Isa Costantini1, Ottavia Dipasquale1,2, Laura Pelizzari1,2, Maria Marcella Laganà2, Francesca Baglio2, and Giuseppe Baselli1
1Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 2IRCCS, Don Gnocchi Foundation, Milan, Italy
This study combines the independent component analysis and a local clustering method in order to study the within-network functional connectivity of the default mode network (DMN). Our results strongly support the hypothesis that the long-range FC between anterior and posterior DMN increases from the childhood to the young adulthood and slowly decreases with aging. This joint approach allowed us to obtain more detailed information about within-network FC changes among the DMN sub-regions.Purpose
Group independent component
analysis (group-ICA) is a powerful data-driven method used for the
resting-state fMRI (rfMRI) data analysis. This method is typically used to
extract the resting state networks (RSNs). However, this approach does not
allow the investigation of the within-network FC changes that occur within the networks.
This study combines the ICA and a
local clustering method in order to find common spatial patterns and split the
anatomically distinct areas belonging to a specific network. In particular, we
focused on the default mode network (DMN) as it is hypothesized to play an
important role in behavior and cognition1 and to physiologically change
its functional behavior across the life span. This joint approach gave us the
chance to obtain more detailed information about within-network FC changes among
the DMN sub-regions.
The study was conducted on 172
healthy right-handed volunteers (6-79y, 110 females) divided into 15-year
age groups: G1 (N=19, 6-15y, 9 females), G2 (N=51, 16-30y, 34 females),
G3 (N=35, 31-45y, 23 females), G4 (N=33, 46-60y, 22 females) and G5 (N=34, over 60y, 22 females). rfMRI images (TR/TE=2500/30 ms; resolution=3.1x3.1x2.5 mm
3; 39 axial slices; 160 volumes) were acquired using a
1.5T MRI scanner. High-resolution T1-weighted scans were also collected. After
standard preprocessing with FSL
2, data were coregistered to MNI
space using the Advanced Normalization Tools (ANTs)
3. Common spatial
patterns were extracted from the whole dataset using the group-ICA. The FSL tool
cluster (
was then used to split the RSNs into clusters (CLs). Subjects-specific spatial
maps and time series were recovered from the group CLs
Second level analyses were focused on the DMN CLs: medial pre-frontal cortex
(mPFC), posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), left and right parietal lobes (LPar
and RPar).
Statistical analyses were
performed using SPSS 21 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) to
examine age-related FC differences between the DMN CLs in the five groups (one-way
univariate ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc
The ANOVA showed statistically significant age-related
FC changes for the pairs mPFC-PCC, mPFC-LPar and mPFC-Rpar (p ≤ 0.01).
Post-hoc analyses highlighted that the
FC between mPFC-PCC significantly increases from G1 to G2 and decreases from G2
to G5. FC between mPFC-LPar revealed to be lower in G1 compared to all the
other groups (G2, G3, G4 and G5). FC between mPFC-RPar was lower in G1 compared
to G2. All these significant results (p ≤ 0.05)
were Bonferroni-corrected for multiple comparisons.
Our findings are in line with
previous studies
5,6,7,8 and strongly support the hypothesis that the
long-range FC between anterior and posterior regions of the DMN increases from
the childhood (G1) to the young adulthood (G2) and slowly decreases with aging.
We used a robust and powerful method
to identify common spatial patterns in a heterogeneous group of subjects, and
combined it with an anatomical parceling of the network of interest, in order
to study its within-network interactions.
This approach enabled us to study functional changes
among areas belonging to the DMN. This work studied the neuro-physiological
cerebral evolution and could be performed on all the RSNs, leading to a better
understanding of the physio-pathological cognitive functionality.
The joint use of ICA and anatomical clustering enabled to evaluate the functional changes across circuits involved in
the DMN and provided evidence that this network can be studied through the
interplay of its elements to follow age-related brain functionality.
No acknowledgement found.References
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