Maria A. Fernandez-Seara1, Zachary B. Rodgers2, Erin K. Englund2, Hee-Kwon Song2, John A. Detre3, Michael C. Langham2, and Felix W. Wehrli2
1Radiology, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 2Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
fMRI techniques estimate task-induced changes in the cerebral metabolic rate of
oxygen (CMRO2) based on simultaneous measurements of cerebral blood
flow (CBF) and blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes evoked by
stimulation. To determine the calibration factor M (corresponding to the
maximum possible BOLD signal increase), BOLD signal and CBF are measured in
response to a gas breathing challenge (CO2, O2). Here we describe an ASL dual-acquisition sequence that combines a background-suppressed 3D
readout with 2D multi-slice EPI. In five subjects we found an average
gray matter M-value of 8.71±1.03 and fractional changes of CMRO2 of 12.5±5%
in response to a bilateral motor task.Introduction
Calibrated fMRI
techniques estimate task-induced changes in the cerebral metabolic rate of
oxygen consumption (CMRO2) based on simultaneous measurements of
cerebral blood flow (CBF) and blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal changes evoked by stimulation (1). To calibrate the BOLD signal, a
calibration factor M (corresponding to the maximum possible signal increase) is
measured using blood gas manipulation techniques, involving CO2
or O2 gas mixture breathing. This measurement is quite sensitive to
arterial spin labeling (ASL) noise, especially when using the hypercapnia (HC)
method. Nevertheless, data acquisition
is commonly done using double-echo EPI, which is suboptimal for ASL, due to the
difficulty of implementing background suppression (BS) in 2D-multislice
readouts (2). A background-suppressed double acquisition sequence has
previously been proposed (3) using two separate EPI readouts. However, 3D
readouts are desirable for ASL since they can be optimally combined with BS (4).
The goal of this study was to implement a dual-acquisition sequence for simultaneous measurement
of BOLD and CBF and evaluate its
potential for M-mapping and quantification of CMRO2 changes in response to a
motor task.
Pulse sequence: The sequence (Fig. 1) consists of a
pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) module with a background-suppressed single-shot 3D-GRASE readout for acquisition of ASL images and multi-slice 2D-EPI for
acquisition of BOLD images. The two readouts are separated by a delay of 1.3s to
allow for recovery of the longitudinal magnetization.
Subjects: 5 healthy subjects (34±6 years) participated in
the study, after signing written informed consent.
Scanning protocol: The study was performed on a 3T Siemens
Trio using a 32-channel head-array. The scanning session included an anatomic T1-weighted image. Functional data were acquired with the following parameters:
PCASL labeling time=1.6s, post-labeling delay=1.5s, TE (GRASE/EPI)=29.3/30 ms, TR=6s, in-plane resolution=4x4 mm2, 16 slices, slice
thickness=6mm. First, data were acquired throughout a gas mixture breathing protocol
(5 min room air (baseline), 5 min breathing 5% CO2 in room air
(HC) and 5 min room air (recovery)) (5), followed by one run with a motor
activation paradigm (3 blocks of bilateral finger tapping alternated with 3
rest blocks of 1 min duration).
Data pre-processing (MATLAB scripts and SPM8): GRASE and EPI images
were separately pre-processed. EPI images were realigned and smoothed (6-mm kernel).
GRASE images were realigned, followed by subtraction of label and control to
obtain perfusion-weighted images and smoothing.
Gas manipulation data analysis: EPI images obtained during gas manipulation were entered into a general
linear model (GLM) with two conditions (room air and hypercapnia), excluding
the first minute after each transition. The model involved a regressor to
account for the image being acquired during control or label conditions and a
linear drift term. The regression coefficients were used to compute signal
baseline level (BOLD0) and signal change induced by HC (ΔBOLD). Perfusion-weighted images were entered into a similar GLM without
regressors to compute perfusion difference signal at baseline and during HC (ΔS0 and ΔS1)
and HC-induced signal change. M-maps were calculated via Eq. 1 (α=0.18, β=1.5) (6).
Task activation data analysis: EPI images obtained
during the activation paradigm were entered into a GLM with two conditions
(rest and task) and a regressor to model the ASL effect. Perfusion-weighted
images were analogously, excluding the regressor. Contrast images comparing
task and rest were obtained. Activated regions were identified using
uncorrected p-value<0.005. Regions of interest (ROI) were defined in the
left and right motor cortex (MC), including voxels that appeared active in both analyses,
and used to extract signal time-courses. Relative CMRO2 maps were
computed via Eq. 2.
Results and Discussion
Fig. 2 shows EPI and background-suppressed GRASE images,
signal difference images and M-map, computed from the gas manipulation data.
Gray matter M values averaged across the 5 subjects (Table 1) are in very good
agreement with reported results (6). Fig. 3 shows maps
of signal change induced by bilateral
finger-tapping, revealing activation in bilateral MC. Relative CMRO
time-courses in the activated regions are shown in Fig. 4. Group-averaged calibrated fMRI
parameters, including mean M values for the left and right MC ROIs, as well as
task-evoked signal changes (%BOLD, %ΔS
and rCMRO
2) are shown in Table 1. Mean evoked CMRO
2 estimates
are 12 and 13% for left and right MC, respectively. Assuming a resting state
value for gray matter CMRO
2 of 146 mmol/100g/min (7), these relative values would correspond to
absolute changes of 17 and 19 mmol/100g/min.
This work demonstrates the feasibility of measuring
task-evoked CMRO
2 changes using a dual-acquisition PCASL sequence
that combines a background-suppressed 3D readout optimized for ASL with 2D-EPI.
Grants RYC-2010-07161, NIH RO1 HLI22754.References
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