Jaya Prakash1, Nick Todd2, and Phaneendra K Yalavarthy3
1Institute for Biological and Medical Imaging, Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL Institute of Neurology, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Supercomputer Education and Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Prior image based temporally constrained reconstruction (PITCR) algorithm was found to obtain accurate temperature maps with better volume coverage, and spatial, and temporal resolution than other algorithms using highly undersampled data in magnetic resonance (MR) thermometry. PITCR method is compared with the standard temporally constrained reconstruction (TCR) algorithm using ex-vivo pork muscle sample. It was seen that the PITCR method showed superior performance compared to the TCR approach with highly undersampled datasets. INTRODUCTION
MR thermometry requires estimation of
accurate temperature maps with high spatio-temporal resolution with reduced
data collection time. Thus, recent studies have focused on using under-sampled
data for estimating the temperature map with constrained reconstruction
techniques. The temporally constrained reconstruction (TCR) based scheme
applies a temporal constraint in the dynamic imaging setting, but is not
suitable when the needed data optimization is of the order of 12x. In this
work, we present an approach which applies a prior image constraint based on
the previous gradient iteration step for performing the image reconstruction and the same was validated with ex-vivo pork muscle sample.
TCR: The below
cost function is minimized iteratively for estimating the image m, from
the acquired data d1, 2:
m=\min_{m'}\{\lambda \Arrowvert (\Delta m')\Arrowvert_{2}^2 + {\Arrowvert \mathbf{W} \mathbf{F}m'- d\Arrowvert^2_2} \} ,
here F is the Fourier Transform, W represents
the binary function that represents which phase encoding lines have been
acquired, λ is a regularization
parameter, and m’ is the
image estimate. Aliasing artifacts arise by performing the reconstruction with
under-sampled data, these aliasing artifacts are removed by usage of penalty
terms (that act like filters) in the TCR algorithm. The reconstruction of the
12x under-sampled 4-D data set of 128 x 108 x 24 voxels (22 slices with 9%
oversampling) and 100 iterations takes 54.32 seconds to converge.
Prior Image based Temporally
Constrained Reconstruction (PITCR): The following
cost function is minimized iteratively for estimating the image m, from
the acquired data d3:
m=\min_{m'}\{\tilde{\lambda} \left[ \alpha \Arrowvert \triangle (m'-m'_{pr})\Arrowvert_{2}^2 + (1-\alpha) \Arrowvert (\triangle m')\Arrowvert_{2}^2 \right] + {\Arrowvert \mathbf{ F} m'- d \Arrowvert^2_2 \}},
here α represents the weighting factor and is set as
0.3 in this work. The prior image (m'pr) is given as:
m'_{pr} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} m'_{j+1} & \mbox{if } j > t*, \\ m'_{j-1} & \mbox{if } j < t*. \end{array}\right. ,
here t* represents the time point at which maximum
temperature arises. The reconstruction of the 12x under-sampled 4-D data set of
128 x 108 x 24 voxels (22 slices with 9% oversampling) and 100 iterations takes
88.48 seconds to converge.
Testing. HIFU heating was performed on ex-vivo pork muscle sample, the imaging
parameters for the acquired under-sampled data were: 1.5 x 1.5 x 3.0 mm
resolution, 128 x 108 x 24 imaging matrix (22 slices plus 9% slice
oversampling), TR = 25 ms, TE = 10 ms, EPI Factor = 9, bandwidth = 738
Hz/pixel, flip angle = 20o, 6x under sampling, and time interval of
1.2 seconds per under-sampled time frame. This acquired 6x under-sampled data
was further under-sampled by 50% to show the efficacy of PITCR method.
Figure 1 shows the temperature maps from
the original TCR and the PITCR algorithm with 6x under-sampled data and 12x
under-sampled data and the corresponding difference maps (where the truth is obtained by inverse Fourier transform). The temperature
versus time profile is also shown in Fig. 1, which clearly indicates the
superior performance of PITCR over the TCR approach with lesser data. Note that
the reconstruction time using PITCR algorithm is much higher compared to TCR
algorithm, but this is overcome by requirement of fewer measurements. This
result indicates a promising step towards realizing availability of temperature
maps with very fewer measurements.
The Microsoft Corporation under the
Microsoft Research India Ph.D. Fellowship Award and SPIE Optics and Photonics
Education Scholarship, and Department of
Biotechnology (DBT) Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award (IYBA) (Grant No.
1. Todd et al. MRM; 71, 1394-1404, 2014.
2. Todd et al. MRM; 67, 724-30, 2012.
3. Prakash et.
al. Med. Phys; 42, 6804-6814 2015.