The impact of through-slice acceleration on the optimum TE in BOLD-based fMRI: a simulation study
Wietske van der Zwaag1, David G. Norris2, and José P. Marques2

1Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, Netherlands


In this simulation study we evaluate the TE that offers the optimum BOLD contrast per unit time for a given field strength (taking into account the field-specific T1, T2* and ΔT2* values) as a function of the number of slice excitations to acquire the volume (minimum TR achievable), using the Ernst angle for excitation. Generally, optimum BOLD sensitivity is found at TEs closer to T2* when shorter TRs (higher multiband acceleration factors) are employed. At longer TRs efficiency constraints tend to make the optimum TE shorter with this effect being more pronounced at lower static fields.

Target audience

Anyone working with fMRI


To find the optimal echo time (TEopt) for highly accelerated fMRI acquisitions.

A simple calculation shows that the largest BOLD signal is obtained at TE≈T2* of gray matter(1). Many fMRI experiments, however, employ a shorter TE to improve temporal sampling density, the BOLD contrast-to-noise ratio (CNRBOLD), or to reduce through-slice dephasing. Here, we simulated CNRBOLD as a function of TR, TE, field strength and number of slice excitations Nslices, taking into account the BOLD signal amplitude (which peaks at TE≈T2*GM ), the increase in CNRBOLD with increased temporal sampling density as well as the signal loss due to T1-weighting, always using the Ernst angle for excitation. TR was assumed to be >>T2. BOLD changes in a venous compartment were also simulated to estimate BOLD specificity.


BOLD detection power was modelled taking into account TR, sampling time and expected T2*BOLD contrast: $$CNR_{BOLD} = \Delta R_2^* \times TE\times exp^{\frac{-TE}{T_2^*}} \frac{S_{\alpha_{Ernst}} \sqrt{ETL}}{\sqrt{TR}}$$ whereby $$$S_{\alpha_{Ernst}} = sin(\alpha_{Ernst})\frac{1-exp^{\frac{-TR}{T_{1}}}}{1-cos(\alpha_{Ernst})exp^{\frac{-TR}{T_{1}}}}$$$. The minimum TR was assumed to be $$$TR = (TE+\frac{ETL}{2})N_{slices}$$$, with the centre of k-space sampled in the middle of the echo train, where ETL is the echo train length and Nslices the number of slice excitations. A 0.65mm3 7T field map (in rad/s, scaled appropriately for lower field strengths) was used to calculate signal loss from through-slice dephasing assuming an axial slice orientation and $$$CNR_{BOLD} =CNR_{BOLD}sinc(\gamma \frac{\delta \Delta B_{0}}{\delta z}\Delta z TE)$$$. Simulations were performed for a range of ETLs, B0, number slice excitations and thicknesses. For brevity only results for 100/60/30/15 slices, ETL=30ms, B0 =1.5/3/7T and a slice thickness of 2 mm are presented. Table 1 lists the relevant relaxation parameters used in the simulations.

Results and discussion

Table 2 shows TEopt values for protocols with different NSlices. It can be seen that, even in the absence of through-slice dephasing, TEopt was generally found to be < T2* and closer to the typically used TE values at lower field strength (Table 2). However, TEopt tends to increase with decreasing NSlices. The variation is larger at lower field strengths where the shorter T1 values make large NSlices (and increased TRs) suboptimal. Figure 1 compares BOLD sensitivity at the different fields for NSlices=100 and NSlices=15 (corresponding to whole brain coverage with a through-slice acceleration factor of ~6 for 2mm slices). There, the increase of TEopt can be seen, but also the fact that lower fields benefit more from multiband technology (Figure 1) with a CNRBOLD improvement of 90, 40 and 18% at 1.5, 3 and 7T respectively (ignoring g-noise penalties).

Relative venous signal contributions (Figure 1) increase with B0 and reduce with TE in all cases.

When taking into account through-slice dephasing due to B0 field inhomogeneities, shorter optimal TE values are found above the frontal sinuses at 3T (Figure 2). At the optimal echo time, this indeed results in lower CNRBOLD in the affected regions (Figure 3, top row). However, if a shorter TE (for illustration: 35ms@1.5T, 30ms@3T, 25ms@7T, Figure 3 bottom row) is used to prevent BOLD signal losses over the sinuses, the BOLD contrast in the rest of the brain is significantly lowered, while only small increases in CNRBOLD are found in the affected regions.

For example, TE=35ms at 1.5T leads to homogeneous BOLD CNR levels throughout the example slice, but this tSNR level is 10-20% lower than the slower, TE=74ms acquisition (Figure 3, top left). For TE=30ms at 3T versus the 44ms TE protocol (Figure 3, middle column), there is a 4% increase in tSNR in the frontal region, accompanied by a larger, 6%, loss of CNRBOLD in the cortex. For 7T the choice for a shorter TE might be more beneficial, as here the through-slice dephasing in a 2-mm slab is more significant.

For simplicity, we have kept the ETL constant throughout the simulations shown here, its increase implies an increase of SNR at the cost of increased distortion and TR.


The use of TE values shorter than T2* has become commonplace to allow for the acquisition of a large number of slices in a limited TR and to reduce dropout. However, the application of parallel imaging acceleration in the slice-encoding direction means that optimal BOLD contrast is achieved at TE values close(r) to T2*, anywhere in the brain at 1.5T and 3T, and also in well-shimmed tissue at 7T.

Considerations on the importance of removing cardiac noise, or studying temporal characteristics of the hrf, have not been taken into account here, but could justify sacrificing BOLD sensitivity for temporal resolution.


No acknowledgement found.


(1) Menon et al, MRM, 1993

(2) van der Zwaag et al, NMR in Biomedicine, 2015

(3) Triantafyllou et al, Plos One, 2011

(4) van der Zwaag et al, Neuroimage, 2009


Table 1. Relaxation parameter values used in the simulations to determine BOLD contrast levels.

Figure 1. BOLD signal vs TE plots, accounting for T2*(B0), ΔR2*(B0), T1-weighting(B0,TR), SNR(B0), but without accounting for through-slice dephasing. Note optimum BOLD contrast is consistently achieved at TE<T2*, but curves differ greatly with number of slice excitations. Tissue/vein specificity increases consistently with TE for all B0.

Table 2. Optimum echo times as a function of number of slice excitations at 1.5T, 3T and 7T.

Figure 2. Optimum TE for BOLD CNR at the three different field strengths, taking into account through-slice dephasing in a slice passing over the frontal sinuses. Susceptibility-induced dephasing was calculated from a 0.5mm isotropic fieldmap acquired at 7T and scaled appropriately.

Figure 3. BOLD CNR in optimal protocols according to the simulations compared to commonly used TE values for a 15-slice excitation case with minimum TR.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)