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1H-13C Independently Tuned RF Surface Coil Applied for In vivo Hyperpolarized MRI
Peng Cao1, Xiaoliang Zhang1, Ilwoo Park1, Chloe Najac1, Sarah J. Nelson1, Sabrina Ronen1, and Peder E. Z. Larson1

1Department of Radiology, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States


This study aimed to develop a lump-element double-tuned common-mode-differential-mode (CMDM) radiofrequency (RF) surface coil with independent frequency tuning capacity for MRS and MRI applications. This CMDM coil maintained intrinsically decoupled magnetic fields, which provided sufficient isolation between the two resonators. The results from in vivo experiments demonstrated high sensitivity of both the 1H and 13C resonators.


This study aimed to develop a lump-element double-tuned common-mode-differential-mode (CMDM) radiofrequency (RF) surface coil1-3 with independent frequency tuning capacity for MRS and MRI applications. The presented double-tuned RF surface coil design can be extended to a broad range of heteronuclear MRI applications, including 13C, 23Na, 15N and 129Xe and other hyperpolarized and non-hyperpolarized heteronuclear MR applications, especially for those that require high local sensitivity.


Circuit analysis: The presented design has two modes that operate with different current paths, allowing independent frequency adjustment. According to Kirchhoff’s voltage law for two inner coil loops and one auxiliary capacitor loop (in Figure 1a), the presented coil circuit can be described as {jωL1I1+jωCS(I1I3)+jωCT1(I1+I2)jωL2(I1+I2)=0jωL1I2+jωCS(I1+I3)+jωCT1(I1+I2)jωL2(I1+I2)=0jωCT2I3+jωCS(I3+I2)+jωCS(I3I1)=0Eq. 1

where CS is the splitting capacitors, CT1 is the tuning capacitor for differential mode and L1 and L2 are the equivalent inductors on the outer loops and the central conductor, as defined in Figure 2a. Assuming the distribution of common mode (CM) current follows the illustration of i1 in Figure 1d (left), i.e., let I1 = I2 in Eq. 1, the resonant frequency is given by ωCM=1CS+2CT1L1+2L2Eq. 2

Utilizing Kirchhoff’s voltage law and assuming the distribution of differential mode (DM) current follow the illustration of i2 in Figure 1d (right), i.e., let I1 = -I2 in Eq. 1, resonant frequency is given by ωDM=1(CS2+CT2)2L1Eq. 3

where CT2 is the tuning capacitor for differential mode. The coil prototype was tested on the bench and then examined in phantom and in vivo experiments. Eqs. 2 and 3 clearly show that resonant frequencies of common mode and differential mode can be adjusted independently via CT1 and CT2.

Bench test: For the tuning dependency measurement, a network analyzer with full two ports (Agilent, E5071C) was used. The frequency span was set as 100 kHz and the number of points for frequency sweeping was 20000, allowing a nominal resolution of 5 Hz/point. The resonant frequency was detected automatically by searching the minimum value of the magnitude S11 (which identifies the resonant mode) within the span (i.e., 100 kHz), while the impedance at the resonant frequency was measured on the Smith chart.

MRI protocol: All MR experiments were performed on a 7T whole-body MRI scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI). The 1H-13C phantom was made using a 21.7-mm-diameter cylinder syringe that was filled with ethylene glycol (HOCH2CH2OH, anhydrous, 99.8%, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Missouri). For the in vivo experiment, a three-plane and multi-slice GRE 1H imaging was preformed, lasting 32 s. Non-selective dynamic spectroscopy data (readout bandwidth = 5000 Hz and sampling points = 2048) were acquired following a bolus injection of approximately 3 mL hyperpolarized [1-13C]-pyruvate solution (80 mM), produced using SpinLab (GE Healthcare, Niskayuna, New York).


Standard deviations of frequency and impedance fluctuations measured in one resonator, while changing the tuning capacitor of another resonator, were less than 13 kHz and 0.55 Ω. The unloaded S21 was -36 dB and -41 dB, while the unloaded Q factor was 260 and 287, for 13C and 1H, respectively. In vivo hyperpolarized 13C MR spectroscopy data demonstrated the feasibility of using the CMDM coil to measure the 3-second/spectrum-dynamics of lactate, alanine, pyruvate and bicarbonate signal in a normal rat head along with fast acquiring 1H anatomical reference images.


In the current study, we have demonstrated the independent frequency tuning capacity of the developed lump-element double-tuned CMDM coil. Using a circuit analysis, we demonstrated that one tuning capacitor could be used to adjust the resonant frequency of one mode without having current flowing in another tuning capacitor for the other mode. The bench test result clearly showed that the two resonant frequencies could be tuned independent of each other, verifying the circuit analysis. Compared with double-tuned quadrature volume coils, the presented double-tuned surface coil provided relatively high local sensitivity for heteronuclear MRI, but involved inhomogeneous B1 fields.


Independent frequency tuning capacity was demonstrated in the presented lump-element double-tuned CMDM coil. This CMDM coil maintained intrinsically decoupled magnetic fields, which provided sufficient isolation between the two resonators. The results from in vivo experiments demonstrated high sensitivity of both the 1H and 13C resonators.


The authors want to thank Lucas Carvajal for helping on the MRI experiment. This work is supported by NIH grants R00EB012064, R01EB016741, P01CA118816, P41EB013598, R01CA154915, R01CA172845 and R01EB008699.


[1] Zhang X et al. Magn Reson Med 2001;46(3):443-450;

[2] Zhang X et al. J Magn Reson 2003;161(2):242-251;

[3] Pang Y et al. Ieee T Med Imaging 2011;30(11):1965-1973.


Figure 1 (a) The arrangement of capacitors (CT1, CT2, and CS) allows independent frequency adjustments for the two resonant modes. (b) The driving circuits for the common mode and differential mode resonators. The balance-driving capacitors allow a virtual ‘ground’. (c) The coil prototype for rat brain imaging at 7T.

Figure 2 Tuning-dependency measurement for the present double-tuned surface coil without loading. The graph show frequencies of two modes measured by adjusting differential mode tuning capacitor (CT2) only (a) and common mode tuning capacitor (CT1) only (b). These results illustrate the independent frequency tuning for common mode and differential mode.

Figure 3 (a) 1H GRE (FA = 30°, NEX = 1) and 13C spectra (FA = 40°, NEX = 1) from a cylindrical 13C phantom (99.8% ethylene glycol). (b) 1H (left) and 13C (right) B1 maps. (c) GRE and 13C spectra from a double-tuned volume coil. Double-tuned surface coil provided high local sensitivity.

Figure 4 (a) 1H GRE (FA = 30°, NEX = 1) on a rat brain. (b) Hyperpolarized 13C spectra (non-selective excitation, nominal flip angle = 5°, and temporal resolution = 3 s/spectrum) demonstrated the capability of measuring the dynamics of lactate, alanine, pyruvate and bicarbonate signal with high sensitivity.

Figure 5 Axial and sagittal multi-slice low-flip-angle GRE of normal rat brain in Figure 4 demonstrating the volumetric coverage of the 1H resonator.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)