimental results prove that the MCA-KSVD method
can identify functional networks in task and resting-state fMRI and thus can be
used as an alternative method for investigating brain functional connectivity.Introduction
representations for signals have been of much interest mainly
for accelerating MRI acquisitions. In this work, a different methodology of
utilizing sparse representations for identifying functional
connectivity networks is investigated. Specifically, fMRI signals are
decomposed into morphological components with sparse spatial overlap. This assumption is more physically plausible
than the statistical independence assumption of the conventional Independent
Component Analysis (ICA).
The proposed formulation can be related to the Morphological Component Analysis
3 and is different to that of
4,5. Unlike
the dictionary is learned from the data using the K-Singular Value Decomposition (K-SVD) algorithm
Consider the acquired fMRI data represented as a
spatial-temporal function s(r,t). Conventional data-driven methods detect the patterns of connectivity between brain regions by decomposing the corresponding data matrix formed from s(r,t) as \boldsymbol{S}=\boldsymbol{DX}+\boldsymbol{E}, where \bf D is the dictionary with the k-th column \bf d_k being the time series (also referred to as atoms) of the k-th decomposed component; the k-th row \bf x^{(k)} of the matrix \bf X represents the spatial variation of the k-th component from which functional connectivity of the brain is inferred; \boldsymbol{E} models the noise residual component. We further assume that the acquired fMRI data can be represented as a sparse linear combination of the atoms, i.e. \boldsymbol{S}=\sum_k \boldsymbol{d_{k}}\boldsymbol{x^{(k)}}, resulting in the following optimization problem7: \{ \boldsymbol{\widehat{D}},\boldsymbol{\widehat{X}} \}=\arg \min_{\boldsymbol{D,X}}||\boldsymbol{S}-\boldsymbol{DX}||_F^2 \text{ subject to } ||\boldsymbol{x_{i}}||_0\leq T_{0}. The sparsity constraint implies that the decomposed signal sources can spatially overlap, which is a valid assumption for commonly identified BOLD functional networks. Specifically, we assume no more than T_0 components are simultaneously activated at each voxel. The optimization problem can be related to the MCA method used to solve the blind source separation problem, except that \boldsymbol{d_k} are the atoms of the dictionary \bf D rather then the dictionaries themselves.3 The non-smooth convex optimization problem is solved using the K-SVD algorithm iteratively in two stages.7 In the sparse encoding stage, the matrix \bf X is computed using any pursuit method.8,9 In the second stage, each \boldsymbol{d_k} is updated sequentially by finding a residual matrix \boldsymbol{E_k}=\boldsymbol{S}-\sum_{j\neq k} \boldsymbol{d_j} \boldsymbol{x^{(j)}}, choosing the columns of \boldsymbol{E_k} that used \boldsymbol{d_k} in their representation, and finding a rank-one approximation.7 Once the matrices \boldsymbol{\widehat{D}} and \boldsymbol{\widehat{X}} are estimated, the spatial components reflecting functional connectivity are the rows of \boldsymbol{\widehat{X}}.
Methods & Results
analysis was applied to both task and resting-state fMRI (RS-fMRI) on human volunteers. BOLD
task functional data (31 slices, 4 mm slice
thickness, TR=2s, TE=30ms, 255 time frames) were obtained using auditory stimulation with spiral acquisition. RS-fMRI was acquired with 240 time
frames. Figure 1 shows task activation map estimated by correlating fMRI time series with the task paradigm convolved with the hemodynamic response function and thresholded with the value
r=0.2. Spatial ICA was performed with 20 components and the derived components were used as initialization for the MCA-KSVD with 200 iterations to ensure
algorithm convergence. The MCA-KSVD results
were also examined with random
initializations, yielding similar results.
T_0 was set to allow maximum 8 components to spatially overlap at each voxel. Both the ICA and MCA-KSVD components were thresholded so
that the number of the displayed voxels was the same as that of the task
activation map. It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the MCA- KSVD method identified task-related network structures. Figure 2 shows the resulting ICA and MCA-KSVD components in the case of the RS-fMRI. Resting-state networks such
as the visual, sensori-motor, DMN, and executive control networks are resolved by the MCA-KSVD. As
T_0 decreases, the derived networks appear sparser, as illustrated in Fig. 3, and in the extreme case when
T_0=1, MCA-KSVD behaves similarly to the spatial clustering. The autocorrelation functions of the ICA and
MCA-KSVD components were computed to quantify the spatial
resolution. Figure 2 shows that the resolution of MCA-KSVD components is higher than that of
the ICA in the case of the strong visual network. Figure 4 shows the pair-wise correlation between ICA
components and similarly between MCA-KSVD components. In contrast to ICA, MCA-KSVD decomposition does not
require its components to be independent.
A data-driven method exploiting sparse
representations for functional connectivity detection has been presented for task- and RS-fMRI. The method decomposes fMRI data into morphological spatial components which have sparse spatial overlap, unlike the
conventional ICA analysis. Experimental results prove that the MCA-KSVD method can
identify functional networks in both task- and RS-fMRI. The detected
networks resemble those of the ICA, implying that MCA-KSVD can be
used as an alternative method for investigating brain functional connectivity, with increased spatial
The authors gratefully
acknowledge grant support from the NIH (P41 EB15891)
and the Vietnamese-German University (VGU-PSSG 01).References
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