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Comparison of IVIM and pCASL in the brain
Hannah Hare1 and Daniel Bulte1,2

1FMRIB, NDCN, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Department of Oncology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom


IVIM has been proposed as a method of imaging blood volume fraction and perfusion in the brain. In this study we directly compared both the images and the values measured with IVIM to a multi post label delay pCASL sequence in the same imaging session. Although the units are not directly comparable, the images can be visually compared, and it was hypothesised that inter-subject variability in resting CBF in grey matter across subjects would result in a positive correlation between measures from the 2 modalities. Although visually similar, no correlation was observed in the quantitative data.


Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) has been used to study perfusion in abdominal organs. However, its application within the brain is controversial.1,2,3 Results can vary significantly depending on the fitting algorithm, the experimental parameters, and the range of b-values. Concerns have also been raised about biases introduced by fitting low SNR data, and contaminating effects of CSF due to bulk motion. The aim of this work was to investigate IVIM as a potential method for acquiring reliable blood volume and/or perfusion information in the brain. A direct comparison was performed between IVIM and pCASL, a method capable of quantifying blood flow within grey matter (GM) which has been validated against PET,4 but which suffers from low SNR and cannot be applied in areas with long arterial arrival times.


10 subjects were scanned on a 3T Siemens Verio scanner with a 32-channel head coil. A 6:28-minute multi-PLD pCASL scan was run (6 delay times ranging 250–1500ms) with 3.4×3.4×6mm voxels. Images were preprocessed using FSL,5 and analysed using BASIL.6 For IVIM, a diffusion sequence was run with b-values of 0, 10, 20, 40, 80, 110, 140, 170, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900s/m2, acquired in three orthogonal directions with a twice-refocussed spin echo and an EPI readout. Images were acquired at the same resolution as pCASL. To match the pCASL imaging time, 2 repetitions were acquired and averaged, with an imaging time of 6:12 minutes.

A 1mm isotropic MPRAGE scan was acquired, and segmented using FAST5 and registered to both ASL and IVIM space using FLIRT.5 GM and white matter (WM) masks were created from voxels with partial volume estimates of >50%. IVIM data were corrected for motion and eddy-current distortions. A reversed phase-encoding b=0 scan was used to correct for susceptibility-induced distortions using the TOPUP tool.5 A biexponential model was fitted to each voxel in two steps7 using least-squares fitting in MATLAB, to estimate the diffusion coefficient D, the pseudo-diffusion coefficient D and the fraction of fast-diffusing spins fv. This aims to mitigate overfitting, assuming D is substantially larger than D and may be neglected for large b-values. First, a monoexponential model was fit to b-values >200 to estimate D:


Then the full biexponential model was fit to all b-values, with fixed D, to estimate fv and D:


S0 was unconstrained in both cases. IVIM perfusion was defined as fvD.

GM masks were applied to pCASL and IVIM images. Voxels with fv>0.3 were excluded from masks as this is unphysiological. Correlations between pCASL perfusion and IVIM fv and perfusion were hypothesised to be linear and were assessed by computing the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients (r) and the corresponding p-values, where p<0.05 was deemed to be significant.


Fig.1 shows average GM results. WM perfusion cannot be reliably measured using pCASL because of the long arterial arrival time. fvD in WM was found to be 0.81±0.20×10−3m2/s, leading to a GM/WM perfusion ratio of 1.87±0.88.

Fig.2 shows pCASL and IVIM maps from one subject, along with the GM mask. Although the maps for pCASL and IVIM perfusion show similar contrasts, there is increased signal in IVIM from both WM and CSF, and quantitatively no significant correlation was observed between GM pCASL and IVIM perfusion (Fig.3(a), r=0.090, p=0.805) or pCASL and IVIM fv (Fig.3(b), r=0.107, p=0.768)


IVIM claims to be a quantitative model, yet conclusive validation of the method within the brain is still lacking, with past studies reporting both positive8 and negative9 correlations between fv and DSC or ASL MRI methods, respectively. Although qualitative similarities were observed between IVIM parameters and pCASL perfusion maps, this study found no significant correlation between average GM values.

The lack of correlation in Fig.3 could be caused by different vessel properties between individuals. Although the ability to compare absolute perfusion between subjects is very valuable, particularly in clinical cases, many neuroscience applications require only spatial or functional contrast. Thus the question is whether the contrast observed in fv and fvD for a single subject is a true reflection of underlying blood volume or perfusion. Given concerns over the contaminating effects of CSF, it is difficult to conclude whether the spatial similarity between ASL and IVIM images supports this hypothesis, especially as the majority of GM voxels will also include a sizeable fraction of CSF at this relatively low resolution. Thus IVIM within the brain should not be considered a fully quantitative method. Although the contrasts may provide clinically valuable images, they should not be interpreted as corresponding directly to any specific physiological parameters.




1. D. Le Bihan and R. Turner. The capillary network: A link between IVIM and classical perfusion. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 27(1):171–178, 1992.

2. S. Bisdas. Are we ready to image the incoherent molecular motion in our minds? Neuroradiology, 55(5):537–540, 2013.

3. R. M. Henkelman. Does IVIM measure classical perfusion? Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 16(3):470–475, 1990.

4. D. F. R. Heijtel, H. J. M. M. Mutsaerts, E. Bakker, et al. Accuracy and precision of pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling perfusion during baseline and hypercapnia: A head-to-head comparison with 15O H2O positron emission tomography. NeuroImage, 92:182–192, 2014.

5. http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FSL

6. M. Chappell, A. R. Groves, B. Whitcher, et al. Variational Bayesian inference for a nonlinear forward model. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 57(1):223–236, 2009.

7. S. Suo, N. Lin, H. Wang, et al. Intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted MR imaging of breast cancer at 3.0 tesla: Comparison of different curve-fitting methods. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 42(2):362–370, 2014.

8. R. Wirestam, M. Borg, S. Brockstedt, et al. Perfusion-related parameters in intravoxel incoherent motion MR imaging com- pared with CBV and CBF measured by dynamic susceptibility-contrast MR technique. Acta Radiologica, 42(2):123–128, 2001.

9. Y. Lin, J. Li, Z. Zhang, et al. Comparison of intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted MR imaging and arterial spin labeling MR imaging in gliomas. BioMed Research International, 2015. DOI: 10.1155/2015/234245.


Fig.1. Average grey matter values for each subject. fvD is the IVIM perfusion parameter. ASL units are ml/100 g/min; D, D and fvD are all measured in m2/s.

Fig.2. A subset of slices acquired from a single representative subject. Units are ml/100 g/min for ASL perfusion and 10−3 m2/s for IVIM perfusion. fv is the capillary blood volume fraction in each voxel.

Fig.3. Plots comparing ASL perfusion with IVIM perfusion across the 10 subjects (a) and IVIM blood volume fraction (b) in grey matter. No significant correlation was observed in either case.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)