Masaya Misaki1, Hideo Suzuki1, Jonathan Savitz1,2, Brett McKinney3, and Jerzy Bodurka1,4
1Laureate Institute for Brain Research, Tulsa, OK, United States, 2Dept. of Medicine, Tulsa School of Community Medicine, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, United States, 3Tandy School of Computer Science, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, United States, 4College of Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK, United States
We investigated
temporal dynamics of resting-state brain activation in BOLD resting-state
networks (RSNs) in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and healthy
controls (HC). The wavelet variance analysis was applied to the RSNs time
courses to assess frequency specific temporal fluctuations. Comparing to HC,
MDD subjects had significantly lower fluctuation in the default-mode network
(DMN) and the high-visual network in 0.031-0.125Hz and higher fluctuation in
the language/auditory and the cerebellum networks in 0.125-0.25Hz and
0.0156-0.031Hz. The low DMN fluctuation in MDD was associated with high
precuneus activity that triggered increase of DMN activity.Purpose
Pathological intrinsic brain activity specific to major
depressive disorder (MDD) could be encoded in temporal dynamics of BOLD
resting-state networks (RSNs). Resting-state is not a stable state but
undergoes dynamic state changes at different time scales
1. Previous
research indicated a different temporal dynamic of RSN in MDD, with
default-mode network (DMN) activity lasting longer for MDD
2. This
study investigated temporal fluctuations of multiple RSNs in multiple
frequencies using wavelet variance analysis to further elucidate differences in
RSN temporal dynamics between MDD and healthy control (HC). Additionally we aim
to identify a brain activity associated with RSNs state change and abnormal low
fluctuations in DMN in MDD.
Forty-five HC (12 male, age 21–55) and 44 MDD (12 male,
20–55, diagnosed by DSM-IV-TR) participated in 7m30s resting-state fMRI session
with eyes open. Whole-brain EPI (TR/TE=2000/30ms, FA=90°,
FOV/slice=240/3.2mm×41 axial slices, matrix=128×128, SENSE acceleration=2) was
acquired with 3T GE MR750 scanner. FMRI analysis using AFNI includes;
discarding the first three volumes, despiking, RETROICOR/RVT physiological
noise correction, slice-timing and motion correction, normalize to MNI
template, smoothing with 4mm-FWHM kernel, scaling to percent change, regressing
out mean CSF signal, motion parameters and 3rd-order polynomials. Group
independent component analysis (ICA) was applied to the processed images using
melodic software in FSL3. Forty-four ICs were extracted and 18 ICs
were identified as RSNs (visual inspection). Activation time courses for the
RSNs in individual subject were reconstructed by dual regression4.
Wavelet variance analysis (WVA) was applied to the extracted activation time
series. WVA indicates how much the signal time course fluctuated at a certain
frequency. Up to fourth scales of wavelet variance, corresponding to
0.125-0.25Hz, 0.0625-0.125Hz, 0.0313-0.0625Hz, and 0.0156-0.0313Hz, were
extracted with maximum overlap discrete wavelet transformation and Symlet4 wavelet
filter5. Log-transformed wavelet variances for each RSN in each
scale were entered into linear mixed-effect model (LMM) analysis with fixed
effects of diagnosis, RSN, and frequency along with age, gender, and motion
size covariates. Post-hoc analysis comparing MDD to HC was also performed for
each RSN in each frequency scale.
We also investigated a brain activation associated
with a state change of RSN activity. Local maxima and minima in the wavelet
coefficient time course were extracted as event onsets (Fig. 1). Brain
activation correlated with these events was extracted with a general linear
model analysis. The design matrix included modeled responses for the onset of
local maxima and minima (onset times were shifted 4.5s to account for
hemodynamic delay) with a canonical hemodynamic response function and
parametric modulation by extremum size, which could discount the effect of
small fluctuations. The activations associated with local maxima and minima
were compared between MDD and HC. This analysis was performed only for the
RSNs/frequencies that showed significant difference in wavelet variance between
MDD and HC.
Fig. 2 shows the ICs/ frequencies that showed significant
difference in wavelet variance between MDD and HC (corrected p<0.05).
Fluctuations of IC3 and IC6 were significantly lower at 0.031-0.125Hz for MDD.
Fluctuations of IC20 and IC25 were significantly higher in 0.125-0.25Hz and in
0.0156-0.031HZ for MDD. Fig 3 shows spatial pattern of these ICs. The ICs
correspond to the high visual (IC3), default-mode (IC6), auditory/language
(IC20), and cerebellum (IC25) networks, respectively. The analysis for a
state-change-related activation revealed significantly higher precuneus
activity in MDD at minimum point of IC6 (DMN) in 0.0313-0.0625Hz (voxel-wise
p<0.005 and cluster-size corrected
MDD subjects showed less fluctuation in DMN activity during
rest, consistent with previous reports showing longer DMN dominance time for
2. This suggests that MDD subjects tend to be locked in the
default-mode state at rest. This dominance of default-mode activity could be
associated with high precuneus activity at the minimum point of DMN activity.
Precuneus has been suggested as a hub region switching between task-positive
and default-mode network activity
6,7. Our finding indeed suggests
that high precuneus activity at minimum points of DMN activation might serve as
trigger to increase and to switch to DMN activity, and that might cause
subjects with MDD to stay longer in default-mode state at rest.
Novel analysis of temporal dynamics of resting-state
activity in MDD suggests that high precuneus activity can trigger a switch to
default-mode activity and prevent breaking out of such activity. This finding
sheds light on brain network mechanisms of MDD pathophysiology.
This research was supported by R01MH098099 NIMH/NIH research
grant, the Laureate Institute for Brain Research, and the William K. Warren
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