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In Vivo Hyperpolarized 13C Diffusion Weighted MRI Measures Lactate Efflux and Changes in MCT4 Expression in Prostate Cancer
Jeremy W Gordon1, Hecong Qin1, Renuka Sriram1, Robert Bok1, Peder EZ Larson1, Daniel B Vigneron1, and John Kurhanewicz1

1Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, University of California - San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States


Dissolution DNP provides a 10,000-fold signal enhancement to carbon-13 nuclei and enables real-time metabolic imaging. In addition to the Warburg Effect, many malignant cancers overexpress MCT4, the monocarboxylate transporter responsible for lactate efflux and extracellular acidification. Because of microenvironmental differences, diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) with hyperpolarized substrates may provide unique information on lactate efflux and MCT4 expression. Here we show that DWI with hyperpolarized substrates is sensitive to changes in MCT4 expression, as lactate ADC is increased by >40% in late-stage TRAMP tumors. This technique may potentially provide a novel way to assess metabolite compartmentalization and transporter expression in malignant disease.


Dissolution DNP provides a four orders of magnitude enhancement to carbon-13 nuclei. Coupled with MR’s ability to resolve both substrate and metabolites, dissolution DNP of 13C substrates has been used extensively for metabolic imaging in both pre-clinical1 and proof-of-concept clinical studies2 to non-invasively assess metabolic conversion. In addition to the Warburg Effect, many cancers - such as malignant renal cell carcinoma3 and prostate cancer4 - overexpress MCT4. This monocarboxylate transporter is primarily responsible for lactate efflux, resulting in acidification of the extracellular space and conferring a poor prognosis4. Because of structural differences in the intra and extra-cellular microenvironments, diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) of hyperpolarized pyruvate and lactate may provide unique information on lactate efflux and microstructure, potentially providing insight into MCT4 expression and therapeutic changes in a rapid, non-invasive manner. In this work, we explore the utility of hyperpolarized ADC mapping of pyruvate and lactate to assess lactate efflux and MCT4 expression in a transgenic mouse model of prostate cancer (TRAMP).


48μL aliquots of [1-13C]pyruvate (Cambridge Isotopes, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) were polarized for 90 minutes in a HyperSense polarizer (Oxford Instruments). Samples were rapidly thawed and neutralized to a physiologic pH with a 4.5g solution comprised of 160mM NaOH, Tris buffer and EDTA. Animals were initially separated into two cohorts (early or late stage) by tumor size and animal age. TRAMP mice were injected with 300μL of neutralized pyruvate via tail-vein injection over 15s. 30s after the start on injection, metabolites were excited with a single-band spectral-spatial RF pulse, followed by a single-shot, double spin-echo flyback EPI prescribed for a 12mm thick slice and 2 x 2 mm in-plane resolution. Four b-values (25, 300, 600, 1000 s/mm2) were acquired per metabolite, with a constant flip angle of 30°. Data were corrected for RF utilization and fit voxel-wise to a monoexponential decay S(b)=S0,correxp(bD) to extract ADC maps for each metabolite. Following 13C imaging, a high-resolution ADC map was acquired from a dedicated 1H coil using a spin-echo sequence (b = 25, 188, 331, 515 s/mm2), with TR/TE = 1.2s/20ms, an in-plane resolution of 0.31 x 0.31 mm and twenty-four 1 mm thick slices.

Results and Discussion

Representative multiparametric early and late stage TRAMP data can be seen in Figure 1. ADC data are summarized in Figure 2. In agreement with prior work, 1H ADC decreases for late stage TRAMP tumors due to increasing cellularity5, recapitulating the progression of human prostate cancer. Interestingly, the pyruvate ADC remains unchanged (0.95 ± 0.12 vs. 1.03 ± 0.19 x 10-3 mm2/s) as the disease progresses, despite being a predominantly extracellular metabolite6. Conversely, the lactate ADC significantly increases (p < 0.05, t-test) by more than 40% for late stage tumors (0.68 ± 0.09 vs. 0.46 ± 0.05 x 10-3 mm2/s), in agreement with increased lactate efflux. Disease progression was characterized by heterogeneity, highlighting the importance of spatial localization in the 13C data. This is borne out in the histograms of the lactate and pyruvate ADC (Fig. 3) for a representative early stage, late stage, and an additional mixed stage tumor that contains both early and late stage disease. The distributed lactate ADC for the mixed stage provides evidence for underlying heterogeneity in disease state and MCT4 expression, later confirmed by histopathology. These results are supported by activity and expression for LDH and MCT4 (Fig. 4), indicating increased LDH activity and overexpression of LDHA and MCT4 in late stage prostate cancer. Despite the small sample size, these initial results provide evidence that DWI of hyperpolarized substrates can identify changes in MCT4 expression.


Hyperpolarized imaging has the potential to provide non-invasive measures of enzyme kinetics and transporter expression. We show that diffusion weighted imaging of hyperpolarized metabolites is sensitive to changes in MCT4 expression and lactate efflux, providing a novel way to assess metabolite compartmentalization and microstructural changes in the prostate.


This work was supported by NIH grants R01EB016741 and P41EB013598.


1.) Albers, M.J., et al., Hyperpolarized 13C Lactate, Pyruvate, and Alanine: Noninvasive Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer Detection and Grading. Cancer Res., 2008. 68(20): p. 8607-8615.

2.) Nelson, S.J., et al., Metabolic Imaging of Patients with Prostate Cancer Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate. Science Translational Medicine, 2013. 5(198): p. 198ra108.

3.) Keshari, K.R., et al., Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate Magnetic Resonance Reveals Rapid Lactate Export in Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinomas. Cancer Research, 2013. 73(2): p. 529-538.

4.) Pertega-Gomes, N., et al., Monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4) and CD147 overexpression is associated with poor prognosis in prostate cancer. BMC Cancer, 2011. 11(1): p. 312.

5.) Song, S.-K., et al., Improved Magnetic Resonance Imaging Detection of Prostate Cancer in a Transgenic Mouse Model. Cancer Research, 2002. 62(5): p. 1555-1558.

6.) Kettunen, M.I., et al., Spin echo measurements of the extravasation and tumor cell uptake of hyperpolarized [1-13C]lactate and [1-13C]pyruvate. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2013. 70(5): p. 1200-1209.


Figure 1. Representative multi-parametric TRAMP data. A 1H T2W image is shown for reference on the left. As prostate cancer progresses, 1H ADC decreases due to increasing cellularity. In contrast, pyruvate ADC remains unchanged. Lactate ADC increases as disease progresses, likely due to increased MCT4 expression and lactate efflux.

Figure 2. Summary of 1H and 13C ADC data for early and late stage TRAMP tumors. Lactate ADC is significantly increased for late stage disease, while pyruvate remains unchanged. *, significant difference (p < 0.05).
‡Only three late stage 1H datasets were acquired.

Figure 3. Lactate and pyruvate ADC histogram as a function of disease progression. The mean pyruvate ADC remains constant, while the lactate ADC increases with disease state. An additional, 7th mouse, initially thought to be early stage by tumor size, had unusually broad lactate-ADC distribution and was later confirmed by histopathology to have a mixture of early and late-stage disease.

Figure 4. LDH activity and expression of LDHA and MCT4. Both activity and expression are elevated for late stage prostate cancer.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)