Nicholas Drachman1, Stephen J. Kadlecek1, Yi Xin1, and Rahim R. Rizi1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
We have shown that the kinetic rate of the production
of bicarbonate from pyruvate is heavily pH dependent. An increase in the rate
by a factor of ~10 can be achieved by maintaining the pH of the reaction always
above 10.3, the pKa of bicarbonate. This discovery will allow researchers to
quickly produce hyperpolarized bicarbonate to be used for in vivo pH mapping
experiments. Introduction
In vivo
pH imaging can be accomplished by measuring the ratio of bicarbonate and CO2
present in various organs following the injection of hyperpolarized
bicarbonate. A major impediment in the development of this imaging modality is
the poor polarization of bicarbonate by DNP. One way to get around this is to
polarize pyruvate by DNP and use it as a precursor to produce hyperpolarized
bicarbonate via decarboxylation by hydrogen peroxide.
1 The
uncatalyzed decarboxylation reaction at neutral pH proceeds far too slow
relative to the spin-lattice relaxation time of pyruvate to be of much use. We
show that the reaction can be sped up by a factor of ~10 by maintaining the pH
above 10.3 throughout the duration of the reaction. This allows for maximum
production of polarized bicarbonate from pyruvate while minimizing the
polarization lost during the conversion. Because the decarboxylation of
pyruvate is highly exothermic, kinetic rate constants can be obtained
calorimetrically and confirmed using HP 13C NMR.
1mL of
160mM of pyruvate was reacted in a glass test tube with 1mL of 160mM hydrogen peroxide;
the pH was varied by adding sodium carbonate to the pyruvate solution before
the reaction. The pH of the solution before and after each reaction was measured
using an electronic pH-meter (Mettler Toledo). The temperature data was
obtained using a resistive thermal device (RTD) connected to a microcontroller.
The temperature data was fit to the following system of differential equations
to obtain the kinetic rate constants from the temperature vs. time curves. In
the first equation, k is the second order reaction rate constant.
example of the model fitting to the temperature vs time data of a
decarboxylation reaction is shown in figure 1. Figure 2 shows several
temperature vs time plots at pHs ranging from 6.89 to 10.11; as the steepness
of the rising part of the curve decreases, the reaction rate constant decreases
accordingly. To confirm that the reactions were proceeding faster at elevated
pH, as is seen in figure 3, a series of spectra were obtained from hyperpolarized
phantoms at varying pH. For each trial, 57.4mg of [1-13C]pyruvate
(Cambridge Isotopes Inc.) was polarized in a Hypersense DNP system and diluted
to 160mM using a neutralizing dissolution medium containing 1mM of phenol red
to monitor the pH of the solution. 2.5mL of the hyperpolarized pyruvate
solution was quickly mixed with 2.5mL of 160mM hydrogen peroxide in a 15mL
falcon tube. The pH of each reaction was varied by adding between 0 and 0.40mL
of 3.6M NaOH to the solution, depending on the target pH. The tube was inserted
into a 9.4T vertical Bruker magnet and imaged. The spectra were acquired every second with 20 kHz bandwidth and α=15°. The spectra obtained were analyzed with a
custom routine in MATLAB 2014b (MathWorks Inc.).
Results & Discussion
5 shows the k values obtained from one of the calorimetric trials, these trials
consistently show that as the pH of the solution increases, the reaction rate
goes up. The most dramatic increase in reaction rate occurs around pH 10.3, the
pKa for the bicarbonate <-> carbonate reaction. From this it was inferred
that the reaction should proceed most rapidly when the pH is kept well above
10. This is confirmed from the % completion data shown in figure 4, as the pH
increases, the amount of pyruvate that has been converted to bicarbonate increases
accordingly. It is important to note that the pH of the solution does not
remain constant over the course of the reaction. For every CO2
produced that converts to bicarbonate, one proton is released which lowers the
pH, and that conversion itself is also pH dependent. Figure 5 shows the hyperpolarized
spectra obtained for three pH values. It is notable that there is such a
significant difference in the % conversion for spectra a and b despite similar
initial values, this signifies that spending a little bit more time above pH
~10.3 results in significantly more decarboxylation.
We have demonstrated with two separate methods
that the rate of decarboxylation of pyruvate by hydrogen peroxide is heavily pH
dependent, and by maintaining the pH above 10.3, full conversion can be
achieved within ~20s. By altering the pH, any ratio of hyperpolarized pyruvate
to bicarbonate can be obtained. This is of special significance to
pH mapping research using hyperpolarized 13C-bicarbonate, which
requires the rapid production of hyperpolarized bicarbonate from a more easily
polarizable precursor, namely pyruvate.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] R.K. Ghosh, S.J.
Kadlecek, M. Pourfathi, R.R. Rizi, Efficient production of hyperpolarized
bicarbonate by chemical reaction on a DNP precursor to measure pH, Magn. Reson.
Med. (2014)