Dandan Zheng1, Wenjia Liu2, Bing Wu1, and Lin Ma2
1MR Research China, GE Healthcare, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 2Radiology Department, Beijing Military General Hospital, Beijing, China, People's Republic of
fluid fraction, CBF and T2 decay have been reported to be related with hypoxia
caused by high altitude in previous studies. All these biomarkers maybe
associate with tissue homogeneous magnetism changes, which may result in the
magnetic susceptibility changes. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is a
novel technique that allows mapping of tissue magnetic susceptibility. It has
the potential to be more sensitive with respect to magnetic tissue properties than
conventional magnitude-based
techniques such as transverse relaxation rates. This study was designed to
reveal the effect of exposure in hypoxia environment on magnetic susceptibility
in human brain assessed by QSM.Purpose:
exposure to hypoxia environment can induce a series of symptoms of acute
mountain sickness (AMS), hypobaric hypoxia is also often associated with diseases such as such
as ischemic stroke and epilepsy. However, the pathophysiologic mechanisms of hypobaric
hypoxia remains poorly understood. Previous studies had
investigated regional changes of T2 relaxation induced by hypoxia [1,2], an initial
increase in T2
,index (which related to the actual T2 relaxation time) in subjects without symptoms of AMS, but an
initial decrease in T2
,index in symptomatic subjects was reported. Quantitative
susceptibility mapping (QSM) reveals the underlying tissue susceptibility under
static magnetic field and has been shown to convey unique information in various
applications [3,4]. In this longitudinal study, QSM is applied, for the first
time, to investigate the hypobaric induced changes in different cerebral
10 nonsmoking,
healthy participants (5 females, age range 24-29) that resides at an altitude
of 30-50m with no previous exposure to high altitude were recruited. Ethical
approval for this study was granted by the local IRB committee. A total of 4
scans were performed on each of the participant: participants received the
first scan at sea level (43m, Beijing) on day 1; they then flew to Lhasa
(altitude 3658m), received the second scan within 6 hours of arrival; the third
MR scan was performed on day 4 after high-altitude acclimatization; the forth
scan was performed after returning to Beijing. MR scans were performed using
the model of 3.0T whole body scanner (MR Discovery 750, GE) equipped with an
8-channel head coil. Multi-echo GRE sequence was acquired for QSM with
following parameters: FOV = 240 x240 mm, TR = 29.7ms, 12 echoes, first TE = 3.1
ms, echo spacing = 2.2ms, read-out bandwidth = ±62.5 kHz, acquisition matrix =
240x240, slice thickness = 1 mm. Full brain coverage was achieved with a total
slice number of 140. The Lake Louise Score (LLS), an AMS selfreport questionnaire,
were also recorded during the experiment [3]. The derivation of the QSM was
performed using the STI suite toolbox [4]. The selected ROIs including splenium of corpus callosum (SCC), putamen
(PU), globus pallidus (GP), caudate nuclei (CN), red nuclei (RN) and substantia
nigra (SN) are as shown in Figure
1. These ROIs were selected as their functional properties have been reported
to vary sustained hypoxia [2]. A paired two-tailed t-test was used to
evaluate whether the means of the hypoxia-induced susceptibility changes in the
ROIs were statistically significant (p<0.05).
The changes of hypoxia-induced
susceptibility in the selected regions of each volunteer are shown in Figure 2.
Several observations can be made: the susceptibility in SCC, GP and CN showed a
significant change between normoxia and hypoxia exposure within 6h. The susceptibility
measured at 4 days hypoxia exposure in all ROIs showed no significant changes
compared to normoxia values, except in CN. Also no
significant difference before and after the volunteers went to high-altitude
was observed in all ROIs. The changes in hypoxia-induced susceptibility were
further analyzed by dividing the volunteers into AMS and noAMS groups based on their
day one LLS records. Comparing susceptibility between 1day hypoxia and normoxia,
measurements in SN and RN behaved largely different for AMS and noAMS group whereas
those in other ROIs showed little difference (Fig.3a); comparing susceptibility
between 4day hypoxia and normoxia, measurements in most regions showed
considerable difference for AMS and noAMS group except CN (Fig. 3b).
Discussion and conclusion:
this work, QSM was used as a biomarker to track hypoxia induced cerebral functional
changes in a longitudinal study. It is well known that the QSM abnormality in
deep nuclei regions are closely related to the brain dysfunction, and not only
QSM variations were observed with acute exposure to hypopiesia, distinct
QMS variations were observed between AMS and noAMS groups. Detailed
susceptibility changes and the underlying pathological causes would lead to
better understanding of the induction of AMS, and further the general mechanism
of hypoxia.
No acknowledgement found.References
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