Alan Charles Seifert1,2, Hadrien Dyvorne1,2, Joo-won Kim1,2, Bei Zhang3, and Junqian Xu1,2,4
1Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 2Department of Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States, 3Department of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 4Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States
A major challenge in spinal cord fMRI is
physiological noise due to pulsating CSF, which confounds detection of BOLD
signal. In this work, we adapt DANTE to
reduce CSF signal contamination in spinal cord BOLD fMRI at 7T. Absolute signal intensity, temporal SNR, and
temporal cross-correlation between left and right spinal cord gray matter were
measured in DANTE-EPI images at multiple pulse-train lengths and flip
angles. Aggressive DANTE preparation
suppresses CSF signal, but also significantly reduces spinal cord signal. More conservative DANTE preparation yields an
optimal tradeoff between adequate CSF attenuation and preservation of spinal
cord signal.Introduction
Spinal cord blood oxygenation level-dependent
(BOLD) fMRI studies [1] have begun to demonstrate convincing activation in the
spinal cord gray matter for sensory and pain signals [2] and during resting
state [3]. Among many challenges in
spinal cord fMRI, physiological noise due to pulsating cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
surrounding the spinal cord is arguably the most detrimental to BOLD signal
detection in the spinal cord. Most
current spinal cord fMRI studies address the CSF signal contamination issue
with image post-processing methods (e.g. regressing out CSF signal, or physiological
cardiac recording). In this work, we
adapt a CSF signal suppression strategy, delay alternating with nutation for
tailored excitation (DANTE), to reduce CSF signal contamination in spinal cord
BOLD fMRI at 7T.
In the original DANTE method [4], a series of
evenly-spaced low-flip-angle RF pulses was used to exert a cumulative effect on
a narrow band of frequencies on-resonance.
Off-resonance spins accumulate phase between pulses, interrupting the
cumulative effect of the pulse train. Li
et al. [5] recently introduced a motion-sensitive preparation technique based
on DANTE, in which a train of low-flip angle RF pulses interleaved with
gradient pulses suppresses moving spins.
This method has been proven to attenuate CSF signal in the spine at 3T [6].
In this work, DANTE is combined with an
echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence and applied to the cervical spinal cord at 7T.
Axial gradient echo EPI was performed on a 7T
whole-body scanner (Siemens) with a 4-channel Tx, 22-channel Rx array coil [7] at
the C4 spinal level of one healthy adult volunteer in resting condition. TR=2100
ms, TE=23 ms, flip angle=65°, RF pulse duration=2560 µs, 100 frames, 1563
Hz/pixel, echo spacing=0.37 ms, 240 mm x 240 mm FOV, one anterior saturation
band, 1.2 mm x 1.2 mm in-plane resolution, 5 mm slice thickness, GRAPPA=2, and ETL=50
(18.5 ms). A DANTE preparation block,
consisting of a train of non-selective RF pulses (100 µs duration; number of
pulses N
p=250, 150, 75, 40, 25, or 0 (DANTE
off); flip
α=5°, 10°, or 15°; phase
cycle f=0°, 180°) interleaved
with z-gradient pulses (G
z=20 mT/m, duration=1 ms, ramp time=200 µs),
was applied before each EPI acquisition.
Images within each EPI series were registered in
plane using FSL/FLIRT [8] with two degrees of freedom. From each series, voxel-wise temporal SNR (tSNR
= s/m) maps were calculated, and signal time-courses
were extracted from regions of interest (ROIs) in the left and right spinal
cord gray matter medial to the lateral horns (Fig. 1) and anterior CSF. Pearson’s
correlation coefficients (r) were calculated for temporal cross-correlations
between left and right gray matter and between total gray matter and CSF.
Images and tSNR maps at all tested N
α are shown in Fig. 2.
Surface plots of signal intensity in the spinal cord gray matter and CSF
(Fig. 3) show that DANTE with 250
pulses at 15° achieves 95% suppression of CSF signal, while more conservative
150x15° and 150x10° yield 92% and 80% suppression, respectively. These three DANTE conditions, however, result
in attenuation of signal in the spinal cord by 42%, 34%, and 26%, respectively.
Similar decreases in gray matter tSNR (Fig. 4) were observed, although these
measured decreases do not distinguish between BOLD signal and other non-BOLD contributions.
Despite the moderately decreased signal
intensity in the static spinal cord, the temporal cross-correlation of resting-state
signal in the bilateral spinal cord gray matter (Fig. 5) improves from r=0.25 (without DANTE) to r=0.80-0.90 (with
DANTE). In addition, application of
DANTE (250x15°) reduces the temporal correlation of CSF versus gray matter
signal significantly (from r=0.54 to r=0.08), suggesting that signal
fluctuation related to the pulsating CSF was attenuated and/or removed from the
gray matter by DANTE.
The present results show that motion-sensitive DANTE preparation
strongly suppresses signal from pulsating CSF in the cervical spine at 7T. Because DANTE also causes attenuation of
signal in static tissues proportional to Np and
α2 [5],
these parameters must be selected carefully to balance CSF suppression with
preservation of spinal cord signal. The
strongest DANTE preparation applied in this work, 250x15°, suppressed CSF most
strongly, but at an increased cost to spinal cord signal intensity and
tSNR. A more moderate preparation,
150x10°, maintains effective CSF suppression (see Fig. 1), but attenuates spinal cord signal less heavily, and preserves
a stronger bi-lateral correlation in gray matter signal than 250x15° (r=0.90
vs. r=0.80, respectively).
In conclusion, DANTE prepared EPI with CSF-attenuation/suppression
is a promising spinal cord BOLD fMRI acquisition technique at ultra-high field.
This study was supported by Radiological Society of
North America (RSNA) research scholar grant RSCH1328 (JX), National Multiple
Sclerosis Society (NMSS) - International Progressive MS Alliance (IPMSA)
infrastructure award PA0097 (JX), and the National Institute of Health (NIH)
under award numbers U01 EY025500 (ACS, JK, and JX) and R00 NS070821 (HD).References
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