Identifying Foci of Brain Disorders from Effective Connectivity Networks
D Rangaprakash1, Gopikrishna Deshpande1,2,3, Archana Venkataraman4, Jeffrey S Katz1,2,3, Thomas S Denney1,2,3, and Michael N Dretsch5,6

1AU MRI Research Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States, 2Department of Psychology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States, 3Alabama Advanced Imaging Consortium, Auburn University and University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States, 4Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, 5U.S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Fort Rucker, AL, United States, 6Human Dimension Division, HQ TRADOC, Fort Eustis, VA, United States


Brain connectivity studies report statistical differences in pairwise connection strengths. While informative, such results are difficult to interpret, since our understanding of the brain relies on region information, rather than connections. Given that large effects in natural systems are likely caused by few pivotal sources, we employed a novel framework to identify sources of disruption from directional connectivity. Using resting-state fMRI, we employed static and time-varying effective connectivities in a probabilistic framework to identify affected foci and associated affected connections. We illustrate its utility in identifying disrupted foci in Soldiers with post-traumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury.


Brain connectivity is extensively used to assess interactions between different regions. However, our understanding of the brain is organized around properties of regions and not the connections between them. Given that connectivity contains invaluable information not available through fMRI activation studies, attaining region-specific information from connectivity data could progress our understanding of the neural circuitry and associated brain processes. We also recognize that large effects in any system are often caused by few sources, and that identifying and fixing such source(s) could naturally rectify rest of the network abnormalities in a given disorder. Hence, we developed a novel framework to identify such affected pathological foci from directional brain networks.

In this study, we used effective connectivity (EC) modeling [1] to infer directional interactions. We constructed networks using strength and temporal variability of EC, obtained from resting-state fMRI. These whole-brain connectivities were then used in a probabilistic framework to identify affected disorder foci. We tested our framework on data obtained from Soldiers with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). We hypothesized that PTSD with and without mTBI are characterized by certain affected foci, which are associated with connections having altered strength and lower variability of directional brain connectivity.


Eighty-seven U.S. Army Soldiers were recruited for the study, with 17 having PTSD, 42 having both PTSD and mTBI (PTSD+mTBI) and 28 matched combat controls. Resting-state fMRI was acquired in a 3T Verio Siemens scanner, with TR=600ms, TE=30ms, voxel-size=3×3×5mm3, 1000 volumes and 2 sessions. Standard pre-processing was performed with realignment, normalization to MNI-space, detrending and regressing out white-matter, CSF, six-head motion parameters and global-mean signal. Hemodynamic deconvolution was performed [2] on voxel-wise timeseries to obtain underlying latent neuronal variables. Mean timeseries from functionally homogenous brain regions were obtained (cc200-template [3]).

Static EC (SEC) was evaluated (whole-brain) using Granger causality [1]. The time-varying version of EC (dynamic EC [DEC]) was evaluated by employing Kalman-filter based time-varying Granger causality [4]. Variance of DEC was computed as the measure of variability of connectivity. We used a Bayesian probabilistic model to identify disorder foci from connectivity data [5], which assumes that salient regions are associated with large number of abnormal connections. This method has been demonstrated earlier with static functional connectivity (FC) [5], but it made certain assumptions which were suited for FC. Here we demonstrate the utility of this method with static as well as dynamic EC, albeit with certain modifications in the model formulation given that EC matrices are not symmetric, unlike FC, and that the distributions of FC and EC data are dissimilar.

One thousand iterations were performed and statistical significance of foci were determined. The method also gave affected connectivities associated with the foci. Significantly altered foci and their associated altered connections were obtained (p<0.05, FDR-corrected, controlled for age, race, education and head motion).

Results and Discussion

We identified three foci (left middle frontal gyrus [MFG], left anterior insula and right hippocampal formation) affected in PTSD and PTSD+mTBI, and they were connected to/from other affected brain regions (see Fig.1). Fig.2 shows networks associated with each focus. Further clarity was obtained by reorganizing them into three functionally separable networks (Fig.3): (i) frontal top-down under-modulation network steered by MFG, causing disinhibition of insula, (ii) insula-amygdala-hippocampal loop which goes into a positive-feedback overdrive due to frontal disinhibition, and (iii) hippocampal memory-retrieval network which results in overdrive of association areas involving memory processing/retrieval. Taken collectively, we identified the MFG to be the pivotal source of disruption in Soldiers with PTSD and PTSD+mTBI (Fig.4), which was further affecting other emotion and memory processes, potentially exacerbating symptoms. The other two foci also play a key role in mediating disruption with the insula involved in subjective cognitive-emotional processing, and hippocampus involved in declarative memories. In concert, this network provides a mechanistic explanation of emotion dysregulation and subsequent lack of control over traumatic memories, contributing to hyperarousal, flashbacks and other symptoms observed in soldiers with PTSD.

Earlier studies have repeatedly identified these and other regions [6, 7, 8] to be involved in both PTSD and mTBI, but a precise understanding of the sources of disruption and their subsequent causal relationships has not emerged from them. Employing a novel framework involving foci identification and EC networks, we identified the regional foci associated with the disorders and elucidated their causal relationships. Our characterization fits well with behavioral manifestations of PTSD and PTSD+mTBI, thus illustrating the utility and fidelity of our approach. Future works could take advantage of this approach in identifying sources of disruption/alteration in various psychiatric illnesses and cognitive domains.


The authors acknowledge financial support for this work from the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materials Command (MRMC) (Grant # 00007218). The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this article are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Army or the Department of Defense (DoD). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors thank the personnel at the TBI clinic and behavioral health clinic, Fort Benning, GA, USA and the US Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Fort Rucker, AL, USA, and most of all, the soldiers who participated in the study.


[1] Deshpande G. et al., IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,57(6):1446-56,2010

[2] Wu et al., Medical Image Analysis,17(3):365-74,2013

[3] Craddock R.C. et al., Human Brain Mapping,33,1914–1928,2011

[4] Grant M.M. et al., Human Brain Mapping,35(9):4815-4826,2014

[5] Venkataraman A. et al., IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,32(11):2078:2098,2013

[6] Simmons A.N. et al., Neuropharmacology,62(2):598-606,2012

[7] Hayes J.P. et al., Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders,2(1):9,2012

[8] Eierud C. et al., Neuroimage Clinical,4:283-94,2014


Fig.1. Brain regions involved in the affected network. Regions in red are the affected foci and those in blue are the regions connected to/from the affected foci. Each of these functionally homogeneous regions were obtained from spectral clustering based brain parcellation (cc200 template). MFG= middle frontal gyrus, OFC= orbito-frontal cortex.

Fig.2. Networks associated with the following three foci (in red): (a) left middle frontal gyrus (MFG), (b) left anterior insula, and (c) right hippocampal formation. Gray lines correspond to connections with lower SEC (under-modulation); brown lines correspond to connections with high SEC (overdrive).

Fig.3. Networks associated with different roles: (a) frontal top-down under-modulation network, (b) insula-amygdala-hippocampal overdrive loop and (c) hippocampal memory-retrieval network. Gray lines correspond to connections with lower SEC (under-modulation); brown lines correspond to connections with high SEC (overdrive). Red stars are the foci; blue circles are regions connected to/from foci.

Fig.4. Illustration of the entire network: The pre-frontal regions, steered by the left MFG, are not sufficiently inhibiting the left insula, which steers subcortical regions into an overdrive. This overdrive results in over-excited parietal regions, which causes emotion dysregulation, hyperarousal and flashbacks observed in subjects with PTSD and PTSD+mTBI.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)