Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate and [1-13C]lactate observed using a single shot 3D pulse sequence in vivo
Jiazheng Wang1, Alan Wright1, De-en Hu1, Richard Hesketh1, and Kevin M. Brindle1,2

1Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom


We have developed a single-shot 3D sequence for hyperpolarized 13C MRI, with a spatial-spectral (SpSp) pulse for excitation and a stack-of-spirals acquired in interleaved fashion during two spin echoes. The sequence achieved a resolution of 1.25x1.25x2.5 mm3 in vivo on a 7T animal system, where hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate and [1-13C]lactate were imaged alternately at a frame rate of 2 s per metabolite. Variations are allowed in the design of the acquisition train to balance the in-plane and through-plane resolutions. This sequence allows higher temporal resolution and less RF depletion of the polarization than pulse sequences described previously.


Development of a hyperpolarized 13C MRI pulse sequence for acquiring high-resolution 3D images after a single excitation.


Imaging tumour responses to treatment through changes in metabolism can be advantageous as the morphological changes observed using traditional imaging methods can be slow to show evidence of a treatment response. Imaging of 13C-labelled cell substrates has become a promising technique for tumor treatment monitoring with the development of DNP in the past few years [1]. However, the hyperpolarization is transient, limiting the imaging time and number of excitation pulses in the experiment. We describe here a single-shot 3D imaging sequence to image hyperpolarized 13C-labeled substrates at high resolution, both spatially and temporally.


The sequence is shown in Figure 1. Following each SpSp excitation pulse, the pulse sequence acquires a stack-of-spirals such that each kx-ky plane, in 3D k-space, is acquired with a spiral-out trajectory and the blipping gradient train encodes the spatial information in the z-direction. The spirals are interleaved to reduce the impact of system imperfections. The two pairs of Hyperbolic-Secant adiabatic inversion pulses form two spin echoes, which are acquired by the two central spirals, enhancing the overall SNR while reducing polarization depletion due to imperfect refocusing pulses. The design of the spiral trains can be varied depending on the requirements of the application: as displayed in Figure 1, acquiring larger matrices at the center of k-space and smaller ones at the periphery yields a 3D k-space with a near-spherical stack-of-spirals. Alternatively an identical matrix size for all kx-ky planes can be used, resulting in a cylindrical stack-of-spirals. Different designs result in different 3D point spread functions; choosing between them can be used to balance the in-plane resolution against the through-plane resolution.


Experiments were performed on a 7T scanner with 3 female C57BL/6J mice bearing EL4 lymphoma tumours. Imaging commenced just before intravenous injection of hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate, with a FOV of 4x4x2 cm3 and a nominal resolution of 1.25x1.25x2.5 mm3. The 1/3/5/7 (or, identically, 8/6/4/2) spirals [2], as shown in Figure 1, encoded matrix sizes of 4x4, 16x16, 32x32, 8x8, respectively. The spiral lengths, in the same order, were 0.656, 3.240, 8.580, and 1.344 ms. The SpSp pulse had a bandwidth of 350 Hz, a stop band of 1295 Hz, and a total duration of 10.056 ms. The flip angle was 15⁰ on pyruvate and 90⁰ on lactate, following a saturation-recovery scheme [3]. The TE1 and TE2, as indexed in Figure 1, were 50.6 ms and 110.504 ms respectively. The SpSp pulse was targeted alternately at the pyruvate and lactate resonances, giving a temporal resolution of 2 s per metabolite (TR = 1 s), while the total acquisition window was 60 s. Phase correction [4] was performed before the reconstruction process to remove the gross phase inconsistencies between each acquired spiral.


The time courses of the signals from pyruvate and lactate are shown for all 3 mice in Figure 2, and were calculated by summing the signal from all the pixels in the 4th slice. Lactate signal intensity was tightly correlated with the pyruvate signal strength, because the accumulation of lactate signal between excitations was prevented by the use of a 90⁰ flip angle pulse on the lactate resonance. The pyruvate and lactate images from the 4th slice, overlaid on the proton Fast Spin Echo (FSE) image at the same position, are shown in Figure 3 for one mouse, between 0 s and 29 s. For the same mouse, the pyruvate and lactate signals are displayed in Figure 4 for all 8 slices at 6 s and 7 s respectively, overlaid on the proton FSE images. Tumour heterogeneity can be observed from the inhomogeneous distribution of the pyruvate and lactate signals.

Discussion and conclusion

The proposed pulse sequence is, to the authors’ best knowledge, the first single-shot 3D sequence for hyperpolarized 13C MRI. The single-shot scheme can dramatically reduce the required number of excitations compared to earlier 3D techniques. Compared to 2D imaging methods, the sequence is beneficial in terms of both the reduced number of excitations and higher SNR. It has been shown to be capable of imaging exchange of 13C label between injected [1-13C]pyruvate and endogenous lactate in vivo at high spatial and temporal resolutions. Variations in the design of the spiral train allow different trade-offs between the in-plane and through-plane resolutions. The total duration of the sequence is much smaller than the TR used, leaving room for higher temporal resolution if required.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Brindle KM. Imaging metabolism with hyperpolarized 13C labeled cell substrates. J Am Chem Soc 2015; 137:6418-6427

[2] Glover G. Simple analytic spiral k-space algorithm. Magn Reson Med 1999; 42: 412-415

[3] Schulte RF, Sperl JI, Weidl E, Menzel MI, Janich MA, Khegai O, Durst M, Ardenkjaer-Larsen JH, Glaser SJ, Haase A, Schwaiger M, Wiesinger F. Saturation-recovery metabolic-exchange rate imaging with hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate using spectral-spatial excitation. Magn Reson Med 2012; 69: 1209-1216

[4] Lai S, Glover GH. Three-dimensional spiral fMRI technique: a comparison with 2D spiral acquisition. Magn Reson Med 1998; 39: 68-78


Figure 1. (a) Pulse sequence and (b) 3D k-space trajectory of the spherical stack-of-spirals design. Spiral indices in (a) correspond to those in (b). Other designs, such as a cylindrical stack-of-spirals, could also be integrated into a similar sequence, with slight variations in the spiral train.

Figure 3. Dynamic (a) [1-13C]pyruvate and (b) [1-13C]lactate images of the 4th slice for one mouse, between 0 and 29 s, overlaid on the proton FSE image at the same position.

Figure 4. (a) [1-13C]pyruvate images (6 s) and (b) [1-13C]lactate images (7 s) from the same mouse as in Figure 3, overlaid to the proton FSE images at the same positions. Tumour heterogeneity could be observed according to the distribution of the [1-13C]pyruvate and [1-13C]lactate signals.

Figure 2. Dynamic [1-13C]pyruvate and [1-13C]lactate signals in all 3 mice, summed over the 4th slice. The [1-13C]lactate signal is tightly correlated with the [1-13C]pyruvate signal, because the 90⁰ flip angle on the lactate spin system prevented accumulation of [1-13C]lactate signal between imaging intervals.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)