RF coil configurations for a RF-penetrable PET insert for simultaneous PET/MR
Brian J Lee1,2, Ronald D Watkins2, Alexander M Grant2,3, Chen-Ming Chang2,4, and Craig S Levin2,3,5,6

1Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 3Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 4Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 5Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 6Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


Simultaneous acquisition of MRI and PET shows great promise for disease characterization as it enables concurrent collection of complementary molecular and anatomical information. To overcome the limited dissemination of integrated PET/MRI systems due to the high cost, we have developed an RF-penetrable PET insert integrated with custom RF coils that can be inserted into any existing MRI system for simultaneous PET/MRI acquisition. The RF-penetrable PET/RF-receiver insert enables the use of the built-in body coil for more uniform transmit RF field, fast acquisition using parallel imaging, and high SNR MR and PET images.


Integrated positron emission tomography (PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) holds great promise for disease characterization as it enables the simultaneous measurement of complementary molecular and anatomical information on disease. Due to the extremely high cost of integrated PET/MRI systems, the clinical acceptance is limited by the dissemination which leads to a restricted amount of installations. To accommodate this problem, the concept of an insertable and removable PET insert is attractive (1-3). While some groups are developing PET inserts with dedicated RF transmit/receive (TX/RX) coils placed inside the PET ring, we have developed an RF-penetrable PET insert (4, 5) integrated with a custom RX-only coil that enables the use of the built-in body coil for more uniform transmit field, parallel imaging, and high SNR images.


The RF-penetrable PET system consists of 16 PET detector modules arranged in a 32 cm inner diameter ring pattern with 1 mm inter-module gaps. Each PET detector module consists of scintillation crystals, photodetectors, and analog optical links in a shielded copper Faraday cage. We electrically float the PET system with respect to the MR system using electro-optical signal transmission and battery power. RF transmits from the body coil through the gaps and ends of the PET ring with various RX configurations.

We have developed custom birdcage coils for 3T MRI that fit inside the PET. The birdcage coils are composed of two end rings and 16 copper rungs taped on an acrylic tube (28 cm inner diameter).

PET/RF coil configurations listed in Table 1 were tested inside the MRI with an agar phantom (17 cm diameter) placed at the isocenter.

The B1 field map was acquired using the double angle method to evaluate the transmit field uniformity (6). Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of MR images was acquired with gradient echo (GRE) and fast spin echo (FSE) (Table 2).

SNR and uniformity of the acquired B1 field maps and MR images were quantitatively analyzed based on the recommendation of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (7).

Results and Discussions

The magnitude, SNR and uniformity of the B1 maps and MR images are listed in Table 3 and Figure 2.

When the RF field transmits from the body coil through the PET insert (D), the B1 field uniformity was 67.1%, which is lower than that acquired without PET (A, B) or TX/RX coil (C). However, simulations have shown that increasing the inter-module gaps or decreasing the shielding cage heights can improve the field uniformity when transmitted from the body coil (8).

Images acquired with the body coil as a transmitter/receiver (A) showed the worst SNR due to the RF attenuation during the receiving process. The GE 8-channel array coil with no PET insert present (B) was tested as a reference coil and showed the highest SNR (Table 3).

The PET scintillation crystals are located at the axial edge of the Faraday cage and part of the custom birdcage coil extends out past the Faraday cage (Figure 1). This led to axially non-uniform B1 field and FSE image with PET + TX/RX coil (C) showed a phase-related artifact.

When the RF field penetrates through the PET insert (C, D), the transmit gain was increased to compensate for the RF attenuation. The SNR was 31.4% higher when imaged with a TX/RX coil inside the PET (C) compared to the image taken with a RX-only coil (D). However, an RX-only array coil is under development and expected to have better MR performance with parallel imaging capability.


We have shown that the SNR of the GRE MR image acquired with the custom PET/MR receive coil is 40% higher than that acquired with the body coil. By using an RF-penetrable PET insert, the MRI body coil can be used to transmit RF pulses in conjunction with a sensitive RX-only coil for uniform transmit RF field and higher SNR images.


This work was partially funded by NIH-NIBIB grant R01EB01946501.


1. Wu, et al. PET Performance Evaluation of an MR-Compatible PET Insert. IEEE TNS. 2009

2. Pichler, et al. Performance Test of an LSO-APD Detector in a 7-T MRI Scanner for Simultaneous PET/MRI. JNM. 2006

3. Jung, et al. Development of brain PET using GAPD arrays. Med. Phys. 2012

4. Chang, et al. Preliminary PET performance evaluation of an RF field-penetrable brain-sized PET insert for simultaneous PET/MR imaging. JNM. 2015

5. Olcott, et al. Prototype positron emission tomography insert with electro-optical signal transmission for simultaneous operation with MRI. PMB. 2015

6. Insko, et al. Mapping of the Radiofrequency Field. Magnetic Resonance. 1993

7. Price, et al. Quality assurance methods and phantoms for magnetic resonance imaging. Med Phys. 1990

8. Lee, et al. Studies of electromagnetic interference of PET detector insert for simultaneous PET/MRI. IEEE NSS/MIC, 2013


Figure 1. (LEFT) Image of the RF-penetrable PET system and a birdcage RF coil. (RIGHT) Schematic of the PET and RF coil inside the MRI bore.

Table 1. RF transmit and receive configurations

Table 2. MRI sequence parameters

Table 3. B1 map and MR image results

Figure 2. B1 map and MR image results

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)