Anesthesia increases water diffusion in wakefulness/sleep brain regions in the rat brain
Yoshifumi Abe1, Tomokazu Tsurugizawa1, and Denis Le Bihan1

1NeuroSpin, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique-Saclay Center, Gif-sur-Yvette, France


Diffusion fMRI (DfMRI) has been shown to reflect neuronal activation more directly than BOLD fMRI, showing neuronal responses even when neurovascular coupling is abolished. We compared resting state ADC and BOLD fMRI time courses under different anesthesia conditions. While BOLD fMRI showed a widespread signal increase with isofluorane and a decrease with medetomidine, the ADC increased significantly with both agents in specific regions, notably in the wakefulness/sleep network. The amount of ADC increase was correlated with the dose of anesthetic agent, suggesting the suitability of DfMRI to investigate brain resting state or pharmacological challenges quantitatively and without vascular confounding effects.

Background and Purpose

BOLD fMRI has been extensively used to investigate brain resting state or pharmacological challenges in various physiological or pathological situations1. However, BOLD fMRI which relies on the neurovascular coupling hypothesis and does not directly reflects neuronal activity may fail in some conditions which prevent neurovascular coupling2. It is also sensitive to global or local variations in cerebral blood flow which are not necessarily related to underlying neuronal activity. On the other hand, diffusion fMRI3 has been shown to be more directly linked to neuronal activation showing neuronal responses even when neurovascular coupling is abolished4. We have investigated the potential of DfMRI to provide a quantitative assessment of resting state brain activity in various anesthetic conditions.


Experiments were conducted in anesthetized Wistar rats at 7T with a volume coil (PharmaScan, Bruker). After an initial anesthesia under 2.0% isofluorane anesthesia conditions were changed and whole brain DfMRI images were acquired continuously for 10 min (40 volumes) under isoflurane (Iso; 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5%; n=10) or medetomidine (Med; 0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg/h, i.v.; n=8) (Fig.1) with the following parameters: diffusion-sensitized double SE-EPI sequence; TR/TE=2500/32 ms, FOV=2.5×2.5 cm2, Matrix=100×100, 10 slices, 1.5 mm thickness, b-values=1000 and 1800 mm2/s along 3 directions; [X=1,Y=0,Z=0], [0,1,0], and [0,0,1]. BOLD images were acquired with the same parameters except for; 240 volumes (10 min) and b-values=10 mm2/s along [1,1,1], under same dosages of Iso and Med conditions (n=4, respectively). Breathing, CO2 concentration and rectal temperature of the rats were monitored and artificially controlled during scanning. Water apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps were calculated for each time point as ADC=ln(S1000/S1800)/800 to remove any residual IVIM or T2/T2* effects and averaged over the 3 directions. Pre-processing (realignment, normalization to an average rat template, and smoothing) and statistical analysis of two-way repeated ANOVA (p<0.001, uncorrected) were performed with SPM8 over the whole time courses and dosage conditions for Iso and Med, respectively.

Results and Discussion

The BOLD images showed a widespread, not specific signal increase in Iso and decrease in Med (Fig.2A, B). The increase in BOLD under Iso is likely caused by an overall blood vessel vasodilation5 and the decrease under Med by an overall vasoconstriction5. On the contrary, the ADC absolute value increased significantly both with Iso and Med in specific brain regions (Fig. 2C, D). Overall this ADC increase was very stable with time under each anesthetic condition, compared with temporal BOLD change (Fig.3). The regions exhibiting the ADC increase common to both Med and Iso were the cerebral cortex, the limbic region, the midbrain and a network of regions (CM, PO, pHT, vmHT, DR, and PAG) known to be associated with wakefulness/sleep conditions6,7. Additional regions with increased ADC were also observed for Iso (Fig.4). Those loci are consistent with the known enhancement by isofluorane of GABAergic inhibitory systems on the whole brain8, while medetomidine is an α2 adrenergic agonist which enhances neural inhibitory systems through norepinephrine at selective brain region5. Importantly, the amount of ADC increase was correlated with the dose of anesthetic drugs (Fig.4, Table 1) which are known to induce a dose-dependent decrease in neural activity5,8, especially in the wakefulness/sleep network. Based on earlier reports that water diffusion decreases during neural evoked responses, possibly in relation to the associated swelling of cellular element3,4,9, those results suggest that the water diffusion increase observed under anesthetic conditions might reflect neural deactivation and, possibly, an associate retraction of cellular elements10.


Water apparent diffusion coefficient was shown to increase in specific regions on the rat brain under anesthetic conditions, especially in a network of regions involved in wakefulness and sleep. The amount of diffusion increase was correlated to the dose of the anesthetic drugs, likely reflecting a decrease neuronal activity. In contrast, BOLD signals showed non-specific, widespread relative changes of opposite signs for Iso and Med. Those results suggest that DfMRI might be suitable to investigate brain resting state or pharmacological challenges in various physiological or pathological conditions quantitatively and without interference with vascular confounding effects.


We thank Boucif Djemai for support with general animal handling. We thank the Louis-Jeantet and Louis D. Foundations for their generous support.


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10. Ramon Y, Cajal S. The state of activity would correspond to the swelling and elongation of the [dendritic] spines, and the resting state (sleep or inactivity) to their retraction. Textura del Sistema Nervioso del Hombre y de los Vertebrados; 1899-1904.


Fig. 1.

Experimental time course. DWI images (DfMRI or BOLD ) were acquired continuously for 10 min under Iso (1.5, 2.0, and 2.5%) or Med (0.1 and 0.3 mg/kg/h). Resting time at each dosage was 5 min for Iso and 30 min for Med.

Fig. 2.

Neural activity maps of BOLD and ADC. Hot colors mean an increase in BOLD or ADC, compared with low dose. Cool colors mean the opposite. CM; central medial thalamic nucleus, DR; dorsal raphe, pHT; posterior hypothalamic nucleus, PO; preoptic area nucleus, PAG; periaqueductal gray, vmHT; ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus.

Fig. 3

Time-course of ADC or BOLD signals at whole brain level for dosage of Iso and Med. BOLD signal was calculated as percent change compared to a baseline (average signal at low dose).

Fig. 4.

ADC changes observed between anesthesia conditions at 5 representative locations. The ADC significantly increased with dosage for isofluorane at those 5 locations, while there was no ADC change in the cortex for medetomidine. S; somatosensary cortex, CPu; caudate putamen, HT; hypothalamus, M; motor cortex, Cg; cingulate cortex.

Table 1.

Correlation of absolute ADCs with anesthetic doses at 5 representative locations (correlation coefficient, p value, slope).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)